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WDW's PotC does have a GREAT queue. WDW could easily benefit by adding a few touches from the DL version. The pirates dragging the treasure up hill (at the end of DL's ride)could be added, actually seeing the spanish conquistadors in the fort, the swashbuckling shadows as you enter the city from the battle scene, a new Johnny Depp pirate integrated somewhere into the ride would all be great additions.
Plus, the ride would benefit from a general cleaning and fresh paint job, newly cleaned outfits for the AA's, etc. (like what was done for IASW). I'd like to see the boats get a new "wood grain" paint job as well like the DL PotC boats just got. make the boats more realistic and less IASW looking.
making changes like this help keep classic rides fresh and exciting for visitors. Look at the responce that the TIKI ROOM at DL is getting after is massive clean up job. I expect the DL Jungle Cruise will get the same responce. Why wouldn't WDW guests give the same reaction?