The Hammer
See Space, Splash, Buzz, Jungle Cruise, Pirates, Bears, Small World, Pan, Pooh, Philar, etc. All of which have many issues in terms of maintenance and show quality.
I'm not sure how failing to maintain attractions is part of some master plan, but I guess in your world it is.
I'm not a cynic at all, but the fact is the neglect of these attractions in terms of maintenance really has nothing to do with FLE. Folks working on FLE are primarily outside construction contractors, with Imagineering oversight. Folks who would be working to maintain effects, clean and repaint ride vehicles, fix lighting, and scrape mildew off the walls in Small World are all part of the MK's and TDO's ops crews and budgeted that way as well. The are not related in the slightest bit.
You're a cynic. Those refurbs you mention weren't bad at all. Jungle Cruise will probably get an extensive one soon. You're just one of those DOOM AND GLOOMers that will never be satisfied. They fix the AAs on Splash Mountain, and you find something else to complain about without every mentioning them working again. Even if they fix every single problem on SM after the next refurb, you will still complain. I'm also wondering if the Philharmagic problem you are referring to is that pulled out carpet fiber Johnny Thick reported.