Overheard in WDW...


Well-Known Member
I've posted these before, but they're relevant here.

Overheard while walking around World Showcase:

Man pointing to a distant storm cloud, talking with a thick southern drawl: "Thar's fireworks comin' outta that thar cloud!"

One surfer dude talking to another surfer dude during the Food and Wine Festival: "Dude, there's like all kinds of food here!"

Also during the Food and Wine Festival, a group of men walking up to the Italy pavilion, each of them carrying an alcoholic beverage. The first man turns to the group and shouts, "This is Spain!" The faces of the other men light up as they turn to each other and shout "Spain! Spain!" (Think of the seagulls from Nemo...)

One day I passed by two boys in their early teens screaming a punk rock version of the Oscar Meyer bologna song.....

Finally, while walking by Germany, a boy (maybe 6-7 years) who was walking with a group of adults: "Here's my wienerschnitzel!":brick:


Well-Known Member
I had one that cracked me up on NYE, but you have to see the kids body motion to fully appreciate it.

The DJ by the FON was playing the song that goes, "Heeeeey, hey baby, I wanna know will you be my girl...." (Can't remember the exact title right now). Well when it got to the part where everyone yells, "OOH, AH" this 6 year old kid, just out of nowhere is walking towards us all calm, and once that part comes up, he does some weird karate stuff, like on OOH he throws his left foot up while walking and pulls his arms back, and then on AH punches the air in front of him. After which he continued to casually walk by us as if nothing had happened.

Just one of those random moments that makes you crack up.

I've got two more that didn't happen in Disney World, but they are way too funny to pass up.

So, me and my roommate where flying back to Daytona Beach after we went home for Spring Break. Well, we got stuck in Atlanta due to weather so we were forced to sleep in the Airport overnight seeing as we are from Michigan originally. Well, the first instance was after waiting in a long line to get re-ticketed, which they decided to just close with no warning, so of course everyone in line was absolutely livid. Well, this guy goes up and starts reaming one of the attendants. After a good 5 minutes of yelling, he goes, "What's your name?" and the attendant responds Chris. From there much to the amusement of everyone in line the guy replies, "What the hell kind of a name is Chris?!" as if it's some name that isn't common at all in the United States.

Later in the morning, we're sitting by our gate just relaxing after the chaos that just ensued trying to get re-ticketed, and some guy in a sweat suit that didn't fit him right comes up to the pay phones next to us, picks one up and yells into the phone, "Hello?! Hello?!" after which he slams the phone and yells, "Piece of ____*t" From there he slides down and does the exact same thing to the next two phones, even though they had not rung or anything....Immediately after, at which point he was about 10 feet from us, he lets out one of the loudest farts I have heard in a long time and casually walked away...:lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This was from my own five year old daughter after an Off Kilter show.

"Dad, can I get my picture taken with the guys in the dresses?"


New Member
When I was walking out of Big Thunder Mountain, I heard a British father getting so mad yelling "Your job is not to go on rides, your job is to watch the bloody kids, Nanny!!!"


:lol: :lol: :lol: The poor Nanny, I guess it was not her turn for a vacation.

:sohappy: 109 Days and I am there:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I had one that cracked me up on NYE, but you have to see the kids body motion to fully appreciate it.

The DJ by the FON was playing the song that goes, "Heeeeey, hey baby, I wanna know will you be my girl...." (Can't remember the exact title right now). Well when it got to the part where everyone yells, "OOH, AH" this 6 year old kid, just out of nowhere is walking towards us all calm, and once that part comes up, he does some weird karate stuff, like on OOH he throws his left foot up while walking and pulls his arms back, and then on AH punches the air in front of him. After which he continued to casually walk by us as if nothing had happened.

Haha, my nephew used to do random stuff like that ALL the time. Luckily he's mostly grown out of it and doesn't do it in public anymore. =)


Well-Known Member
One time as I was entering the queue for Tower of Terror, the woman behind me asked the Bellhop at the FP entrance, "Is it scary?". His reply, completely normal tone, "What is there to be afraid of? It's just a hotel."

The bellhops have all the fun!


New Member
Well, this guy goes up and starts reaming one of the attendants. After a good 5 minutes of yelling, he goes, "What's your name?" and the attendant responds Chris. From there much to the amusement of everyone in line the guy replies, "What the hell kind of a name is Chris?!" as if it's some name that isn't common at all in the United States.

:ROFLOL: The things people will say when they're angry. Minds go to mush.


New Member
on the boat back to fort wilderness/wilderness lodge.
two guys behind me (late teens/early 20's)were looking up at the sky. talking and all of a sudden he point out to all of us look its the smiley face constalation. and his friend next him goes, no its not it the rectangle face. the boat skipper was liek i dont know what astronomy course the tow of you took, but the last time i checked that was the big dipper. the rest of the boat ride they were arguing over what constallation it was. after two minutes the skipper left laughing. sad part was they both took an astronomy course.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
On the boat between MK FW and WL....

A slightly tired and emotional "lady" on her way to the evening parade and fireworks.... on seeing the quite full boat come into dock
" why cant these people have their own boat, Ive paid good money for a room why should I have to share with the likes of them"

Oh how we laughed at such a jape.

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