Phone batteries lasting or not throughout the day


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed, that's part of the reason. What it all boils down to is bandwidth. Verizon and T-Mobile are about even in LTE availability but T-Mobile has fewer devices (i.e. customers) competing for the available bandwidth. Here's the most recent OpenSignal report that verifies the T-Mobile superiority:

And here is the OpenSignal January, 2018 report:
I'm hoping the Sprint-TMobile merger can give VZW and AT&T a swift kick in the you know where. I know up in my area, you don't want T-Mobile once you leave the city. I even had a couple friends have multiple call and data drops (as in seeing the phone roam) on a major highway with a GS7 everytime we would drive it while I maintained full LTE.

Interesting times ahead for sure.


Well-Known Member
I have an Iphone SE. Twice I have had it at Disney World and with all the use of the Disney app, along with taking pictures and video, I find it going down to zero before the day ends, usually around 5 or 6 in the afternoon unless I am careful. Thus, I am bringing one of them recharging packs with me to the park next time next week.

I am curious, does anyone have any experience with the Iphone 8 and how long that would last in the park, with moderate use? Other phone battery experiences?

My approach was different... I carry a real camera in my pocket because I want better pictures than my phone can produce.


At night I take my DSLR because its better in low light.


Well-Known Member
From personal experience I can attest that T-Mobile has the best coverage at WDW and it is far better than any other carrier. AT&T and Verizon are among the worst. It's easy to determine people at WDW that have either AT&T or Verizon. They're the ones that have to go outside of their resort rooms in order to get a signal and make a phone call. They're also the same people that are cussing because their phone lost its signal in the middle of a call.

And so it goes with battery life as well. AT&T and Verizon phones are constantly searching for s signal and their batteries run down quickly as a result. T-Mobile phones always have a very strong signal available to them at WDW and their batteries last longer because they're not using excessive power searching for weak signals all the time.

This is interesting... I looked at two different sites comparing the coverage of the four major carriers. I wonder how the testing was done... perhaps they tested within the parks vs at the resorts? I don't recall any specifics in the two articles (I think I Googled "best cell phone coverage Walt Disney World") about their testing methods.


New Member
I have an Iphone SE. Twice I have had it at Disney World and with all the use of the Disney app, along with taking pictures and video, I find it going down to zero before the day ends, usually around 5 or 6 in the afternoon unless I am careful. Thus, I am bringing one of them recharging packs with me to the park next time next week.

I am curious, does anyone have any experience with the Iphone 8 and how long that would last in the park, with moderate use? Other phone battery experiences?

I find it helpful to make a screenshot of all of my fastpass reservations as I make them. That way you're not going in & out of the app to verify times. Just look at your screenshot or make the screenshot your background. You can do that with ADR's & other confirmations too. It is quick & easy reference. Make a photo album, place your screenshots there, easily reference your important info. In the end it does save a bit of battery.


Well-Known Member
My iPhone X lasts me all day in the parks. I take a portable battery just in case. There is a lot of good info I. This thread for making it last all day so I’ll just leave it at that.

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