The Canon 10D made its debut recently at the big show in Vegas with a huge marketing campaign. Almost every photo mag has some writeup on it.
My thoughts? I'd grab it now. Nikon and Canon are at war, and the consumer is winning big at the cash register.
While huge Megapixel cameras are nice, unless youre shooting a double page spread for a magazine or plan on doing anything poster size, (or high end weddings, fashion, etc... basical pro stuff) something like the Canon 10D or the Nikon D100 will do you right (Each have a 6+ MP chip).
The average amature photographer who takes their camera to disney really doesnt need anything more than either of those. The increased MP chips are just a way to get people to spend more $$$$ on either a new camera or bigger memory cards to hold all those increased file sizes. After this generation of cameras (10D, D100, that new EOS and whatever Nikon does next), there really isnt any reason to replace one within 5-10 years .. unless for some silly reason they do away with CompactFlash cards.
Quick Laymans Explanation ------> With MegaPixel chips, bigger isnt always better. Anything over 3 MPs can get you to print out an 8x10 print at around 150dpi. When you print off your home Printer (i have an Epson C60 POS), the highest resolution that you really need the photo to be at is 150-200 dpi in order to get good results. The highest resolution you really need your printer to be at is the 720 or 1440 dpi photo quality settings. Otherwise, youre wasting ink. (If anyone wants an indepth speal or explanation on all this, just PM me)
Basically TK, its gonna last you a long time, just make sure youre happy with it. You might want to go to a local camera store and play with it before you go out and buy one. Or rent one and play with it. Just make sure youre happy with it before you slap down $1500.
After that, I'd put my money in lenses and live with the generation of cameras that we have now. Of course, i'd be nice and happy with the 2.74 MP Nikon D1h.
Until they find a way to severly reduce noise at high ISO, you're better off getting a really fast lens (that would be a 2.8 or 1.8 apature of F stop for eveyone who's heads i just flew over) to take night shots with.
While i'm not going to launch the film/digital debate, there's something about the look of a FujiChrome Velvia shot with the vibrant blues that still just isnt quite there with the latest digital camera. It all comes down to personal preference.
Good point on the parallax - Forgot about that. I guess best advice there is to take 2 steps back from where the "ideal" is from the viewfinder. There really are countless ways to screw up a good photo, and chopping someone's head off is definetly up there with putting your finger over the lens.
Oh yeah, one last. If you bring a digital camera or D-SLR to Disney, just dont forget the laptop so you can download each night and look at them.