Originally posted by nikimsu2002
Lucky! My high school band was supposed to go down to Disney last February but because of 9-11 the school district banned trips out of the coutry and trips involving flying. Unfortuately my band directors didn't want to spend 26 hours on a bus with 100 teenagers so we ended up with a trip to Cleveland (or Clevland according to the spelling on our buttons!). It was fun but it DEFINATELY wasn't as much fun as Disney World would have been!
speaking of typos. that one is pretty bad. here is another one...
luckly, this was my 8th grade year, but at the time, it was my future high school. the year book committee misspelled the NAME OF OUR HIGH SCHOOL on the front cover, then could do nothing about it later.
instead of saying Bradley Bourbonnais High School, it said Braly bourbonnais High school. good lord, how can you screw it up? really?!:brick:
and as far as not going to disney for school trips....
every two years our choirs, bands, and orchestra all take a trip together. my freshman year it was to disney. but NO, the department said no to the freshman choir, unless we raised ALLthe money ourselves in 3 months. unfortunatly, we did, and they still said no, this time because we got the reservations in too late. so the money rolled over till my junior year, when the choirs only went to Atlanta.
sure, Atlanta was fun, but damn, disney would have been incredible!