Disney Warrior
Well-Known Member
View attachment 579441
Welcome one and all to the first day of Whose Park is it Anyway; where everything is made up, and the points don't matter! Now who is playing today? Why everyone is able to play today! Feel free to chime in when you want too! Want to response to the prompt I posted? Go for it! Want to riff on what someone else posted in terms of the prompt? Go for it! Want to take over the world via the use of a giant alien starfish who little baby spore starfish? Well don't go for that because @Tegan pilots a chicken will likely harpoon your efforts!
Now onto our first game of the weekend; it's a staple of previous seasons of Whose Park is it Anyway...please welcome Scenes From A Sorcerer's Hat!
Scenes From A Sorcerer's Hat
View attachment 579442
Inspired by Scenes From a Hat, this fun activity sees various scenarios that are picked out of a Sorcerer's Hat, and players give their funniest response back! Obviously this is going to be through text given we're not in front of a live studio audience, but a live forum audience is just as fun and lively as well. Here's a video of the original Scenes From A Hat:
And here's a few previous prompts and responses from a previous season as examples:
Giving confusing directions in the Magic Kingdom
"Ok so first you go past the castle into the colony area, past the house, through the area with the giant tower, into the big courtyard, around the castle, down the path, and walk straight down the street, and that's how you leave." - @mickeyfan5534
Thoughts when on a crowded monorail ride
"Will this thing ever move?" - @DisneyManOne
"If someone on here farts, I am going to die.." - @IAmNotAHufflepuff
Now with all of these rumors let's start with the first prompt of the day!
Merchandise Disney would never sell in its stores
Decided to change it as I had a better idea.
Anything relating to a universal character/IP
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