Please help--Going in Sept with an infant--DDP?


New Member
Hi everyone! I was just curious to get your opinions. I am 29 weeks pregnant, at home on bedrest with a high-risk pregnancy. Our annual trip in May has been eliminated due to this so we thought we would go in
September of this year. Depending whenI go into labor we could be traveling with a 2 month old or a 4 month old. What is WDW like in Sept? Is the weather still nice? We just want to be able to enjoy ourselves since we have been through a lot lately--I know how could you not have a good time at WDW! Every year we have gone in May it has been perfect--weather, minimal crowds. Also, it will be during the free dining plan. This is our first baby and I have no idea what it is like to eat with an infant. Would the dining plan be too much for sit-down restaurants and such? Thank you all for your replies. I always get such helpful advice from eveyone here.


Well-Known Member
Hi And I hope things go ok with you..My dd was born 3 months early in aug and was under a pound... she came home in Jan and we just wentto Disney in April for 10 days... She was 7 months old but tech only 4 months... abd she is tube fed.... But we had no prob at all... We took breaks whenever we needed to and she slept in the stroller or in the snugli most of the time.. She was great in the rest and every rest let us bring in the stroller because she is too small for a high chair.... She did great in the shows and on the rides..... At night she would start to fuss if it had been a long day so we just went back to the room.. I think iot will be fine if you just follow the babys needs.. Hope you have fun and I hope the Baby Is happy and healthy... Dana
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
olive10tails said:
...Also, it will be during the free dining plan. This is our first baby and I have no idea what it is like to eat with an infant. Would the dining plan be too much for sit-down restaurants and such? Thank you all for your replies. I always get such helpful advice from eveyone here.

I'd suggest making ADRs with restaurants of interest, but be prepared to change/cancel them if the baby's schedule doesn't coincide. As Dana stated, let the baby's needs be your guide and you'll be fine!

Since you've been through a lot, a consideration [depending on your comfort level] might be to book a babysitter for one evening and a nice, romantic dinner at Le Cellier or some other really nice restaurant for just the two of you. My ex would never have trusted anyone else with DS :rolleyes:, thus the "comfort level" comment.
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New Member
Plan ahead and know where the baby centers are. These centers are equipped with anything you might need when you are there with a baby. They have special areas for nursing mothers, changing tables, kitchen type area, etc. You name it they have it. My little girl was almost 2 the first time she went and we ended up staying at the park longer than planned and ran our of diapers and we were able to purchase a little diaper kit that had a couple of diapers, wipes, and diaper rash medicine. You pay a little more but these places are wonderful.
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Well-Known Member
tharmscott said:
Plan ahead and know where the baby centers are. These centers are equipped with anything you might need when you are there with a baby. They have special areas for nursing mothers, changing tables, kitchen type area, etc. You name it they have it. My little girl was almost 2 the first time she went and we ended up staying at the park longer than planned and ran our of diapers and we were able to purchase a little diaper kit that had a couple of diapers, wipes, and diaper rash medicine. You pay a little more but these places are wonderful.

yes they are so great.. We took advantage of these great places alot... They have quiet places to feed and change the baby and just to give you alil break from all the excitement...another thing... try not to let the baby get overstimulated... we let maggie see a lil bit of the parade then we put her in the stroller and covered her up.. same with shows and things with loud noises.. we had to cover her ears up.. She did love muppet vision though and watched the whole thing..:lol:
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New Member
"Let the baby be your guide" is the best advice. We took our oldest son to WDW when he was 3 months old. It was one of the easiest trips with him because he slept in his carrier wherever we were and I just nursed wherever. I think you should make ADR so you can at least get into sitdown places. We noticed when we were there in April that a lot of places were full and didn't take any walk ups. The baby centers are great places. Even if you just need a cool spot to nurse or feed the baby. ALmost all of the bathrooms also have nice big changing areas. We have been in September and it was hot during the day but cooled down at night. Have a great trip and Happy almost Mothers Day! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
September is cooler than July and August, and less crowded as well. You've had lots of good advice here already! I'll just repeat that if you relax and take each day at the pace that feels right to both you and your little one, you'll have a great trip.
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