Pictures of Disney food?


Active Member
Pics from dinner at LTT (We liked it - good food, and lots of it, but it won't be on a "must do" list for us...)

Our drinks: diet coke and chocolate milk

Warm rolls and butter (not honey butter - wah! :sad2: )

Salad (which we had already massacred! The dressing was okay, but we've had better at other family style meals):

Meal (Could have made a meal out of the green beans - they were that good!)

DH's plate (he loaded it up "for the picture", so he says... :rotfl: )

And dessert (meh):

Coming up next, Chef Mickey's breakfast!


Active Member
Here is Chef Mickey's breakkie buffet! (Note: I missed the pod in the middle - the one with the blintzes... They looked good, but I was too stuffed to try them!! )








And here are our plates:



(Again, like LTT - this was good, but nothing special. The character interaction was good for people with kids - they kind of walked right past us... Understandable, but we still wanted a picture! And we had ears on and everything!!! :( )


Active Member
Here are our pics from Le Cellier (Oh. My. God. Is all I have to say about that!!! *drool*)

We both had the Cheddar Cheese soup - I loved it with the pretzel bread, but DH found that the combination of the two together was a bit too salty. Seeing as I was a hamster (with a salt lick) in my past life, I thought it was great!! :lol:


Here is my entrée - Mushroom filet mignon. I'm not normally into risotto, but this was amazing (and you could practically cut the meat with a fork)!!


Here is DH's meal - he got the pork tenderloin. He says that he originally got it because it came with sweet potatoes, but that the pork was soooo good that he forgot about the potatoes in the end!!


And here is our dessert sampler (we couldn't decide what to get). We both gave very different scores for the desserts, but overall, our favourite was the raspberry sorbet (although I loved the crème brulée!)



Active Member
Dinner at Restaurant Marrakesh (Soooo good! Really worth trying if you've never been there!!)

Bread with the meal:

DH's appetizer (he had the Marrakesh Feast): beef brewat roll and harira soup (he forgot to offer me a bite of the roll - he loved it that much!)

My appetizer: Chicken Bastilla (omg so good! But I remembered to share! ;) )

His Meal: Lemon chicken, Vegetable Couscous and Shish Kebab

My meal: Chicken and Vegetable Couscous (Note: I am super picky about my couscous because I make it all the time at home. I could have kissed the chef - this is what I keep trying to get it to taste like!!! However, it was pretty slim on the veggies IMHO...)

And we were too stuffed for dessert!! :(

Here are two shots of the BWI Concierge breakfast offerings (simple, but good and fresh):



We split a plato combinacion. It includes a beef burrito, a quesadilla, chicken taco and refried beans and salsa. Surprisingly tasty!


Active Member
Alfredo's: While it was good (and the waiters were yummy too! ;) ) we probably won't put it on our "must repeat" list... If only because there are some pretty extraordinary Italian places around our house which compete quite favourably with our experience last night.

My appetizer: buffalo mozzarella and tomatoes, with olive oil and basil (very nice and light)


DH's appetizer: the world famous fettucini alfredo - it was REALLY good and very different compared to what we would normally label as a white sauce (v. heavy on the parmesan - good for me, less good for DH)

My entrée: The pasta trio (I figured it was the best way to try everything) - the simple tomato sauce on the penne was spot-on. Tasted a lot like my ex stepmother's sauce (the only thing I miss about her! :lol: )

DH's entrée: the lasagna. Again, very good, but ridiculously heavy and filling!

As always, we were too stuffed for dessert (although the platter did look very good!)

Snack of rice cream and cinnamon roll from Norway!!


Active Member
Rose & Crown: I think DH died and went to heaven once we discovered this restaurant!! They had a scotch flight, shown here (he did the Johnny Walker flight):

And we split an entrée of fish and chips (Shown split here):

Side salad and Bangers and Mash (split in half before I remembered to take the picture...) DH desperately wanted to do the single malt scotch flight... Who was I to stand in the way!! ;) As always, everything was delicious!



Nine Dragons: DH and I must have gone to a different restaurant than everyone who panned this place... We loved it! Then again, we do love Chineese food and we regularly visit the more "upscale" places in Montreal, so we didn't have any sticker shock when we saw the prices. In all things (atmosphere, price, quality), this restaurant compared very favourably to the ones we frequent back home - we will definitely be back!

Appetizers - pot stickers and cucumber salad (both were awesome!)

Main dishes
Canton Pepper Beef with scalion noodles (OMG, yum!)

Honey Sesame Chicken: Very good, and we practically licked the plate. However, next time we may try something different, as the honey taste was pretty overpowering... At one point, I said to DH "You know, these taste like upscale McNuggets!". To which he said: *mumblemumble - stuff face with food* (As in, that's nice, dear, but could you shut up and pass me the plate! :rotfl: )

Side bowl of fried rice (extra) and FREAKING HUGE bowl steamed rice (included with meal):


Too stuffed for dessert!


Active Member
Chefs de France: I wanted to eat here b/c this way, we will have eaten at EVERY WS restaurant. This place was good and again compares favourably with our quality French eateries at home, but our waiter was right out of France (as in, a cold jerk who gave me a bit of a sneer at my Québécois French accent and didn't bother chatting with any of his tables... Typical Parisian snot... grrrr ). As a result, while it was good and I would definitely recommend it to people who want to try some good quality French food, I will likely pass on our next trip.

French Onion Soup: Yum!

Croque Monsieur et sa salade verte (Ham, cheese and tomato toasted sandwich with green salad - this was excellent and may be a reason to go back for us...)


Active Member
Jiko: If any of you can spare the time/expense (it ain't cheap)/dining credits to check out this amazing restaurant, do yourselves a favour and book that ADR now! It is now an absolute MUST DO for every trip, even if that means we can only affford to split a thing of fries from Pecos Bill every other day!! :lol:

Appetizer sampler platter (not on the menu, but they will offer it - $20). DH and I loved everything and we couldn't pick a favourite:

DH's Entree: the filet mignon with the red wine sauce and the mac and cheese (INCREDIBLE and incredibly rich):

My Entrée: Halibut, with a tomato butter sauce and crispy sweet potatoes (Beautiful, light and refreshing - delicious!)

DH's dessert: flourless chocolate cake stack, with peanut butter ice cream (gone in 60 seconds - he loved it)

My dessert: Pistachio crème brulée with a chocolate base... I'm still sighing with joy about it (sorry for the blurry pic... :guilty: )

Amazing meal, incredible service... We will be back!!!


Active Member
California Grill: I'll admit it, I was skeptical. It couldn't be *that* good, right? I mean, it was chichi pretentious cuisine which was trying too desperately hard to pretend that it wasn't at Disney World, right?

I take it all back!! DINNER WAS AWESOME! While consensus between DH and I is that we do slightly prefer Jiko (due to the unbelievable appetizers and the quieter atmosphere), we will also be taking out a second mortgage on our non-existent house in order to have dinner here again!!! :lol:

BLT Flatbread (munching while looking at menu): mmmmmm tasty! (Inhaled v. quickly!)

Goat cheese ravioli appetizer (v. good, but nothing special):

Green Goddess Hearts of Romaine Salad (whoa... amazing dressing!):

My meal: Salmon with corn spoonbread. Best salmon I had all week - absolutely incredible!

DH's meal: Oak grilled filet with tamarind barbecue sauce. This was also delicious, but not as unique or special as the filet at Jiko, according to DH.

DH's dessert: Rubarb upside down cake. Best dessert all trip and I don't even like rubarb that much!

My dessert: Blueberry tart with buttermilk ice cream. Very good and fresh-tasting (chock full 'o blueberries), but the taste became overpowering halfway through.

All in all: impeccable service, and a great atmosphere (although the high ceilings did tend to amplify the noise a bit). And the view can't be beat!


Active Member
And, finally - I give you the entire Crystal Palace Lunch Buffet, from start to finish!! :)

Kids' buffet

Cold buffet:




continued in next post...


Active Member
Hot buffet:





Dessert buffet:


As always, the food was very good, hot and plentiful at the CP! Oh, and Eeyore and the gang were awesome as always!!!! :) I like the CP because I find that they usually manage to have very fresh-tasting food, with some very interesting ingredients. Example: broccoli was flavoured with key lime ponzu sauce. Yummy!! Unfortunately, they had both components of my dinner at the CG (salmon and corn spoonbread), and while both were good, they paled in comparison (not a fair one to make, but I couldn't help it!! )


Le Meh
Premium Member
Raglan Road - one of our favourites of the trip. It is now a "must do" for us!!!

Dalkey Duo - breaded and fried cocktail sausages!!! (totally healthy... really...*cough*)

DH's meal - Serious Sirloin Steak. He gave me a bite of the potatoes, but refused to share the steak!!! :rotfl2:

My meal - Keen Eye for the Shepherd's Pie. HUGE - the pics don't do it justice! Couldn't finish it... :guilty: So good!!

DH's dessert - Raspberry Riot. New on the menu - the big blob in the middle is vanilla ice cream and it's drizzled in white chocolate. No. Not kidding. *drool*

Okay, and this was my dessert - Ger's bread and butter pudding.
OH. MY. GOD. That's all I can say. Doesn't look like much, but I was practically in tears about the fact that I couldn't finish it.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I give you - A REAL CUP OF COFFEE THAT DOESN'T TASTE LIKE SWAMP IN DISNEY WORLD!!! :lmao:

By far one of the best places to eat on property now. Throw in the authentic music every night and the beautiful craftsmanship of the bars makes this a 'Matata family favorite now. (Plus its a two minute stroll to the AC when you are done eating)

My favorite there is the fish and chips and a pint of prawns. Bread pudding for desert will make think about going there every day.


New Member
Thanks for the pics! It's nice to know that there is some healthy food to be found at WDW....just hope that we don't have to spend an arm and a leg. My 5 yr old is extremely picky with food....she only likes healthy food...I'm so proud!!! Worries me a bit at WDW though!:wave:


Active Member
Thanks for the pics! It's nice to know that there is some healthy food to be found at WDW....just hope that we don't have to spend an arm and a leg. My 5 yr old is extremely picky with food....she only likes healthy food...I'm so proud!!! Worries me a bit at WDW though!:wave:
Totally not hard to do at all, plus, if there is something she would REALLY like on any menu, they can reduce the amount of butter and oil for her (I'm assuming it's the grease your daughter finds objectionable). Grease is simply convenient at WDW - you can fnd MANY other healthy alternatives!

Just, not the Dalkey Duo, mmkay... :lookaroun


Active Member
By far one of the best places to eat on property now. Throw in the authentic music every night and the beautiful craftsmanship of the bars makes this a 'Matata family favorite now. (Plus its a two minute stroll to the AC when you are done eating)

My favorite there is the fish and chips and a pint of prawns. Bread pudding for desert will make think about going there every day.
We wouldn't go for the prawns... DH has a SEVERE seafood allergy, so I don't thnk that a pint of death would be a good idea for us! :lol: (I stay away from the seafood when I'm with him.)

ITA about the bread pudding, though. It was absolutely unreal!!! I'm still weeping about the fact that I was unable to finish it. :cry:

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