Paranoid Parent in Need of Advice Please...


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So my wife and I are paranoid parents that worry about everything. It's bad and our friends who have more than one kid make fun of us constantly. I'm much worse and I'll admit it lol. But I guess that's dad's job in life to protect and worry, A LOT... This is actually our first big adventure away from home into a public place besides Florida Hospital and Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital for treatments. So please bear with my stupid questions.

Anyways I was wondering if I could get some feedback from parents out there. Our daughter is 5 months old btw. Again please forgive the rookie ignorance.

Is 5 months to young to bring her to the parks and explore with us? Not planning on any rides btw beside maybe the carousel.

How does one heat up bottles in the parks?

We know to keep her out of sunlight obviously but are you using sunscreen or just relying on the stroller cover? If so what type of sunscreen?

Does the loud noise common in certain areas of parks cause issues for your children? Outside of fireworks btw.

Any tips for us from experienced parents on things to bring?

I'm sure their is more but daddy duty calls! Any help is appreciated and my nerves will thank you!


Well-Known Member
I think 5 months is too young. She won't remember anything, it would just be a waste. She'll likely be agitated most of the time, what with the heat and noise and crowds. It will not be enjoyable for your whole family if your daughter is upset the whole time. I'd wait until she is at least 3.

But, if you do decide to bring her, make sure you have all the necessities to cater to whatever she needs.


Well-Known Member
Obviously at that age the trip is to create memories for you, the parents, and not for her. When are you planning to go? Florida weather can be downright fantastic if you avoid the summer months. There are baby care centers in the parks where you can take care of her needs - changing, feeding, escaping the heat. There are plenty of rides/attractions that would be fun for her - it's a small world, philharmagic, peoplemover and Winnie the Pooh - to name a few. When my kids were little I LOVED walking through EPCOT while they were in the stroller (sometimes napping!) As long as you recognize you may need to adjust your schedule around your baby's needs - you can have a fantastic vacation in WDW. Happy planning!!


Well-Known Member
I know people have brought infants to the parks. It's kind of hit or miss at that age...some love it and coo at all of the pretty things and some of them are a mess.

We never took our girls as infants to WDW...just Sea World...and since they both took their bottles cold or room idea about warming. However, there are nursing centers in the parks, so maybe someone can confirm if there are warmers in there. If not, you may try running warm to hot water in the bathroom to try and warm them up. I think there also may be some battery powered portable warmers you can use if it's a must.

Every kiddo is different with fireworks. Mine have always loved them, but I was just talking to a friend whose infant son just saw his first fireworks and let's just say those weren't tears of joy. If you're interested in fireworks, but afraid of how the baby will react- you might try viewing from a distance with an easy escape/noise avoidance route. For example- viewing Wishes from the Poly beach might be a good option with a baby.

I think there are also a handful of rides where you can carry the baby and be fine.

We always just used infant sunscreen and the stroller sunshade. We also had a hat handy just in case we needed to carry the kids. If it was a warm weather outing- like really warm- I'd also slip some ice bottles into the stroller under blankets to act as chillers.

Beyond that, just make sure your diaper bag is packed with everything you need and then extra diapers beyond the norm, some extra clothing changes, etc.

The biggest thing is just keeping an eye on things to see if maybe you need to cut out of the parks for a while to relax. i.e. naps and break time. My kids always napped the best in the dark hotel room...really recharged their something to consider.


Well-Known Member
We brought our youngest with us to WDW when she was 8 months old & it was a great trip! Our oldest 2 kids were 15 & 17. We took advantage of the Baby care Centers in the parks. She rode ALOT of rides such as; Dumbo, Peter Pan, the Carousel, Haunted Mansion, People mover, Buzz Lightyear, etc. We also went to most shows, parades, & fireworks (although she didn't care for those!) Our Pediatrician recommended a sunscreen that I think was called Blue Lizard but, don't quote me on it because it was 4 & 1/2 years ago! We just brought our 1 year old Grandson a month ago for his 1st trip & was pretty good although he didn't care for any of the characters too much except Mickey! He did love the fireworks though! I would recommend a stroller cover in case of rain & a mister fan in case it's really hot!
Many of your concerns were already addressed, but sunscreen I would recommend coppertone for babies. There is a specific blend for babies and you should re-apply it every few hours to prevent a burn (I live in Florida, trust me, it's a good sunscreen). We did bring along our bottle warmer for the hotel room for morning and night feedings. Be aware, when we requested the "crib" for our room from disney, we received a "folding playpen". It was better than nothing, but not a crib. Lol. I would say 5 months is not too young to take your child, but it is definitely more for your memories than the child. Enjoy your trip!


Well-Known Member
We took our DD when she was 5 mon. and our other children as older infants as well. The crowd noises fif not bother her at all- it's kind of like white noise, every now and again though Disney can make a loud noise so be ready. This is a great age to bring a child- when they are awake you can take so many pictures and show her so many things, it's lots of fun. Our daughter just loved all the stroller/Bjorn time. Also, the carousel may actually be one of the more difficult rides to take an infant on if you plan on riding a horse, you have to hold 1 hand on the pole and on your child. BTW any ride without a height restriction allows infants. Our daughter rode everything from Pirates to Maelstrom- the only problem ride was the Great Movie ride, it has some really loud parts. Some of the resort eateries have bottle warming stations as do the Baby care centers in the park- the Care centers are very nice and quiet and have anything you may have forgotten- and yes, men are allowed inside, they have curtained areas for private breastfeeding. Any other questions just let me know. And have fun.


Active Member
You and your wife will know your daughter better than anyone. We only have have one child (she is 8 now). I thought we would wait until she was older, but when she was 11 months old, we were given a week at a time share near Sea World, so we gave it a go.

As others have said, the baby care centers are a great place to take a break and get her away from all the sensory overload the parks can provide.

We had a great trip back then (only went to the Disney parks). We took things slow, our daughter could nap in the stroller and we used this time for ride swaps to catch things we wanted to ride but she could not.

I know our daughter got enjoyment from the trip as when we returned six months later, we could see her excitement when she could see IASW coming into view as we approached from Columbia House...she was pointing, smiling and all, so we figured she new what was inside.

If I am not mistaken, it is not a far trip for you, if you and your wife are AP holders and live somewhat local...I say go for it, just take it slow, take some down time at the baby care centers and enjoy it (while she still gets in for free)!


Well-Known Member
We took our youngest to DLR when she was 9 months old. She loved IASW.

Go, take it slow, and just spend time enjoying your family.


Well-Known Member
I took both of my kids by that age or before! I loved it. It can be work if you don't feed with the powdered formula which is what I did.
Usually Lil babies love to be out doors strolled around all day. It's very important to have the full size strollers ( no umbrella) as they can sleep well & you can change their pampers easily.Two of the most important things!
As far as sunscreen I ONLY use/ recommend banannaboat. Coppertone sunburns my kids every single time.
There are kid centers at each park if you need anything.
I say go for it and I Think you'll have a good time just as I did plenty of times when my lil ones were tiny. Plus as time goes by you see see plenty of tiny babies at parks.
And there's a handful of rides at you can do with lil ones like its a smallworld, nemo, spaceship earth, pooh, magic kingdom train, Peter Pan, etc.


Well-Known Member
To reiterate what all the others have said, there are many rides you can take her on. Don't skip them because you think she's too young. No, she won't remember the trip however, she can be given wonderful, colorful, musical and visual stimulation by all of the things she will experience in the rides and around the resort. Take advantage of it and use it as an opportunity to expose her to new things. It prepares her for a lifetime of magical Disney memories to come. Take your time and enjoy it for yourselves too. She will not remember it but you certainly will... the smiles on her face in the giggles she makes when she is joining in this experience with you. Those photos will last a lifetime.


Premium Member
Since you're locals... one would assume you're not under pressure to go on rides, etc.

Should be no problem taking an infant.

The parks have baby care centers where they can help you heat up bottles.
Just take your typical diaper bag, and I'd ensure you have an extra set of clothes.
For cover, depends on your 'gear' but baby sunscreen, a hat, and your carrier/stroller cover should be plenty.

I wouldn't look at it as any different from going to the mall, grocery store, etc except Disney will actually have more resources for you. Noise/etc shouldn't be an issue... but I would not be taking baby on dark rides, etc.

if there is something you want to do, use the child swap option (talk to the greeter at the front of the ride) and avoid those awkward situations.


Active Member
if baby center not near when you need bottle heated up, ask for a cup of hot water and place bottle in to warm. this is because thy are not allowed to heat food from outside.


Well-Known Member
With regard to the sunscreen/sunsafety: Babies under 6 months should not have sunscreen applied. Babies under 3 should not have waterproof sunscreen applied. Use a suncover (similar to rain cover) AND an umbrella.
Coppertone is banned in the UK, and I would never recommend it.
One sunburn, even a light pink, doubles the risk of developing Melanoma, a potentially fatal skin cancer.
I am a Melanoma patient, and raise awareness. Any tan is a sign your skin is damaged, akin to a bruise if you injure yourself. Babies/children should be protected from the sun. A VitaminD supplement taken daily.
At parks, since my diagnosis, my kids, age 7,5 and 3 wear UPF50 onesies (which is handy for splashzones!).
PM me if you would like more info, I give regular talks to new parent groups, and schools.

As babies, I took one of them at 6 months, and we did the Carousel, PotC, Small World, Railroad, basically all those that allowed him to sit on my lap. The babycentres are great but my kids were used to readymade milk cartons that I pour into a Steribottle.

I agree with the other posters, and if this is your only child I would skip it until toddler age. My eldest went when she was 20 months old, and we took her brother at 6 months. I took my youngest when he was 16 months.


Well-Known Member
I was also contemplating this I wouldn't take my daughter that young we are taking her next September she'll be 16 months I figure she can walk have a little more fun


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Original Poster
Took her today and she loved it. Universal Studios that is… Seriously though thanks for the feedback and advice. Were locals and go all the time but we haven't been in ages it seems like as baby is very young. She loved it, she was smiling, cooing, and carrying on. Funny enough she loved watching Kodos and Kang spin around and watched Potter construction while we rested in the shade for no lie 20 mins uninterrupted.

And don't worry we plan on taking her to Disney once she hits about a year old.

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