Premium Member
I hope you realize that you can ONLY bring up to $10,000 cash into the USA with you without having to declare it. If you have a penny more an do not declare at customs they will make it hard on you and possibly seize it. Because it is very unusual for normal individuals to carry that much cash and most that have that kind of money gain it from illegal means. They have the money sniffing dogs at customs at most international airports. At worse, they will take you aside and question you. Not a good way to start a vacation. Although I never recommend a husband disagree with his wife,but it this case, I would tell her that no way are you going to travel with that much cash. Either put it on a gift card or just use a credit card that does not have a foreign transaction fee and pay it off when you get home. I can't even begin to tell you what a horrible idea this is. Good luck.
I think @rob0519 was replying about his wife and the car deposit; he isn't the OP! I very much doubt the OP would bring that much cash.
But I think several posters are now confusing the OP's question with Rob's car deposit story.