Pleading for help with a magicless friend


Original Poster

My friend has always been a stubborn you know what. ~_~ *sighs* He for one has no interest in Disney whatsoever. I mean, he likes aladdin and has seen most of the movies growing up but he just doesn't care for it.

This monday he's coming down to visit me. He's already crossed that I'm "forcing" him to come. It's cause he said he rather save money then to come visit me. I'm a cast member so he's saving TONS OF MONEY HERE with all my discounts. He's also going to be missing a week of work.....yes, I know that's bad, but I want to show him my love for disney.

He told me that he has no magic for it whatsoever. He says it's too artifical and he sees how they treat the employees.

He's somewhat right about some of those things but come on, I've seen it all backstage yet I still have some of the magic left over.

I know "dream along with mickey" by heart and started singing it and he told me that it's time to get a reality check when I can sing and dance the whole show by now. >_>;

He's being mean! I told him to at least humor me and try to enjoy it. All he tells me is that he won't make any promises.

So as you can tell, he's going to be a grumpy one on this 4 day trip.
We're staying at coronado springs. We're also eating in japan, beaches and cream, bomas, earl of sammich and mexico in those four days. Since I work here, things should be very easy in doing what we can do and know when to do it.

We're going to be doing extra magic hours for all the parks excet epcot and since it's the week after thanksgiving, it's going to be dead. =D No Lines!!

I'm also going to be showing him illuminations. My most favorites show. I work it everynight =D

And plus we're going to do Mickeys Verry Merry Christmas this coming tuesday.

Now tell me, is there anything else I can do to make him stop being a mean and grumpy person??

I'm thinking of asking coronado springs to do something special maybe to spark some magic into him.

I'm also praying and hoping he'll catch even just a pinch of it when he comes on monday.

I just wanted to know if you've gone through this or have known anyone else that has gone through this. It's making me very fustrated and I don't want to be fighting in this trip.


Well-Known Member
Oh yikes, your asking for trouble. I know plenty of people who hate Disney and everything Disneyworld. My partner went down to The WOrld with me once and will never ever go again, nor would I try to force him to do so. Perhaps you can spend some time doing some of the romantic type things that don't necessarily smack of Disney....the boat to Downtown Disney...Cirque du Soleil...Pleasure Island....Does your friend like golf? Maybe he would prefer a round of golf at one of the excellent golf courses down there.

Those of us who love the parks and resorts have a love of Disney and will never tire of it...but there is no way to make another person like it the way you do, and I wouldn't even try.

THere are several extended similar discussion topics in the forums a family member being forbidden by her brother in law to take their kids along to the park...another about a young married couple where the husband hates Disney...

The advise is generally always the same -- you can't change other people, nor can you change their like and dislike of things. You can, however, respect their opinions and maybe try to enjoy some of the things that they like instead.


New Member
Um, Good Luck?

I wouldn't push it or expect too much. Does he have any interests like a certain country? or food? Maybe play on that.

I know 17 years ago when me and my husband went for our honeymoon, it was his first time. He was used to Opryland rides. He was very surprised by the Disney effect. We've been several times since. So, anythings possible.

Let us know how it goes and if you convert him!:rolleyes:


Original Poster
Oh yikes, your asking for trouble. I know plenty of people who hate Disney and everything Disneyworld. My partner went down to The WOrld with me once and will never ever go again, nor would I try to force him to do so. Perhaps you can spend some time doing some of the romantic type things that don't necessarily smack of Disney....the boat to Downtown Disney...Cirque du Soleil...Pleasure Island....Does your friend like golf? Maybe he would prefer a round of golf at one of the excellent golf courses down there.

Those of us who love the parks and resorts have a love of Disney and will never tire of it...but there is no way to make another person like it the way you do, and I wouldn't even try.

THere are several extended similar discussion topics in the forums a family member being forbidden by her brother in law to take their kids along to the park...another about a young married couple where the husband hates Disney...

The advise is generally always the same -- you can't change other people, nor can you change their like and dislike of things. You can, however, respect their opinions and maybe try to enjoy some of the things that they like instead.

x_x You made me spill my milk with your golf remark. He's lazy! XD! He only plays soccer and we play minature golf but It's 4 days but I'll try to squeeze minature golf somewhere maybe. He loves plays!! and that's why I was thinking Cirque du Soleil...but I asked him and he said no.

He loves videogames and especially loves mariokart! There's a mariokart arcade in both MGM and Yacht and Beach Club. So hopefully he'll enjoy himself a bit. I feel bad for dragging him but I love disney and while growing up, I never had the chance to share this with anyone and well, he's the closest friend I would want to share this with. So this is hard for me a bit. Hopefully he'll enjoy himself even a tiny bit.

Um, Good Luck?

I wouldn't push it or expect too much. Does he have any interests like a certain country? or food? Maybe play on that.

I know 17 years ago when me and my husband went for our honeymoon, it was his first time. He was used to Opryland rides. He was very surprised by the Disney effect. We've been several times since. So, anythings possible.

Let us know how it goes and if you convert him!

We both love ANIME and the japanese culture. We're going to be visiting epcot japan and eating there as well. Thank You.


Well-Known Member
I think you may be building yourself up for a major falling out over this. Forget about trying to make him like Disney - you are going to push him too much and he is going to resent you for that. The best thing I could recommend is that you DON'T get too into doing Disney! Seriously - spend some time at the parks, some time out of them. I am assuming you will have a car if you work down there, so for one night instead of doing Disney go to Cafe Tu Tu Tango, or maybe the Melting Pot. Spend a day checking out the other resrots - especially Animal Kingdom Lodge and Wilderness Lodge. Whatever you do, don't get too immersed in it. This is as much for your sake as his, trust me after a few years there you will not want to even walk through the gate sometimes.


Original Poster
I think you may be building yourself up for a major falling out over this. Forget about trying to make him like Disney - you are going to push him too much and he is going to resent you for that. The best thing I could recommend is that you DON'T get too into doing Disney! Seriously - spend some time at the parks, some time out of them. I am assuming you will have a car if you work down there, so for one night instead of doing Disney go to Cafe Tu Tu Tango, or maybe the Melting Pot. Spend a day checking out the other resrots - especially Animal Kingdom Lodge and Wilderness Lodge. Whatever you do, don't get too immersed in it. This is as much for your sake as his, trust me after a few years there you will not want to even walk through the gate sometimes.

o_O This is my second college program. After a few years, I'll be the same old cast member. As a matter of fact, I'm coming back in two years for photopass.I'm not going to force him while down here but I'm also going to hopefully enjoy ourselves.

And well, I kinda want him to like disney, but I also understand if he doesn't. But I also don't want him to be grumpy when he comes down.


New Member
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

You will never fully change a person - I tried with my girl friend when I was in college and it did not work. I wasted 4 years of my life.

My Dad HATES Disney and is horrible to be around at the parks. I don't even mention it anymore while he is around.

Given the feedback here, may I suggest you make time for Disneyquest?

Please just go with the flow, and don't over think this. I hope it all goes well for you. Maybe we'll bump into you next week - you never know! Planning on about 5 days at Epcot!


Well-Known Member
Yeah seems like we want to spend all our available time at WDW parks - I don't think we are normal. :) I'm OK with that! I know how it is - I get time off and want to go to WDW and I get all those dang stinky excuses from my friends....costs too much, too much walking around, too far to drive (2.5 hours!) or there is nothing to do there... :confused:

I feel sorry for you or empathy or whatever you want to call it! Not sure trying to convey the MAGIC of Disney will help. DisneyQuest might - and some other non-Disney stuff but if I am at WDW by gosh we are doing the parks! I think the after-Thanksgiving slowness is a good time because the crowds and crying children will be less annoying. Maybe if this person loves you as a close friend he will be a good sport. GOOD LUCK!


New Member
You are not responsible for his grumpy mood. He is.

He is knowingly going on a WDW vacation with you. As he has agreed to come along on the trip, already knowing that Disney is not his thing, he needs to s u c k it up and not ruin it with a bad mood. Nor should he guilt trip you about it and continue to complain when he's actually there.

He is your friend and as such should understand your desire to share something important to you with him. Your responsibility, as his friend, is to take it slow, enjoy your time together with him and don't push too much magic at him. The rest is up to him.


Well-Known Member
I just want to post a warning. I took a group of friends down, including one of my alleged "best" friends this past October. These were not people who despised Disney. It ranged from some strong DL lovers to middle of the road. Well, needless to say, most of them wanted nothing to do with the parks. I went in wanting to share it with my friends and my love of the parks. We were there opening weekend of Food & Wine, and we left Epcot before 5:00 PM to go drink at the pool bar (another story). There were phonecalls to other people about how "stupid" and "fake" the place was. In general, it really hurt our friendship and it has still not recovered. I would caution you about going in trying to show him your side of it. People sometimes (often) don't get that and don't want to take time to do what others enjoy. I don't mean to sound cynical; I just don't want to see you get into something like I had. Best of luck! :animwink:


Account Suspended
I just want to post a warning. I took a group of friends down, including one of my alleged "best" friends this past October. These were not people who despised Disney. It ranged from some strong DL lovers to middle of the road. Well, needless to say, most of them wanted nothing to do with the parks. I went in wanting to share it with my friends and my love of the parks. We were there opening weekend of Food & Wine, and we left Epcot before 5:00 PM to go drink at the pool bar (another story). There were phonecalls to other people about how "stupid" and "fake" the place was. In general, it really hurt our friendship and it has still not recovered. I would caution you about going in trying to show him your side of it. People sometimes (often) don't get that and don't want to take time to do what others enjoy. I don't mean to sound cynical; I just don't want to see you get into something like I had. Best of luck! :animwink:

I had a similiar experience... It was miserable.. :(

I still give dirty looks to some of the people involved.

More recently, my other half wanted to do Halloween Horror Nights, but circumstances ruined that, but MNSSHP "for me" was already scheduled and worked out. Well.. worked out is relative.. Because Horror Nights went sour, it was grump fest for the whole MNSSHP (which included a nice resort room - water view) and other things.

We're going to Orlando today ironicly, doing the car show and some Disney. My grump actually likes Disney though.. was just upset about HHN. I don't know if i care about a car show.. but it's important to the grump, so i'm going. It's just a few hours.

Hopefully your grump will not be yuckey about Disney for you. Wish you the best. I know it can be hard.


New Member
I would find things he might like at WDW based on his interests and expose him to that in small doses.

If he loves plays, take him to one of the stage shows like "Festival of the Lion King."

Buzz Lightyear is like sort of like being in a videogame. Try that.

Don't try to push it as being a "magical" experience. Just have fun.


Well-Known Member
And well, I kinda want him to like disney, but I also understand if he doesn't. But I also don't want him to be grumpy when he comes down.

If he is grumpy, then buy him a Grumpy t-shirt. Or get yourself an "I'm with Grumpy" t-shirt. Also get him a "1st time" button at guest relations.


Well-Known Member
You work there, so you won't be missing anything by not going. Just ask him where he wants to go and go there. Maybe go to Island of Adventure if he likes rides or just bum around, there is a lot to do in the area. By dragging him to disney you will just have hurt feelings (both sides) and you certainly won't enjoy yourself.


Well-Known Member
Reading the post from Epcot82guy I remember MY EPCOT trip this past May with a large POURED rain at about 4pm. I had our 10 FP to Soarin and only 3 of us (me, my hubby and a friend) would stay because of the rain. OH also the Guess Who were in concert so we couldn't miss that!!

I was really sad that everyone else drove back (in the rain) - the rest of us bought the $7 ponchos and found our way to Soarin. I just felt like WDW is so great that we would all stick it out together! But not everyone feels that way - and some of the folks really ranted on Universe of Energy...:cry: but never mind that... There was a group of teenagers - 7 of them - upset about the 80 minute Soarin wait and guess what? I had 7 FPs that our friends missed out on and handed it to them. They were stoked! :xmas:

Hope any misfortune felt it the presence of party-poopers has a silver lining in the end!


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! That was nice of you to pass on the fastpasses....I would have used mine, then gone around and gone on again. You are a better person than I.


New Member
Well, I went through this kind of experience when I was a tour guide, and it made me really sad... People in the groups just wanted thrill rides... But then, I just realized that there are people who just don't feel the magic. And it's just pointless to try to give them some magic... you can't give anyone magic. If the person can't feel it when entering the MK and seeing the castle, or after seeing Wishes... it's a hopeless case.


Well-Known Member
Everybody finds magic in their own things. What one person finds magical is another person's torture.

And please, do NOT get him a first time button! Just...don't.

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