Petition to bring back BeaverTails to Epcot


Active Member
shalket said:
Personally speaking...I would LOVE :sohappy: to have a TIM HORTON's @ CANADA. Now that would be real representation of Canada instead of the Anne of Green Gables stuff in the gift shop. I go to TIm Horton's everyday as it is. It would be nice to get a GREAT cup of coffee down at DW.

I agree with you. It would be nice to be able to get a decent cup of Coffee at Epcot.
I think TH would be much more successful in the long run. Tim Bits would make a yummy and portable Illuminations pre-show snack :)


New Member
Budke said:
Shalket, or any other Canadians, do they really call them Beaver Tails up north north? Or are they just Elephant Ears.

They are called Beaver Tails up here...I have never heard of Elephant Ears, but I'm sure they are the same.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn's right. You'd need like real petitions (Like the Save WHFS one that got over 12000 in less than 12 hours) or a similar number of people to email guest relations and bombard them with your desires.


New Member
Beaver tails are no longer available? Why wasn't I informed? :mad:

First no more bread bowls for the clam chowder at MK and now no more beaver tales at EPCOT. What the heck is going on over there. Why don't they just close down the snack spots and restaurants, and install some vending machines with 3 day old sandwiches and twinkies!

Mom's the word

New Member
dalayney said:
This will sound stupid, but what is a beaver tail? Explain what it tastes like..... I am completely clueless.:lookaroun

This is kind of an oversimplification but it's pastry that's deep fried and then topped with different sweet sauces and/or powdered sugar. Very, very delicious and hard to share. :) You can try this link to see some pictures and product descriptions, you'll notice that they list Disney World among their locations.


I'm an EX-CM of the Canadian Pavillion and last time i talked with some friends who are still working there. It was more than just a rumor now that Tim's will replace the Beavertail's cabin soon. And i totally agree with epcotfan, timbits would be the perfect snack for Illuminations.

As for why it was not open a lot lately, from what I can remember it was more lack of CM than poor management.


Active Member
OnWithTheShow said:
I remember when the cookies from the Main Street Bake Shop were freshly made. Now they are the same crap as everywhere else.
Thats sad, its just like everything else now, made 3 days ago and stale. So Sad!:cry:

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