Pirates of the Carribbean--In Lego!

m star

New Member
Original Poster
I want to share something with you that my brother and I created in January. We modeled the entire Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Legos. You can view the pictures here:

https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/mstarr2/www/Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.ppt

(Beware--file is large--107MB)

If you can't view the powerpoint, try this:

Enjoy! And see if you can spot the hidden mickey in each scene.

Comments are welcome. And right now, we're thinking we'll do the Great Movie Ride this summer.

Lastly, you're welcome to save a copy for your personal viewing, but please don't distribute it any further. Thanks!


Active Member
WOW! That's amazing! How long did it take you to put that together?

By the way I love that you've even gone to the detail of having the control booth this the blue glow!!!! I laughed out loud when I saw it!



Well-Known Member
Wow, that is impressive. I'm not even going to ask how long that took, or how many things you had to smash out of pure frustration to complete that.

Uof I I see?

For you Apple users.......I got it to work under keynote with only a few errors.


New Member
Wow, that is impressive. I would never ever have the patience to even attepmt to make something like that! Also, I noticed that you saved the powerpoint in a UIUC netfile... so I'm assuming that you go to U of I. So do I! Sure is a small world. ;)


New Member
wow, that was amazing! I just wish i would have saved a copy so i could show my son, because now i can't get back to it :(

great work!

m star

New Member
Original Poster
Wow, that is impressive. I would never ever have the patience to even attepmt to make something like that! Also, I noticed that you saved the powerpoint in a UIUC netfile... so I'm assuming that you go to U of I. So do I! Sure is a small world. ;)

Yep, I'm at the U of I.

I'm guessing that netfiles has a limit on how much can be downloaded...so for those people who can't see it, try again later, I guess. Maybe someone can suggest another place I can put the file. If there are enough problems, I might be able to upload all the pics to webshots, but that would take awhile.


Well-Known Member
very nice .. but with a little compression you could shrink the file to at least 20% of the size it has now :animwink:

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