


if your comments were directed at mine then yes its a ride but so is the tram to take u from your car to the park and so is the monorail this is just themed with flashing lights to add to the effect. The shops are in the park as are the rest rooms

Look at Magic Kingdom u have the transportatoin ant ticket office (like the moon dispatch building) then in a different locatoin u have the park (the distant planet)

if u like u can have a restroom or 2 at the moon dispatch building and a shop they will fit in as even comuters go to the toilet b4 the bored a train and go to the shop to buy somethin although i dont think the shops are necessary there will be plenty in the park

My idea was a transportaoin system like at MK nothin more!!!!!! the rides are in the park and ill let JR Imagineer give us more informayoin b4 i add my stuff

Hope u dont Mind JR IMAGINEER if i give my very detailed outline of a sectoin of a park which was your idea i dont mean to steal it or claim it as my own i just gave an idea for u to consider!

O YEh and Chad am sure aliens need to go to the toilet as well and they managed to fit restrooms into the Jungle at AK do u think they have restrooms in all Jungles


New Member
I understand that it is a transportation system, and I didn't mean to upset you, so don't get all Huffy. Yes I understand that Aliens used the bathroom, and I'm not going to sit here and argue over what the bathrooms look like. But, Jr Imagineer's idea (which might I say, is amazing, and thats the only reason I'm getting so involved in it) was to make it seem like you are on a completely different planet, and it just wouldn't really be that convincing to see a sign that says 'Restrooms' with an arrow pointing to the left when it's supposed to be a planet never visited by humans. By making it a colony, you can have things like this, and the guests would still believe they are on another planet..

And let me ask you this, if the tram is supposed to take you from the moon station, which is essentially the parking lot, how did the people get to the moon? Is this so far in the future that people now drive there cars there?

Jr Imagineer

New Member
Original Poster
I am grateful for ANY ideas brought to the table, obviously a park can't be designed by just ONE person so thats why I posted this so I can gather ideas. I am not planning on doing anything with it yet.. I am only 18 (Hence.. "JR." Imagineer) and I am hoping to use this idea far in the future. I spent the last 5 years in a visual arts specific program in high school and I am on my way to study architecture (hopefully..) at the University of Toronto next year. I am not really going to post many more of my ideas YET.. I want to gather what other people have to offer and when I have time I will sit down and start to put my ideas to paper and I will start to discuss my ideas more.

Anyway.. what I am hearing is REALLY great!!

oh and Chad Stargate is basically the inspiration for this "theme" because the whole idea and atmosphere fascinates me.. its when you try to put that type of transport system on to paper and work out inside, outside, buildings, paths, etc. etc. things become REALLY hard to design. Love the ideas though, try to think of how they can actually work in a building/structure/environment kind of way because that would really help.

Thanks again everyone!



New Member
Gotcha covered my friend :)
And I know what you mean, I tend to draw the piictures as I think up the ideas, instead of gathering them all THEN writing them, so I have a few 'overview' pictures of how things should be placed, in my mind anyways.

The entire park would be built in a crater, and while this causes problem with water drainage (Which I think I have solved) it gives the illusion of being completely surrounded in a different world. The landscape of the area would be similar to the planet in Final Fantasy, the large, arching, oddly shaped rock formations, with exotic flowers, (Similar to orchid canyon in Busch Gardens). The first place you would arrive would be 'Base Camp' which would be this park's version of Main street. They would be large, dome shaped buildings, basically shops and food places, but they would be ambigously designed as not to reveal that they are really shops. The pyramid would house two things, first, the Pyramid Exploratory Trail which I described above would be on the first floor and extend to the back and into the wall of the crater, BTW, thats the second function of the crater, rides can be built into the wall. Along with a roller coaster that would go above the trail, so it can't be seem by the guests.

Anyways, almost everything would be built into the walls, with base camp prodominently featured in the interior, I haven't completed the map, because I am still writing a list of attractions, But....I will tell ya'

Jr Imagineer

New Member
Original Poster
Dude.. are you and I like sharing the same mind?

I had a crater idea too.. but it wasn't working for me for some reason, probably cause I found it restricted a lot of theming and "land" areas.

For lands I was thinking like a alien CITY and an alien VILLAGE. The city would be futuristic whereas the village would be rural and involve nature a lot. I REALLY like the use of water too so if you have any ideas about that try to throw it in

I would use water with everything if I could.. LOL, I was gonna have water flowing down the sides of my pyramid.. OH and that was the other thing I ended up dreaming up a pyramid MUCH different than that on earth.. I want it to be totally metallic so when the sun hits certain parts of it it could almost blind guests in a way.. haha.. but not really. It doesn't have to all be shiny metal just ALL metal that possibly was animated in some way, like folded up like the batmobile or something I dunno.. like the metal would be like a cover, do you get what I am saying?


New Member
My god, we do share the same mind! The pyramid I was thinking of was a metallic, shiny black, and I wanted to have a village where all the building where covered with flowing water, and where you walked on a clear walkway that goes over the water! I never really saw the 'city' and the 'village' though, What I was envisioning was a mixture between ancient and modern, subtle changes. Using lots of crystals and very smooth metallic structures, along with the earth base camps, I also saw lots of circles, including very detailed and colorful 'crop circles' carved into the walls of the canyon....Also, mixing greecian and egyptian, like having an athenian entrance into the pyramid, mixing the two, I also wanted large mettalic spires, and a very sleek, spaceship looking sphinx, that could house a ride. Nothing would be made of stone, and even the walls of the canyon would be very smooth...Do you have IM or anything?


I think my transportatoin idea may still work just take the bit out about the thing going wrong and ending up in an unchartered planet. Make the "monorail" system the transportatoin to from Earth to the "planet" u can still have the Sar gate type bit where one door closes and another opens except u know where u are going

The guests need to get to the planet somehow

Wat do u think Junoir Imagineer

I would like to get more envolved with this idea if you will let me


New Member
OK, being the fastfood engineer that I am, I had plenty of time to think up ideas while fileting chicken. I have a general layout of the park that I wanted to run by Jr. As well as some attraction ideas. First, the building you arrive at (Which, in my plan, is on earth, sorry goofy) will be a non-descript warehouse looking building, with a large mock-shuttle to the side, to draw interest. In the back would be a large mountain that would hide the actually themepark, so all you see is this base.

Mission Control
This is the large building, home of a few shops, and a fast food commisary place. Also, containing the 'training center'

--Training center
The training center is just that, a training center, meant to train guests who will go to the new planet. It will have interactive exhibits, a centrifuge, and other fun stuff to play with, meant to be a distraction before entering the real park.

--Launch Room
This room houses the Planet Portal, a large ring, in a larger room with a ramp leading up to it. This is how you will be transported to the Planet. Lasers, fog, flashy lights, all will be seen. When you actually enter into the portal, it will be nothing more then a long hallway, but in a tube shape, with lots of special effects in it. After walking through it, You enter the Planet..

Base Camp
As soon as you step through the portal, the first thing you see is the shiny metallic pyramid that sit atop a plateau. At base camp, dome buildings surround you, the home of the scientists as they study this abandoned planet. Base camp is actually just food places and shops. The rest of the park is divided into four areas, Star Canyon, Valley of the Elders, Storm Basin, and Crevice Village. As you go through the park, the story of what happened here will unfold....

--The Pyramids
The pyramids are in the middle of everything, so the don't belong to any ONE land, but I figure I should include it with the base camp area. The pyramid is actually home to two attractions, but one of the attraction entrances is in Valley of the elders, so I won't include it here. The Pyramid Expedition is the first of a few one-of-a-kind interactive attractions that would only be found here. Now, I've changed it quite a bit since the last post where I briefly described it, so let me explain it. You would enter into the base of the pyramid, and go through a normal line, at the end, you would enter into a pre-show room, where the story would be set up. You are basically just going to explore the pyramid, and walk through some chambers on a tour. You are, however given a shield vest, which you are informed, protects you from laser blasts, and you are given a laser gun, just incase you run into something bad in there. You are also told that when the shield is hit, it uses power from your laser gun to reecharge itself, so basically, the more something shoots you, the less powerful your gun is, and the more shots it takes to kill something. Anyways, you go into a room and walk around. Your guide takes you into a chamber and starts pointing out various things. He finds a panel of some sort, and turns a nob, just out of curiosity. Sudenly the whol room starts moving, turnign and blocking off the exits. A podium rises up with writing on it, after deciphering it, you discover that it tells you,"To discover the truth, you must use you r strength and knowledge. The secrets are a gem, just beyond your grasp" You figure that the only way out of here is to figure out what the heck this means. And the guide tells you to look around the room for clues.. The podium would have a socket in it, looking like something would be put there, and the guide would probably point it out to the guests if they are stumped. Up on the wall, a jewel, that looks like it would fit the socket glistens, and one of the guests would grab it, and place it in the socket. Again, the room would spine, and a new door would open, beckoning you deeper into the pyramid. You enter, another room, that has an exit that seems to be locked.there is also a large sign with alien writing is posted on a wall, once translated, it becomes clear that it's a warning. "Enlightenment is just ahead, be brave, be strong. Collecting from the defeated will ensure your passage." Of course, everyone is dumbfounded, when suddenly, an AA warrior pops out, looking alot liek the anubis warriors from the Mummy II. The guide starts shooting at it, and it has a jewel in the middle of it's chest that shoots a beam of light out, and when it hits you, the vests that are your 'shield projectors' would vibrate. Soon, the warrior is defeated, and falls limp to the ground. The jewel in it's chest pops out, and the guide grabs it,"This is what that message meant, we have to collect the jewels from the warrior, I bet that will the door!" After that, the attraction turns into a lazar tag game, you run through this large maze room, where AA warriors would be hidden in corners and in hard to find areas, that would shoot at you, and you would have to shoot back, and take the jewel from them when they 'die' After all of them are defeated, you would meet back where you came in, and place all the jewwels in a panel, that would open the door.
Walking in, there would be one more sign, "Your courage has paid off, the knowledge of the stars is yours." The rooms around you would move away, and everything would go dark, suddenly, a glowing light appears, a deep blue. It would be in the shape of a human, but would have small glowing dots orbiting it. This would make use of hologram technogolgy. It would speak, and an amazing show would be put on, he would reveal to you the birth of the universe, with the use of pyrotechnics, fireworks, water screens, and all sorts of fun stuiff like that. at the end, the room would go dark, and a single door would open, letting light into the room, you would walk in, and fine yourself back in the rotating room from the beginning, anf would be able to exit back to the park...
PHEW! Thats the first interactive ride, I'm gonna stop now, I'm tired, but I'll return and post the rest of my ideas on the theme park.


You miss understand me my Entrance Building was also on planet Earh and the Moorail Transportatoin thing took guest from earth to another planet. Like your idea only u get on an underground monorail. This way the entrance building can be a fair distance away from the park and help to keep the park hidden


New Member
I think we are planning on different levels. The park Idea I have is entirely encased in a canyon, so nothing can be seen. It would be easier and more cost effective to just have the tram from the parking lot to the entrance, and whats this about an underground monorail?


New Member
ok, ok, anyways, moving on.
Valley of the elders lies behind the pyramids (which stand out like an island in the middle of the park.) It resembles temples, and large buildings, most of which are built into the walls of the crater.

Valley of The Elders

--Canyon Run
this is one of my favorite ideas. for those of you who have seen final fantasy, this may make some sense, others, just give it a try. passencers will be grouped into groups of 5. 1 driver, four shooters. The driver would well, drive this buggy, that has four very large wheels on the outside to keep it from tipping (like the car at the end of FF)the other 4 will face outwards. The Basic story is that you are going to investigate some ruins in your 'buggy' And apparently, they turn out to be burial grounds. This is one of the first times you'd get to see what the aliens of this civilization would look like. Bascially, they would be a silhoute (Sp?) of a human form, and they would glow blue, and float. This would be achieved with holograms, and screens. The riders would shoot at them, the driver would drive, and at the end, you would escpae the area! Wee!

--Shrine of the ancients
this would reside in the pyramid, and would basically be a 3-d multiple sensory, multiiple effects show. fun. I'm open to suggestions on this one..Still need a story

--Space tunnel
the scientists working on unraveling the mysteries of this planet have stumbled across some sort of tunnel, what it does is still unknown, but they believe it had something to do with space travel. You would board your vehicle, which would seat 8 in 2 rows of 4, and it would move into a tunnel, lights all around would sparkle, flashing and twinkling, then, up ahead, a large crystal would start to spin, seeming to be suspended in mid air. Faster and faster it would spin, until bright lights flash, wind and cold water dropletts are blown at your face, simulating the crystal exploding. ahead, what looks to be a worm hole would appear, and you would be shot into it, reaching 70 mph in just 3 seconds. Then, the track would curve, going straight up, 90 degrees, then it would reach the top, and go over the hump, going straight down at 90 degrees, then the track would curve through tubes, upside down, doing corkscrews and all sorts of fun stuff. until it arrives back in the station, exiting the wor
m hole.

--The Arena
The final attraction in the valley of the elders. It would be themed like the colloseum, and would house a stage show, a stunt show, somewhat like gladiator (only not as bloody) where an archealogist/ explorer guy walks into a temple, and awakens these large stone guards (see tomba raider) fights ensue, etc..etc..

Small Imagineer

New Member
I love your idea for this park it sounds like a place where I would go definitely! I have an idea for you to think about. Have you ever read the book "2001 A Space Odysee"?

If you've read the book don't read this: In the book they find a large black metallic object on the moon. They had colonized it by then. The object sends out one loud radio wave and nothing else happens. A few years later a space shuttle is set out. They have the most powerful computer imaginable on the shuttle and it trys to sabatoge everything. The man that is now captain later finds out that his mission wasn't really what mission control had told him and they wanted to keep it private and secret from the world and he would be told later in the mission. He then finds out that his ship is destined to go to an alien planet. They had traced where the radio wave had gone from the object on the moon and they found it to be alien so he finds an object that resembles the object on the moon on one of Saturns moons and it transports him in a wormhole to the alien planet.

Ride Idear: You could base this to how the passengers get to the planet. They are told they'll be the first ones to go to Europia (one of Saturns moons) and they will open a colony on it. But when they board the simulator or what ever will transport them the computer that operates the ship malfunctions and the passengers are turned into complete darkness then on a screen mission control says that they will power the ship via computer on earth and they also tell them there true destination is for a distant alien planet and then the screen zaps out. The ship goes back to utter darkness and then all around them the see stars even the floor like there just floatin in space the passengers don't know it but this whole time they've been going up on a track and then they hear this loud warning siren and they are let go and are weightless for about 3 seconds falling down a 18 story drop. This will be the wormhole that they free fall down and then they are back in pitch black and like you said about lots of special effects a laser light comes out and screens over all of the humans and a tunnel door opens and you see two profesors with odly shaped heads but human form in the distance exiting the hallway. You are then let loose from the harness that are put on you and by obvious observations you exit the ride and enter into a futuristic type of city! I know it's too much like a ride but hey it's just a thought.

Jr Imagineer

New Member
Original Poster
AWESOME ideas everyone

It seems that earth scientists and researchers and guides are located all over the planet, so I am thinking how about having it seem like a deserted planet, like in ruins? and in each attraction you discover a different part to the history of the planet. Then maybe there will be an area "undiscovered" where all surviving alien life forms have migrated to. I dunno.. im also thinking of not having the ENTIRE park encased in a crater... too boring, no trees, no shade, no lush enviroment, etc. I figured having just the base camp in the crater then exiting into a world that is almost Utopia-like. Of course.. have a desert area where "nothing" can survive.. *wink*wink* I also do not like the whole classic alien look.. you know long skinny arms, huge heads with big eyes. All I think of are these really strange creatures, and I keep going back to stargate and the whole metallic horse-like aliens and things like that. I would like different races or classes. Like an army, workers, the rich/famous/respected, the rejected/ugly/outcast, etc.

Well keep up the great ideas!

Small Imagineer

New Member
Hey what about in Base Camp they can't see the aliens but there will be like two story buildings and all they can see are shadows displayed onto the window moving around in the building! And your guide says don't look at them strait in the eye they see it as a threat and for the brave they alien shadow head seems to turn and look at them and the lights flicker in the building when someone does this and then the eyes turn red and the guide turns back around and says "I said don't look at them they have the power to destroy this whole station by then the alien has gone away and then it happens again after about three groups down and so then everyone sees the lights flicker but it's more like a random thing!

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