Funny you should mention kitchen sink.....
I drive and stay in a one bedroom DVC villa. I bring (1) a big purple bin packed with a filtered water picture, cooking utensils, a cutting board, knife set, salt, pepper, sugar, olive oil, vinegar, tea, measuring cup, clothes pins; (2) a rolling file box that holds my Keurig, two frying pans and my large tea cup with a strainer; (3) two large reusable grocery bags packed with toilet paper, napkins, plastic bags, bottle of spray cleaner, sponges, box of individual hand sanitizers, zip lock bag of suction cups, dish cloth, aluminum foil; (4) another grocery bag with some food; (5) a cooler with food, mainly for breakfast as I'll go grocery shopping the next day; and (6) my luggage. Oh, and a folding rolling platform cart to help bring stuff from the car to my room. Yes, I literally move into my room for a week. I cook breakfast and most of my meals in my room.