Pleading for help with a magicless friend


Well-Known Member
How well do we like this guy and why are we going with him?

If the answer is a lot, then there are other things to do. Go to Cocoa Beach, Kennedy Space Center is interesting, seen Tampa? How about an airboat ride on the St. John's River? etc.

What's his favorite food? There are wonderful restaurants all around WDW. A good meal can create a positive atmosphere.

And then ...

If the answer is not a lot, then let's not waste our time here. As has been pointed out a great deal above, you can't change people, just your reaction to them.


New Member
Some "Friends" are not worth having ... if this person is really a "friend" then being a true friend would mean giving something a try in the name of friendship.

Find a new friend at the park that day to spend time with and forget this so called friend.


New Member
It takes all kinds to make a world, and there is definately different strokes for different folks.
I love WDW through and through and like planning for upcoming trips day after day. Even my wife says I'm fanatical about WDW.
But there are many like your friend that have other tastes as well. Yeh I know it's hard to understand how anyone could not like Disney but it happens.

I've got a fellow co-worker that I've tried to convert, yet all he wants to talk about is Universal and how much cheaper they are. I try to convince him there is no comparison, that he may pay more at WDW but there's so much more to see and do. Dollar for dollar, WDW wins hand down in my book. But he just keeps going back to Universal and IOA thinking he's getting a good deal.

I also was discussing WDW with a client at work this week and told him of my upcoming trip this week to WDW. He was very negative about it all, saying he'd been there on a 2 day business stay at AK Lodge and how he hated paying $400 a night and still had to pay for breakfast. He complained about all the warnings about feeding the animals, said they should have been closer, and that he felt like he was in prison because of all the video surveillance and posted warnings. He thought the whole place, or what he'd seen of it ( yeh, what justice can 2 days have?), was a waste of time and money and said "he'd never go back."

I guess those kind of people just can't be convinced about how great WDW really is. I just scratch my head in bewilderment and tell them to " have a magical day !"

I'm packed and leaving home in about 3 hours for another week's stay at ASMusic. Yall excuse me while I catch a few :snore: zzzz's. I'm going to Disney World,, again

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
After further thought, I'm going to say that if the friendship means anything to you, then you are going to have to be the one who 'bends'. Maybe you can 'make a deal'. Ask him if there's anything going on in the area that he would like to attend. (baketball game, hockey game, football game a play, museum, IOA, etc. then say "ok, I'm willing to try your idea how about trying one park for me?" Some people are OK with this, some will look at it in a negative view. Usually works for me and DH. "I want to go on a week trip with the guys to FL to race motorcycles. OK, as long as we get to go to WDW" :eek: See, a little give, a little get!:animwink:

Best of luck but whatever you do, don't ruin a friendship over it! It's just not worth it. :)


New Member
I also was discussing WDW with a client at work this week and told him of my upcoming trip this week to WDW. He was very negative about it all, saying he'd been there on a 2 day business stay at AK Lodge and how he hated paying $400 a night and still had to pay for breakfast. He complained about all the warnings about feeding the animals, said they should have been closer, and that he felt like he was in prison because of all the video surveillance and posted warnings. He thought the whole place, or what he'd seen of it ( yeh, what justice can 2 days have?), was a waste of time and money and said "he'd never go back."

My first time back to WDW as an adult was on a business trip. We were at Epcot the whole time and it was incredibly dull for reasons that had nothing whatsoever to do with Disney.

I would've been like that guy if I hadn't gone to watch Illuminations on my own. I just knew I had to come back with my family. I think you have to have a sense of curiosity and wonder to appreciate not only Disney, but life in general.

I'll bet this client of yours never did anything outside of his business plans.


Well-Known Member
I've got a fellow co-worker that I've tried to convert, yet all he wants to talk about is Universal and how much cheaper they are. I try to convince him there is no comparison, that he may pay more at WDW but there's so much more to see and do. Dollar for dollar, WDW wins hand down in my book. But he just keeps going back to Universal and IOA thinking he's getting a good deal.

I also was discussing WDW with a client at work this week and told him of my upcoming trip this week to WDW. He was very negative about it all, saying he'd been there on a 2 day business stay at AK Lodge and how he hated paying $400 a night and still had to pay for breakfast. He complained about all the warnings about feeding the animals, said they should have been closer, and that he felt like he was in prison because of all the video surveillance and posted warnings. He thought the whole place, or what he'd seen of it ( yeh, what justice can 2 days have?), was a waste of time and money and said "he'd never go back."

I guess those kind of people just can't be convinced about how great WDW really is. I just scratch my head in bewilderment and tell them to " have a magical day !"

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

The strangest complaint I've heard about Disney was from a guy at work who said his son went there for his honeymoon. The son's complaint was that it was too much Disney and that you can't get away from it! He said that Mickey/Disney stuff was everywhere. I said 'That's why they call it Disney World! What did he expect?' He said that he didn't expect that much Disney.



Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! That was nice of you to pass on the fastpasses....I would have used mine, then gone around and gone on again. You are a better person than I.

Yeah I did have a DOH! moment right after I handed over the FPs. But I live 2-1/2 hours away. Those kids may have been from "up north." :cool: But I did think about riding a few times before I heard them trying to figure out if they wanted to wait that long or do something else. Been there, done that. Peter Pan 1.25 hour wait in August killed the whole waiting game for me. :fork:


Well-Known Member
The strangest complaint I've heard about Disney was from a guy at work who said his son went there for his honeymoon. The son's complaint was that it was too much Disney and that you can't get away from it! He said that Mickey/Disney stuff was everywhere. I said 'That's why they call it Disney World! What did he expect?' He said that he didn't expect that much Disney.


Sadly, I hear that more and more often, now. And... I'm starting to agree... :lookaroun

(but, another story for another thread! :D )


Well-Known Member
Sadly, I hear that more and more often, now. And... I'm starting to agree... :lookaroun

(but, another story for another thread! :D )

It's like spending an entire week in a car dealership. Or worse, wlaking up and down a mall with a bunch of cell phone salespeople waiting to jump out at you. It gets so in your face that you get defensive about it.
I really hope this works out for you, however you decide to handle it. I do have to say though, when it comes to how people spend their vacation time, they can be very protective of where they go and what they spend their money on. I personally believe once anyone gets to WDW, they should be instantly converted, but I'm sure this is not always the case. I was very lucky...I convinced DH to go this year(he wanted the Bahamas) with all my sibs and their spouses/significant others and all the kids and once he saw all the things we could do on our "nights off" (the advantage of traveling with the family), he is now agitating for an extended weekend trip for just the two of us to the World.

It is such a special place, and if this doesn't work out, I hope you find a friend who can share (or at least indulge!) your love of it.


New Member
Most people convert the minute the hit main street and look at the castle. some convert a little too sister-in-law thought our family was crazy when she married my brother. Now I am jealous by how much they get to go. we wanted her to like it,but she LOVES it.


When we went to Disney for the first time my children and I were nervous on how we would deal with my husband..he really didn't want to go and we were afraid he was going to be a real grump. First day we arrived it was raining and hubby was grumbling...we bought some ponchos and he even complained about wearing one.....well he put it on and for some reason the magic of Disney kicked in and he enjoyed the trip so much he booked a return trip for the following Christmas the second we got home. We now go at least once a year. Now I'm not saying that is going to happen...but if your friend really hates Disney you can't change that...but you can have him as a friend that won't do Disney and get another that will. Hope all goes well.


Some "Friends" are not worth having ... if this person is really a "friend" then being a true friend would mean giving something a try in the name of friendship.

Find a new friend at the park that day to spend time with and forget this so called friend.

I agree, find a new "friend". :lookaroun


Original Poster
Well thank you everyone for such wonderful comments and replies. XD! Our friendship is a good 5 year friendship going on 6 to waste over disney. I love disney and well, he's arriving in 11 hours!! YAY!! He seems happy that he'll get to seem me and he even asked me what park we were going to do when he arrived. It's going to be MGM since it has Extra Magic Hours tonight. =D I hope this works out for the best and I'm hoping not to convert him fully but at least for him to have a little bit of pixy dust in him. <3

Thank you all and I'll keep you updated. =D By the way, I'm limited by transportation so we can't do universal or oher attractions. Just Disney =D Plus we can't get into universal for free like I can get him into disney for free.

I'll update as soon as our trip is over and thank you everyone once again for the support!!! <3


Original Poster
All right!! The trip was amazing! I do have to state that now I know why guest are sometimes grumpy! You seriously can't do the parks in 4 days that's for sure. We were running about and trying to catch shows and all the parades and fireworks.

On monday his bus arrived late so we went to MGM late!! But it's MGM, you can do that in less then 3 hours especially if it's dead, in which it was. He rode TOT and was like "ok?" Was that supposed to be scary? lol And I agree after riding that ride over and over already every day off I can. He did like it though. We did star tours and he liked that as well. We saw the Mupets 3D and he liked that one as well. lol

We did osbourne lights and he was just curious about how they did that and was angered when the "snow" kept falling in his eyes.

We didn't catch fantasmic because it was raining during our 4 days. I know!! I know!! I've been waiting forever for him to visit and this happened to me. I swear, I have the worse luck in the world. And guess what?? The day he was to leave, it was sunny as heck!! *sighs* Anyhow, we weren't going to let rain ruin this vacation. I work here, I work through rain and humidity so we didn't even use our panchos, but we did work through sprinkles and what not. It wasn't so bad.

We did one mans dream and I was enjoying his curiousity. He read every single tablet in that building. He even commented on some of them as he read to himself. He'd say "wow" "oh man" to some of the things disney did while growing up. Then he saw the film and I asked him he liked it and he responded that "it was nice." "That his love for disney was a remarkable one."

We did Great Movie Ride and he really liked that one. He was playing along with the spiel by bowing down when the gansters attacked. His head was moving all over the place looking everywhere. It was interesting to see all this.

The next day we did Magic Kingdom! We did almost everything except snowwhites scary adventures, dumbo, toontown, . Now, I wasn't sure if he liked rollercoasters or not. We got to tomorrowland and we rode TTA and sadly COP wasn't running. So we were doing all this during MVMCP!! No waiting for any of the rides and Space Mountain was 5 minutes =D He saw in the front, I sat right in back of him. x_x After the ride, he wanted to kill me!! :lookaroun He was shocked at Space Mountain and he really didn't like it very much. He's a simple type of guy that doesn't like sudden turns, he was wondering if he was going to hit the bars so he kept d__________g down to make sure he wouldn't hit anything. He hates sudden drops. Stuff of that nature and oh yeah, bumpy rough rides. So yeah x_x Because of that, he didn't ride Thunder Mountain. Which is okay, you gotta respect someone if they don't like the ride ya know. So he did ride Splash Mountain though. He liked it lots! Funny, because I can't stand the ride. I mean, I like it and all, but those drops kill me because they're slow drops.

He liked the ending song and whatnot. He didn't like haunted mansion or didn't care for it much. As for the kiddy rides, he thought they were cute.

He really liked the Xmas Parade! and wishes! I hate wishes so this once again is funny =/ And he wasn't doing it to spite me at all lol. He actually did like wishes. He also liked illuminations and holiday wishes.

He liked most of the rides in animal kingdom. We didn't ride Kali or safari or everest because it was raining hardcore and well, he doesn't like rollercoasters. Dinosaur was cool for him. He also really liked Nemo Musical.

I wanted him to ride in the front of the monorail and by all means, I think this was his most favorite. He was asking tons of questions and was interested in the ride.

We ate at bomas and japan and beaches and cream and earl of sammich. He didn't like bomas. The other places, he liked. Bomas was too wild for him. Like I said, he's a simple type of guy. Anyhow, sorry for the long post. =/ We had a great time, we didn't fight at all and he was glad he came to see me so that's all that matters! He even said he might come back one day with me. lol


New Member
Just goes to show you that you never know...

glad it went well

All right!! The trip was amazing! I do have to state that now I know why guest are sometimes grumpy! You seriously can't do the parks in 4 days that's for sure. We were running about and trying to catch shows and all the parades and fireworks.

On monday his bus arrived late so we went to MGM late!! But it's MGM, you can do that in less then 3 hours especially if it's dead, in which it was. He rode TOT and was like "ok?" Was that supposed to be scary? lol And I agree after riding that ride over and over already every day off I can. He did like it though. We did star tours and he liked that as well. We saw the Mupets 3D and he liked that one as well. lol

We did osbourne lights and he was just curious about how they did that and was angered when the "snow" kept falling in his eyes.

We didn't catch fantasmic because it was raining during our 4 days. I know!! I know!! I've been waiting forever for him to visit and this happened to me. I swear, I have the worse luck in the world. And guess what?? The day he was to leave, it was sunny as heck!! *sighs* Anyhow, we weren't going to let rain ruin this vacation. I work here, I work through rain and humidity so we didn't even use our panchos, but we did work through sprinkles and what not. It wasn't so bad.

We did one mans dream and I was enjoying his curiousity. He read every single tablet in that building. He even commented on some of them as he read to himself. He'd say "wow" "oh man" to some of the things disney did while growing up. Then he saw the film and I asked him he liked it and he responded that "it was nice." "That his love for disney was a remarkable one."

We did Great Movie Ride and he really liked that one. He was playing along with the spiel by bowing down when the gansters attacked. His head was moving all over the place looking everywhere. It was interesting to see all this.

The next day we did Magic Kingdom! We did almost everything except snowwhites scary adventures, dumbo, toontown, . Now, I wasn't sure if he liked rollercoasters or not. We got to tomorrowland and we rode TTA and sadly COP wasn't running. So we were doing all this during MVMCP!! No waiting for any of the rides and Space Mountain was 5 minutes =D He saw in the front, I sat right in back of him. x_x After the ride, he wanted to kill me!! :lookaroun He was shocked at Space Mountain and he really didn't like it very much. He's a simple type of guy that doesn't like sudden turns, he was wondering if he was going to hit the bars so he kept d__________g down to make sure he wouldn't hit anything. He hates sudden drops. Stuff of that nature and oh yeah, bumpy rough rides. So yeah x_x Because of that, he didn't ride Thunder Mountain. Which is okay, you gotta respect someone if they don't like the ride ya know. So he did ride Splash Mountain though. He liked it lots! Funny, because I can't stand the ride. I mean, I like it and all, but those drops kill me because they're slow drops.

He liked the ending song and whatnot. He didn't like haunted mansion or didn't care for it much. As for the kiddy rides, he thought they were cute.

He really liked the Xmas Parade! and wishes! I hate wishes so this once again is funny =/ And he wasn't doing it to spite me at all lol. He actually did like wishes. He also liked illuminations and holiday wishes.

He liked most of the rides in animal kingdom. We didn't ride Kali or safari or everest because it was raining hardcore and well, he doesn't like rollercoasters. Dinosaur was cool for him. He also really liked Nemo Musical.

I wanted him to ride in the front of the monorail and by all means, I think this was his most favorite. He was asking tons of questions and was interested in the ride.

We ate at bomas and japan and beaches and cream and earl of sammich. He didn't like bomas. The other places, he liked. Bomas was too wild for him. Like I said, he's a simple type of guy. Anyhow, sorry for the long post. =/ We had a great time, we didn't fight at all and he was glad he came to see me so that's all that matters! He even said he might come back one day with me. lol

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