parking strollers at restaurants


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Original Poster
We are bringing our own jogging stroller to let our 5 year old rest while visiting the parks.
Are we allowed to park our stroller outside of Disney restaurants while we dine? Will eat at Crystal Palace, various Epcot restaurants, 50's Cafe, Chef Mickey's.
Are there designated spots?

Also, would it disgruntle the CMs if we put a bike lock on it while we dine or see an attraction? We wouldn't want the stroller to leave without us.

Thank you.


New Member
I can tell you for certain that there is plenty of stroller parking outside the Crystal Palace and the 50's Prime Time Cafe. I can't remember what we did when we had a stroller at Chef Mickey's. At the Epcot restaurants, your mileage may vary.

As far as bike locks go, CMs will get disgruntled if you lock the stroller TO something. If you use the bike lock, just lock two of the wheels together so that they can't turn. The CMs can lift/push it out of the way if necessary, but it should still be safe from someone walking off with it.

Our son will be 5 in October, and we'll probably bring the stroller sometimes and leave it back at the hotel other times, depending on when/if our mid-day break is planned.

Have a great trip!


Well-Known Member
Two things to keep in mind that many people aren't ware of related to strollers at Disney.

In the Parks

IF the stroller will not roll on the ground through the stroller gates located between the turnstiles, then technically it is too large for the park. In this case it is at the CM's discretion to assist in lifting the stroller over the gates, or sending you to Stroller rental for one that is appropriately sized to use in the park while yours is stored until the end of the day.

Additionally, Cast members often times find it necessary to move strollers for a variety of reasons, but mostly to keep them from blocking paths in case of emergency. Locking it to an inanimate object, could do more harm than good. If the need arises to move the stroller for safety, and they cannot locate you, I am sure the appropriate staff member will be called to assist in removing it from the object.

Strollers and Bus Transportation

Under no circumstances, are strollers allowed to be open with or without a child in them while on a Disney Bus. Also, someone from the party must hold on to the stroller for the entire trip. It cannot sit unattended in a seat or on a ledge as they can become projectiles in a quick stop or accident. These are a violation of Federal Regulations and can get the bus driver in serious trouble.

Also, it is at the drivers discretion, as to whether or not the rear doors will be opened in order to accomodate bringing your stroller on board. As a rule of thumb, plan on the front door and then ask nicely about the rear door if it is a larger stroller only.
Their answer will depend on the situation. If there is a large crowd waiting to board the bus, they may not open the rear door because they quicly lose control of entering and exiting safety.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disbang
We are bringing our own jogging stroller to let our 5 year old rest while visiting the parks.
Are we allowed to park our stroller outside of Disney restaurants while we dine? Will eat at Crystal Palace, various Epcot restaurants, 50's Cafe, Chef Mickey's.
Are there designated spots?

Also, would it disgruntle the CMs if we put a bike lock on it while we dine or see an attraction? We wouldn't want the stroller to leave without us.

Thank you.
Chef Mickeys is actually in the Hotel. Unless you're staying in the Hotel, you will either arrive by Monorail or Car.

I really wouldn't bother about the bike lock. Your stroller will normally be one of about 50 parked outside a restaurant or attraction. We have never had a problem with a stroller 'wheeling away.' be int a WDW one or our own.

I've never seen anyone lock a stroller to be honest.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think if memory serves, our best was three "lost" strollers in one day at epcot. We were advised to leave some non valuable personal stuff on the strollers to stop them being mistakenly taken.

You could just always leave it occupied:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
I think if memory serves, our best was three "lost" strollers in one day at epcot. We were advised to leave some non valuable personal stuff on the strollers to stop them being mistakenly taken.

You could just always leave it occupied:animwink:

Disney rented strollers will be replaced free of charge (with your receipt) if it is "mistakenly taken" by someone else. The guide books recommend leaving something "non-personal" behind. We always tied a balloon on the stroller, and left our diaper bag on it as well. (not a standard bag, we used a duffle bag). We never lost a stroller or diaper bag. I once accidentally left the camera bag in the seat of the stroller and it was untouched when we got back. I know alot of people like to bring their own strollers, but we always found it easier (transportation, dining, etc) to use one of Disney's.

The Mom

Premium Member
If you park your stroller outside, don't forget to bring along one of those cheap (99 cents at Big Lots) thin plastic ponchos that are only a little larger than a folding rainhat. They're pretty useless for keeping a person dry, but protect your stroller from a surprise afternoon rainstorm just fine. Also, most thieves won't go to the trouble of removing it, so will leave your stroller alone. ;)


Account Suspended
one time we saw a stroller in front of the Castle (all by itself) it was there for quite a while and it was in the way someone told a CM about it and they took care of it.


Well-Known Member
CMs will rearrange strollers during a show, ride, etc. to keep the way clear. That's another reason for putting and identifiable marker on your stroller. It may not be where you left it. Alot of people just run it if it's near show time and don't really "park" their strollers.

One night after at closing we were by the Haunted Mansion and our little one couldn't walk any more...a CM gave us a stroller to use and asked that we just turn it in at stroller rental when we left.

Jessie Johnson

New Member
We have always taken our own strollers and have never lost one and generally we leave non valuable items in them. they can be parked outside any restaurants or rides along with all the others.

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