Perhaps Another Disney Park


New Member
Originally posted by dox
Valid points. But as for the price of labor, i believe disney uses union labor and thus wages are fixed. And last time i checked union wages increase every year usually, due to collective bargaining agreements.

However, if the rumors about a Universal 3rd gate are true you can bet disney will open a 5th gate. And unfortunately as AK and MGM, it will be a half-______ job and park for the first few years. Remember when AK opened they didn't even have ASIA. I can't imagine being at that park with only africa and dinoland. thats nuts. I remember my former boss took his grandkid soon after ak opened and he told me how the crowds were so angry they had paid full price for half a park. Luckily i waited to go after asia opened and it was amuch more enjoyalbe experience. But even then and to this day park is way too small.

actually, im curious as to where you heard rumors of a 3rd gate opening at universal, in actuallity, i doubt that they even have much room for expansion on their 2 existing parks, let alone room for a 3rd.

anyway, as great as a 5th park sounds- first things first, lets put all our money into saving the existing parks. specifically; 1.) dig epcot out of the hole it's in 2.) add on to AK which really isnt all that bad of a park... -o excuse me, except for crap-o-rama! i understand what they were going for but they just did it o so very wrong, its a neat area, and as for the theme, that was a neat idea as well, but the way it is currently presented just seriously clashes with the rest of the park.

and then just minor things here and there as far as MK and MGM go. so yea thats my 2 cents... or 3.... or 1
(depends on who's counting...):p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't know about a 3rd gate for Universal:lol: , but if that is true (and I doubt it, because there is absolutely no space, unless they head somewhere else, and that doesn't seem smart) then that would only give Disney more reasons to build another half finished park which would mean that Disney would become even more stagnant in its efforts to fix the problems at WDW. I just hope that smart people can persuade Eisner so that there can be good decisions made, before things go real bad. But, Universal has its own problems, and I doubt a 3rd Gate is in the works.:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Universal has over 2,000 acres of land (just across the interstate) to expand on in the long term. They are currently on a separate tract of 840 acres, which only has about two more resorts to go before they are at total build out on that tract of land.

Universal does have a 3rd gate (and a 4th gate, and numerous more resorts, etc) on the master plan for the resort, but that is still several years off. In fact, there hasn't been any serious planning on the matter for quite some time now save for the steady clearing of the old Lockheed land (that 2,000 acres I was talking about).

How this all pans out is really going to depend on how the high speed rail is built in Florida. If they take the Beeline route (and that is really becoming more and more of a "when" rather than an "if"), the I-Drive stop will be on Universal property, and that would have a tremendous impact on how Universal develops this property.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Coming from the UK and visiting Orlando, I struggled to fit as much into 14 days as I can - you can never see and do everything!

But if Disney adds a 5th gate, and then Universal adds a 3rd and 4th gate... you wont have enough time to see all of the major parks and attractions!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by pheneix
How this all pans out is really going to depend on how the high speed rail is built in Florida. If they take the Beeline route (and that is really becoming more and more of a "when" rather than an "if"), the I-Drive stop will be on Universal property, and that would have a tremendous impact on how Universal develops this property.

I doubt that the speed rail will be built through Beeline, seeing as Disney says that it will not put its guest on that train if it goes to I-Drive (which I don't see how they can control). Besides, think about it, with the economic problems, I think that those building this thing will take the cheaper route and more convenient :animwink: which is through the Greenway Expressway (I think thats what its called) there will be more people riding the train and thus more revenue. :lookaroun


New Member
Yes, but after visiting DCA, I wouldn't pay even near $1.2 Billion. I think DCA was a big bust with the exception of a few rides. I hope Disney does better planning for any future parks and takes DCA as a lesson learned.

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