Park Transportation for a 7 yr old


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Need some advice from the experts.

This will be our 7 yr old's third trip and our 3 yr olds first. The past two trips, our older child has always riden in a stroller. Wondering if we should plan on bringing a "stroller" for the 7 yr old, as we will have one for the 3 yr old. We are not sure if our older child will be able to walk the parks and will end up wishing that she had a ride. What do those of you with 7-8 yr olds do? To they ride or hike or both?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards!!

Went in April with my 7 old son. He had no problems walking around. However did notice he slept better with all the walking.

Sharon L

New Member
My son is 7 and he will be going on his fifth trip this November. His first trip took place three weeks before his fourth birthday, and we have never used a stroller. Although he can't seem to make it around the grocery store on a shopping trip with me, he doesn't have any trouble with his energy level or tired, aching feet at WDW. I think just going on various rides gives him the breaks he needs, and we do try to keep him hydrated.

If he ever does get tired, we just stop and take a rest and perhaps have a snack. I don't know about you, but I am never opposed to utilizing caffeine and/or sugar when necessary.


Well-Known Member
bayoutiger said:
Need some advice from the experts.

This will be our 7 yr old's third trip and our 3 yr olds first. The past two trips, our older child has always riden in a stroller. Wondering if we should plan on bringing a "stroller" for the 7 yr old, as we will have one for the 3 yr old. We are not sure if our older child will be able to walk the parks and will end up wishing that she had a ride. What do those of you with 7-8 yr olds do? To they ride or hike or both?

A couple of options are you could wing it and just stop and rest if they get tired or rent one of the double strollers as they are big and sturdy and would hold them. If not you can use it to cart your stuff around.

We took our 3 year old this past year and took a stroller with us. She spent about 75% of the time out of the stroller but we needed it anyway for the diaper bag filled with juice, wipes, etc.


Well-Known Member
Well on our last trip we had 6 kids with us, the two middle ones were 8. Occasionally they did utilize the double stroller we had rented. Mostly they could handle the walks, but if your child isn't used to lots of walking, make sure 1) they have at least two pair of good walking shoes broken in (in case one gets wet, you'll have a dry pair at the resort) & 2). be prepared to rent a stroller for EPCOT just in case. Rather push for a day, then hear about it for the whole trip ;) The one good thing we noticed about having the stroller was during parade times the kids had good seats w/o being squished by strangers and we had no "seperation" anxiety about being pushed or pulled apart, which did happen to us once a few years ago after the parade and fireworks. Really it could go either way, only you could really say what your child can handle physically.


Well-Known Member
I have a funny story about just this subject....about three years ago we were at EPCOT, my son was seven at the time and it was our fourth day at the parks. After walking around FW for about two hours he started complaining about being tired of walking, so we had a nice lunch so he could rest and started out again...needless to say the complaining continued(please keep in mind he is an active, healthy, tall and strong boy) So trying to be smart we said, okay then if you are going to act like a baby we will get you a stroller!! We thought this would embarrass him and he would drop it...nope. He wanted the stroller!! So we went and rented a stroller for him and he looked ridiculous...legs up to his chest...Baby Huey!!! Our plan had backfired, he was happy as a clam. We took a picture of him in it and we laugh until we cry every time we look at it!!!! Now everytime we enter EPCOT we ask Jack if he wants a stroller, he is now ten and 5'2" and 125 pounds and I think if he could fit in one he would!!!


Well-Known Member
Lauriebar said:
I have a funny story about just this subject....about three years ago we were at EPCOT, my son was seven at the time and it was our fourth day at the parks. After walking around FW for about two hours he started complaining about being tired of walking, so we had a nice lunch so he could rest and started out again...needless to say the complaining continued(please keep in mind he is an active, healthy, tall and strong boy) So trying to be smart we said, okay then if you are going to act like a baby we will get you a stroller!! We thought this would embarrass him and he would drop it...nope. He wanted the stroller!! So we went and rented a stroller for him and he looked ridiculous...legs up to his chest...Baby Huey!!! Our plan had backfired, he was happy as a clam. We took a picture of him in it and we laugh until we cry every time we look at it!!!! Now everytime we enter EPCOT we ask Jack if he wants a stroller, he is now ten and 5'2" and 125 pounds and I think if he could fit in one he would!!!

I hate when plans backfire. I always make some sort of a threat if I need to get my daughter to do something and she won't do it. Threats like (a WDW expample) we were at a the store at the end of PoTC in the MK and my daughter was bugging us for a pirate hat with Mickey on it, I mean getting upset as we said no. She was already wearing the same hat with Captain Hook she got the day before in the same store. So finally I said if you want that one you can't have the other one (which she chose over the Mickey one the day before because she like it better). So what does she do, she takes off the Hook hat and hands it to me. Well I can't really give it back as she has her name stitched in it already. MISTAKE...


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh parenthood....kinda off topic Mr. Toad but, your daughter is a doll!! It seems that you have the same thing going on in your family as I have in kids looks 10 percent like me and 90 percent like their father!!! Doesn't seem fair, I did all the hard work in the beginning!:mad: Just kidding, what a cutie!!


New Member
I think most 7 years olds would be fine. When I was there when I was 4, my twin and I walked all around without the help of a stroller. My parents let us nap on their laps in the afternoon and we were fine! The three year old, I would take the stroller...but the 7 year old should be fine!



Well-Known Member
Lauriebar said:
Ahhhh parenthood....kinda off topic Mr. Toad but, your daughter is a doll!! It seems that you have the same thing going on in your family as I have in kids looks 10 percent like me and 90 percent like their father!!! Doesn't seem fair, I did all the hard work in the beginning!:mad: Just kidding, what a cutie!!

Thank-you. Most people say she looks like me but does have certain features of my wife. Her lips are like my wife's and her hair is a combo of both of ours. I don't see her looking like me but most people do say that.

And after watching the birth, yeah it does not seem fair. I give all women credit, it was a very tough thing to go through.

Thanks again!


New Member
My son is only 1, so I haven't had to deal with this yet with him, but I was 7 my first trip to WDW, and my parents didn't use a stroller with me. My sis was 4, and she didn't have one, either. We walked, and if we got tired, our parents let us rest, or took us back to the room for a few hours. With young kids, you just have to take it slower. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if I do, since everyone's situations are differnent, but it kind of annoys me when I see older kids in strollers. Like I said, my son is only 1, but when he's older, and basically is big enough to look ridiculous in a stoller, he's gonna walk. If he says that he's tired, we'll either sit down for awhile, and if that doesn't help, and he whines and complains, we'll leave. Forcing tired kids to keep going won't allow anyone to have a good time.

But, this is a personal decision, much like using a harness on toddlers. Some think it's a good thing, others don't. When my son is walking, and I have a harness on him in the parks, I'm sure I'll get a few dirty looks for people who think it's wrong. But I won't let it bother me. If you feel the need to get a stroller for your child because it's better for your family and your situation, don't let anyone bother you about it.


Well-Known Member
Pigtails said:
But, this is a personal decision, much like using a harness on toddlers. Some think it's a good thing, others don't. When my son is walking, and I have a harness on him in the parks, I'm sure I'll get a few dirty looks for people who think it's wrong. But I won't let it bother me. If you feel the need to get a stroller for your child because it's better for your family and your situation, don't let anyone bother you about it.

I agree it is totally a personal decision and don't let anyone tell you different.

As for the harness, some people complain about it (as we found out in another thread). They complain among other things about it that it gets in their (the complainers) way and they trip on them and such. Well if you did not have the harness those same people who tried to walk between you and your child would do the same thing with our without the harness and separate you in a crowd. People should not judge others for what they do. You do what you feel is best for you and your child.


Well-Known Member
Here's a worked for me anyway.

I took my 3 girls to Walt Disney World when they were 5, 7, and 10.

I told them if they complained or got all whiney we would return to the Resort for the rest of the day.

I never heard a peep out of any of them and never needed a stroller. :animwink:

We did take a day off in the middle of the week just to hang around the pool and relax though.
I told them it was their gift for being so good. :sohappy:


Active Member
I was 3 (almost 4) when I first visited WDW and I didn't need a stroller. I don't think my parents ever used a stroller when I was little.

These days when I see kids over 5 or 6 in a stroller I get a little peeved. It just doesn't look right and I overhear others who say "Isn't that kid a little big for that?" That's just me though.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
IMHO, if a healthy 7 year old is getting tired, it is time for a break.

Kidcot is wonderful, as is a long lunch. Perhaps he would take a quick nap in the France movie?

The universal advice for WDW with kids is to watch them and get them out of the parks 30 minutes before the meltdown comes.

It is amazing how a swim at the resort revitalizes a kid.

(Personally I think it is humiliating for a 2nd grader to be in a stroller. Fortunately, my kids thought the same thing. They all did WDW at 5 without one.)


Well-Known Member
Yellow Shoes said:
Kidcot is wonderful, as is a long lunch. Perhaps he would take a quick nap in the France movie?

It is amazing how a swim at the resort revitalizes a kid.

Good places for naps (if they will take one are) CoP, TTA, Hall of Presidents. Anything, theatre type attracion will do.

And yes the pool will help. If you can get one of the Monorail resorts that will be easier as it is close enough and you can still get back for more park later.


Well-Known Member
Our youngest was a month away from his 6th birthday when we took him to WDW for the first time. He had a blast, and wold have been insulted by the suggeston of a stroller, especially since he hadn't been in one for several years, anyway! Has your 7-year-old used a stroller in the last year or so? If so, keep an open mind, and rent one if the need arises. If not, he'd probably rather not be obliged to ride in one.


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Original Poster
No, the 7 yr old has not needed or wanted a stroller, just a thought as we have been planning. She can definitely keep up and we don't push them hard at the parks. We go at a very nice and slow pace. Just a thought to make sure all things are accounted for before we leave

Thanks again

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