Park you could skip


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I searched for this topic and I didn't see it so here goes.

If you had to skip one park. What would it be and why?

I believe I could skip AK. Simply because there is not as many things to attract me there.


New Member
Originally posted by disneyisbest
I searched for this topic and I didn't see it so here goes.

If you had to skip one park. What would it be and why?

I believe I could skip AK. Simply because there is not as many things to attract me there.
I'm thinking this will become another AK bashing thread :rolleyes:


Active Member
Probably not the answer you want to hear....but I don't think you can skip any of the parks.

We too thought about skipping AK, but are glad we didn't.


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Original Poster
I am not saying I have anything against AK. I love the park. Just If a HAD to skip one. Ak would be it. Just being honest.


Beta Return
I would easily skip Animal Kingdom - even if I wasn't forced to.

Personally, there just isn't any single attraction that makes it worth the hassle of going to, for me. We're going to WDW again in a week, and of course we'll visit AK - but that's just beause we'll have seen everything else in the World too, haha!


New Member
Right now, I could skip the Studios. Out of all the WDW parks, the Studios is the least-favorite of mine. I don't know why... I like the Muppets, I like TOT, I like Star Tours, I like Fantasmic, etc. It just seems like that's the one park that hasn't aged as well as the rest of the parks.


New Member
I would skip AK too. It just doesn't have that staying power. Hopefully more attractions will come after Everest, but until then it's not a must see. I will spend half a day there though. I have to see my Dinosaur! :D


New Member
Originally posted by disneyisbest
I am not saying I have anything against AK. I love the park. Just If a HAD to skip one. Ak would be it. Just being honest.
I'm not having a go at your decision. It's just that I'm one of the aparent few that loves AK and so notice the fact that it is often given a bad mention on many threads. Different strokes for different folks.


New Member
Definitely Disney MGM Studios - just not alot to keep me there. I like the GMR and RRCoaster, after that .....??????????? Some people see AKL as a half of a park, this is how I see the Studios ...

Never been to AKL, but from what Ive read about this, its a work in progress (new plans, LOTS of room to expand park)


New Member
Originally posted by barnum42
I'm not having a go at your decision. It's just that I'm one of the aparent few that loves AK and so notice the fact that it is often given a bad mention on many threads. Different strokes for different folks.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I love AK (I do, however, love Epcot). But I like AK's themeing... it really transports you to a diffrent place... the Studio's themeing is fake (well, all themeing is fake, I guess), but you can peek around and see the behind the scenes stuff, which takes away from it's magic to me, at least.

Frees Fan

I guess I have an advantage over most of the posters since I live here and go anytime I want. BUT, I would skip AK. They simply do not have the types of attractions that really excite me. Since Dino is closed and EE isn't scheduled to open for another two years, my choice is easy. I think the park is really nice but, just not for me.



Well-Known Member
Since having kids I am finding that while I wouldn't "skip" any park (there are some not to be missed things in everyone) AK and MGM could stand to have more. In fact I would skip MGM before AK. (just from the kid point of view.) They both can be 1/2 day trips if nessasary.

There really isn't too much for young kids at MGM, and many are "show" atractions that are only at certian times. This can really "complicate" your day, not being able to just hit atractions.

For us with a 3 year old we make sure to do little Merrmiad, Playhouse Disney and the HISTK playset. Other then the play set there isn't much to keep the kids occupied while other adults ride the major not to be missed rides. It needs more atractions you can just do fast while you are waiting for show times.

AK has many things to just wander and take the day at a slower pace, that can be a really nice change. (and a good way to start out a "shy" or easily overwhellemd child or person.)

We have some friends that come to WDW for 3 or more days and only do MK. I think they are really missing alot of WDW this way, but I do agree there is so much for the kids (and young at heart) at MK.

However last trip with BIL and SIL (who don't have kids) they wanted to skip MK all together and do MGM 2 days. I thought they were nuts. A trip to WDW isn't a trip to WDW with out MK.


New Member
Re: Re: Park you could skip

although I love animals and want to one day be a veterinarian, Animal Kingdom is not my favorite park eithre

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