Planning strategy and PS's


New Member
My DH and DD's (4 and 2) will be travelling to WDW May 15th-22nd. :D

We will be staying at WL, hopefully in a room with bunk beds.

I was fortunate enough to get a ressie for CRT my very first try and at 8:30 a.m. for our very first full day (HAPPY DANCE).:sohappy:

My question is - now what? What is the strategy for planning the rest of the days? Do I need PS's for other restaurants, even though we will not be going at a prime time? It is still 85+ days out. What restaurants will be best for the kids?:veryconfu

I'm just blown away that we are eating at CRT and haven't given the rest of the trip much thought. Any ideas for a strategy with the little ones would be appreciated.

BTW - it will be just 17 days short of the 4 yos 5th birthday. Should I mention that when I book our PS's?



Well-Known Member
As you're going in May you shouldn't need any PS, unless you specifically want character meals in which case it might be advisable.
My best tip would be to stay flexible, do the parks in the morning, return for an early afternoon nap (the kids - not you :lol: ) and return for the parades.
All restaurants cater for the kids - some more than others - Chef Mickeys for example
Have a good trip
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Well-Known Member
Most places you should be albe to get your PS during the trip or even the day of. (or might not need it at all.) We also found that it works really well to go to the restant and ask for a PS right when they start serving. (for example head to the place around 10:30 and ask to get PS when they open 11:30 or 12:00. (espically if you had an early start and a light breakfest.) We had some good luck this way a few times. Not only is the food at buffets very fresh, but they are setting more people right away and you tend to get in faster. We also found lunchs worked really well since we didn't know what time we would be able to make dinners with naps and all.

Most restants are good for kids. There are many that are out of the parks that are lots of fun too. (transportation can be a problem). We like Crystal Place and Libberty Town Tavern at MK. The Garden Grill and Canada at Epcot. GG is really good at celebrating birthdays and aniversys, so mention the birthday for at least a few of the PS, but not all. 50's prime time cafe at MGM (we didn't like Sci-fi, but you might.) Tusker house is a great place to get at AK, but like all restants there (expect RC) it is counter service.

I wasn't all that impresed with the food options at WL. Wispering Cannon wasn't that great for dinner, but I hear breakfest is really good. Artest point is fancy and expesnive, good if that is what you are in the mood for. However you can get to other MK resort restants pretty easily. There is a boat that goes to the Campground and Con (but it only runs until 10:00 pm and if the last boat is full, you will end up going back to MK, learned this the hard way!) We like the steak house at Con and Kona Cafe for less fancy but still really good food.

We wanted to try but never got to the buffet at the campground. I hear it is really good food (and good price) and you don't need PS. Also they have a campfire and sign along with a movie. This sounds like fun for the kids.

The buffet meal at 1900 Park Fare at GF is really good (I love the stawberry soup) Cindy and PC are there too.
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Well-Known Member
Definately do Chef Mickey's and yes I'd make PS for that even this early. It seems to fill up VERY quickly even in low season.

Your kids will LOVE Chef Mickey. The character interaction is wonderful and the food is great too!

3 days for me! 4 days for Chef Mickey and 7 for Cindy's!
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for the tips! I'll go ahead and make a PS for Chef Mickey's and try to RELAX about some of the details. "Not sweating the small stuff" is not one of my strengths when it comes to trip planning. I get kind of manic.:p

I was thinking of the ice cream social at the GG, but it is right in the middle of nap time (3 p.m.)

Fort Wilderness looks like a good option for dinner and evening down time, as DH will be in a conference for the first half of the trip and will not be buying a park pass for those days.

Thanks again!

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Well-Known Member
Well just a thought, but when we took our girls to Cindys they wore their "princess" outfits to the breakfast and just thought they were royalty themselves! (to us they are). But the photos on MainStreet USA and in the castle w/ the princesses are priceless, the girls favorites. What we did, was put them in their princess dresses, then put a change of clothes in a small backpack or plastic bag from one of the park shops, after the breakfast I changed them into their everyday clothes which were cooler and more comfy for them, then stashed the princess outfits in the bags and put them in a locker, grabbed them at the end of the day! We still have some of the Mickey confetti that the princesses gave the girls that morning. Sure hope we get the reservations for the trip in June! But congrats. on getting yours and so early at that!
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