Pin Collecting


New Member
Original Poster
Hi Guys,
We are going to WDW in Dec and my grands are now old enough to collect pins.I was going to buy some from Ebay to get them started and just wondered how much on average they are at the parks.I haven't been since 2002 and I'm afraid inflation has taken over!


Active Member
Welcome :wave:

Depending on what type of pin you get you wil spend anywhere from $6.95 to $12.95. The more special the pin the higher the cost. Also the more detailed th pin the higher th cost in most cases. To me definatey worth the money. Have fun!


New Member
The best thing to do is buy a big lot off of ebay before you go. I always buy a lot of 25 pins for around 80 bucks off of ebay and then trade them all away. Then I trade all the new pins away. There are only a few pins that I keep for myself and the rest is just the fun of trading. It does become addicting really fast though, I have a friend that went down there and had no pins. He didnt even like the idea of them. When they came back they had over 100 pins and all of them were cast member pins. He only collects to get the cast member pins which I frown upon. But everyone wants what they want. Good luck!


New Member
Warning: Pin Trading is addictive! :)

My little ones think it's great.... the 9 yr old just loves to trade, anything. He might end up keeping certain pins for 1 minute but it's part of the fun. My 6 yr old is very particular about what he wants to trade, it's kind of funny.

I also recommend getting some "cheaper" ones off of Ebay....usually they are the same pins you will get from the parks, just less money. Personally, I don't get the ones made in Spain, Sedesma (?), they are rather cheap looking and I would feel guilty having the kids trade them. Get the ones that are park or cast member pins. JMHO

Pin Trading is a great way to get the kids (and adults!) involved in another aspect of the Magic. Have fun! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Another ebay pin buyer here! :wave:

I've been able to get retired & rare pins for a fraction of the price.

Both of my girls have special collections (minnie for one & Little mermaid for the other) that they save and other pins that they will trade away.

When we had a Disney Character Wearhouse by us I was able to get a bunch of pins for $1 each. That year we had lanyards full before we went to WDW!



New Member
I've bought from Ebay, some pins that for some reason I didn't buy in the parks. ALso between trips, you can buy pins that otherwise you would miss.

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