Just returned from day three of ESPN: The Weekend at the Hollywood Studios. The weather was a little cool, but the sun was out all day. It seemed a little more crowded today than it was when I was there on Friday and the Yankee fans were definitely out in full force due to the fact that Joba Chamberlain, C.C. Sabathia, and Nick Swisher were on Baseball Tonight. I'm pretty sure I got on TV a couple of times during the filming of the show! Former Yankee Bernie Williams was also there with his band and were performing throughout the show as well as a concert at 6pm to wrap up the weekend festivities.
Also got a chance to see Dream Job: The Experience. It was a pretty fun show and I think they should just make it a permanent addition to the Studios (at least that would be a lot better than just not using the Sound Dangerous theater for most of the year).
Overall, I think the ESPN Weekend was awesome and
I wish they had it more than once per year. I have added more photos at this link here (photos from today start at #35):