Pin Trading Night at the Contemporary


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For anyone who does not collect/trade Disney pins every Friday night from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM behind the pin station on the 4th floor concourse level, Disney's Contemporary Resort has what is called Mickey's Pin Trading night. Eventhough it's 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM, I always go down for 3:30 or 4:00 PM which is when a lot of the regulars arrive. Anyway there is a un written rule among the locals who go every week that you should only use 1 table for your pin trading bags. Well in the summer since my family & I drive to WDW, I like to take 4 pin bags & because I do I would need 2 tables. 2 bags on one table & another 2 on the other table. I am not the only person who has used more then 1 table in fact I always see the locals use more then 1 table. However there have been some goody tooshoes pin traders tell me they always use 1 table, which I find hard to believe. Also some local pin trader have told me it's un fair that I am using 2 tables. Well excuse me. It's not my fault that I happen to be staying at the Contemporary so I can then go for PTN early so I can get my 2 tables. Why don't they say that to the same people who do what I do every week. I get to pin trade only 4 times a year at the Contemporary (2 times in the summer & 2 times in the winter) so if a local can't get 1 more table I am not going to worry about it because, they need to realize this. Just because they go every Friday they don't own the tables & there are some people that think like that. Last summer I was forced to give up my 2nd table because one of the locals told me another local needed it for their pins. Yes I could have said no, but then word would get around that I was being selfish & unfair so then I was in a no win situation there. Also the local who asked me to give up my table was using 2 tables, so why didn't she give up her extra table? Anyway that's my rant thanks for reading this & please tell me what you all think.

Next vacation to Walt Disney World
August 8-19, 2006 at Disney's Contemporary Resort.


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I forgot to mention that I have become friends with 2 locals who go the Contemporary 99.9% every week & they don't care that I have 2 tables. So I am saying there are some good people who trade there, unforintanitly there are a lot of snobby pin traders who go thinking that they can tell people what to do & make them feel bad for breaking an un written rule, which they break themselves. So if you would like to comment on this please do because, I want to get opinions from people who don't pin trade & if some pin traders happen to respond I would also like what you would have to say.

Next vacation to Walt Disney World
August 8-19, 2006 at Disney's Contemporary Resort.


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Last thing I promise to say about this. Some local pin traders told me to only bring 1 bag, when I always see people with at least 2 - 3 bags. So what's the big deal if I bring 4? I have seen people bring more then 4 pin bags on one occasion.


Active Member
There is an official rule, or atleast there used to be when the Contemporary first started pin trading, that you are only allowed one bag.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't be venting like this if you didn't feel guilty about using two tables. You're a bad, bad person.



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DisJosh said:
You wouldn't be venting like this if you didn't feel guilty about using two tables. You're a bad, bad person. Actually I don't feel guilty & this August I can't wait to use 2 tables again at PTN. Also after what I said how some the locals act about the tables what do I have to feel guilty about?


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rileyspaw said:
Get a life! 20 years old and you sound like a little kid! :brick:
Oh please if anyone has been to a PTN before you will have seen that 95% of the people there are adults around the ages of 35 & up. So if anyone are acting like little kids it's them with the tables. I am the only who is not afraid to say what some of those people are really like.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Let me see if I have this correct. Two hours and twenty minutes before you started this thread you started another thread complaining about someone taking a second helping of frozen yogurt. In that thread you stated that a cast member should have said something to this guest because it is against the rules to get a refill on frozen yogurt.

Now in this thread you are complaining that YOU are not permitted to break the rule of only using one table at the weekly Contemporary pin trading. You try to justify your position by stating that you only get to pin trade at the Contemporary 4 times a year while there are others that attend every week. So does that mean if someone can only come once a year that can use eight tables?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in this.

In principal you are no different than the guest you wrote about earlier taking an extra helping of frozen yogurt. Rules are there for a reason. You however seem to think the the rules should be strictly enforced unless of course they pertain to you then it is OK to break them.

Another forum member had a great signature you should really read an learn from.
"Wrong is still wrong even if everyone does it. Right is still right even if no one does it"


Well-Known Member
Master Yoda said:
Let me see if I have this correct. Two hours and twenty minutes before you started this thread you started another thread complaining about someone taking a second helping of frozen yogurt. In that thread you stated that a cast member should have said something to this guest because it is against the rules to get a refill on frozen yogurt.

Now in this thread you are complaining that YOU are not permitted to break the rule of only using one table at the weekly Contemporary pin trading. You try to justify your position by stating that you only get to pin trade at the Contemporary 4 times a year while there are others that attend every week. So does that mean if someone can only come once a year that can use eight tables?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in this.

In principal you are no different than the guest you wrote about earlier taking an extra helping of frozen yogurt. Rules are there for a reason. You however seem to think the the rules should be strictly enforced unless of course they pertain to you then it is OK to break them.

Another forum member had a great signature you should really read an learn from.
"Wrong is still wrong even if everyone does it. Right is still right even if no one does it"

I thought the same thing.


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Ok maybe I went to far with this post & yes I agree there is some hypocrisy, but if anyone here seriously collects Disney pins like I do knows what I am talking about.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
Ok maybe I went to far with this post & yes I agree there is some hypocrisy, but if anyone here seriously collects Disney pins like I do knows what I am talking about.
Again you have a choice. Hold yourself to a higher standard and obey the rules, regardless if anyone enforces them or not and don't complain about those that don't follow the rules.


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Master Yoda said:
Again you have a choice. Hold yourself to a higher standard and obey the rules, regardless if anyone enforces them or not and don't complain about those that don't follow the rules.
I will do the best I can to follow the un written rules at PTN, however I will still try to get 2 tables for myself because it's a lot easier when I have 4 pin bags. Also my 3 very good friends from Orlando who trade every week at the Contemporary heard some people saying statements about me which were 100% false & they told the not so good pin traders that, so this goes beyond me using 2 tables. Again I say you have to be into pin trading & go to these pin meets every week to know what I am talking about.


New Member
You're one of those people who thinks rules don't apply to them. End of discussion. There are far bigger problems than this one SHIRLEY! Try to get along in this world! :rolleyes:
lol - wow, this kid is great.

I will be staying at the Contemporary in August when he is there. I will make it a point to go to a pin trading event and steal his second table!!! :fork: :fork: :king:


New Member
WDW Fan 4 Life is the same character who had problems with a DISNEY CM not getting in the face of a guest who refilled his yogurt dish and didn't pay a second time!
Talk about a DISNEY fan going to WDW and having a great time!!
What a joke!!!!!!! :lol:

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