Overheard in WDW...

Ms Brer Rabbit

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Original Poster
I happen to be a fan of the website www.overheardinnewyork.com, which is a website in which people send in the weird/hilarious things they've overheard while walking around New York City. I don't know about everybody on here, but I know that when I'm walking around WDW I tend to overhear snippits of conversation that make me laugh, cringe, or just pause and ask myself "what??". So I got the idea to follow in the spirit of overheard in New York and create a thread of all the crazy thing's we've all overheard while walking around the best place ever. So if you've ever overheard something odd, add it here and we can all have a good laugh! Here's one from my recent trip in early January:

Woman talking to her friends: And then I got my tubes tied, and that's when the real fun began!

~Overheard on the monorail exit ramp at MK

Little Girl: Mommy, what does "Menopause" mean?
Mother: It means, well it's like when...oh honey look! There's Princess Jasmine...you haven't met her yet!

~Overheard in Morocco at Epcot


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to summarize an arguement that an irate guest was having with a cm, that I overheard while standing outside the entrance to Soarin.

Apparently this guest had purchased a drink prior to going on Soarin and then walked through the line with their drink. I am not totally sure on the details exactly but I think either a cm told them once they got to the front of the line that there were no drinks allowed inside, or they on their own realized they couldn't bring a drink on and they set the drink down outisde the theater.
After the ride they went back to look for the drinks they had left and couldn't find them. I think this is when the anger and tears started to flow. In the arguement that followed the lady tried to argue that they should not throw away drinks just because they are sitting in the aisles or on the floor in the line area and one of my favorite quotes from her arguement was "Why are their trash cans in the queue area if we aren't allowed to bring in drinks?" The cm who spoke to this lady should have been rewarded for handling her so calmly, anyone who gets that irate over a 4 dollar soda needs counselling. I think in the end the cm ended up giving her a free drink. If it had been me, i would have given her a free butt kicking. From now on they should have Tigger standing outside all attractions to dole out punishment to unruly guests.
I love Overheard in New York!

The funniest thing I've overheard in WDW was when we were in AK. It was pouring, so naturally everyone and their brother were wearing ponchos (with the exception of my family, we decided to go poncho-less). So, backstory said, I overheard:

Mother (talking to young son): "Now remember, if we get separated and you need to find us, just look for the ponchos!"


Active Member
in universal i heard a bitter twisted middle aged 'mom' shout and rave about there being no lockers at rotm - subsequantly i got shouted at for getting my bag out, by the same woman :eek:

naturally I just instructed that i was merely getting my bag out - and there are more things in life to get worked up about (ok, i was actually being a bit too condescending but still...)

she left before she could get my locker as well - *meh* her loss :)

i hate it when people talk down to students/young adults....


New Member
Overheard at the Food and Wine Festival, a woman irate that they had the audacity to serve caviar at one of the FREE food seminars...

"I don't go to the beach at red tide, and I don't eat anything that smells like red tide."

Overheard in the line for Soarin' just last week, a woman in her 20's exasperated that...

"I always forget that I don't like cheeseburgers, then I order one and don't eat it!"


Well-Known Member
How's about a father narrating the entire It's A Small World ride to his young child. No major issue there as I do not have a problem being at WDW and hearing a parent talk to their child when on a ride. However in this instance he decided to explain what country they were riding through and where the country is located. Unfortunately for the child Australia is not located in Asia, and the last time I checked Europe is not a country. I think the only part that he had correct was the US.
It wasn't funny, but there was this one father at the SSR main pool who was such an angry uptight individual he was making everyone within earshot completely uncomfortable and I think his wife was embarassed by his behavior. Fortunately they didn't stay too long. We laughed that he was not having a magical day!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
in universal i heard a bitter twisted middle aged 'mom' shout and rave about there being no lockers at rotm - subsequantly i got shouted at for getting my bag out, by the same woman :eek:

naturally I just instructed that i was merely getting my bag out - and there are more things in life to get worked up about (ok, i was actually being a bit too condescending but still...)

she left before she could get my locker as well - *meh* her loss :)

i hate it when people talk down to students/young adults....
What?? Did you just admit you were "bit condescending" and then said you hated when people "talked down to students/young adults"? :brick: Wow....


Well-Known Member
While at Disneyland (after being to WDW 15 times, I took a trip to where it all began) they had a big pavillion about space travel to conincide with the opening of Mission Space at WDW.

While looking at the stuff, this young 20-ish couple began to argue next to me. They were arguing over how far away the moon was.

She said to me, "Can you settle an arguement for us? I think the moon is real far away and he said its not."

And I AM NOT making this part up, he says to me "The moon in only like 400 or 500 miles away, right?"

So after I told him it was something like 250,000 miles away, he didn't believe me. And even after I tried to explain that based on his theory he was making Chicago further away from LA than the moon was, he still continued to argue with her.



Active Member
What?? Did you just admit you were "bit condescending" and then said you hated when people "talked down to students/young adults"? :brick: Wow....

i was being condescending as she was being the same to me... :brick:

It was the fact she initiated the rudeness - and i took it upon myself to make her feel the same as I felt at the time :hammer:

Which i feel, was justified. Plus my point still stands - as I was merely defending myself and not being walked over just because of my age.


I've posted onover heard in New York before, so this is right up my alley. Anyway, this would actually be considered overheard in New York/Disney World as it was on the plane ride down to Disney from NYC.

Father to his daughter (mind you we figured out the parents were divorced and the daughter was going with Dad for the week)- "Maybe when we get down there, you could invite Daniella over, and we could all go into the basement. And I have these tube socks, and assorted buttons, and we could have a puppet show. I don't know, I don't know if you'd be into that. Or we could make Christmas ornaments out of Pizza Pie."

At that point, I turned my head to take a peak and saw a very annoyed 13 year old girl having to deal with her dad.


Active Member
How's about a father narrating the entire It's A Small World ride to his young child. No major issue there as I do not have a problem being at WDW and hearing a parent talk to their child when on a ride. However in this instance he decided to explain what country they were riding through and where the country is located. Unfortunately for the child Australia is not located in Asia, and the last time I checked Europe is not a country. I think the only part that he had correct was the US.

Actually, I think there is no U.S. in Small World. :lol:

When I was walking out of Big Thunder Mountain, I heard a British father getting so mad yelling "Your job is not to go on rides, your job is to watch the bloody kids, Nanny!!!"

It was funny because it just seemed so random and out of place. :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Thanks for the link to overheardinnewyork.

I'd never heard of it before! :wave:

That site really makes you wonder about some people. :lol:

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Overheard while walking under Spaceship Earth one night.

Husband: Did you know that they clean all of those tiles every weekend? Every Sunday, early in the morning, they bring in a crane and start at the top and work their way down. By the time people show up, they're all done and gone. What do you think about that?

Wife: Sounds like a great way to p*ss away your money.

Hehehe heard this walking down the monorail ramp going into MK

Husband talking to Wife: You know, this whole entire trip wouldnt have been possable if it hadn't have been for...YOU....AND ME...!!!


Active Member
I heard this on Main Street just a few hours ago...

The Scene:
Three women, looked to be friends, waiting on kids to get ice cream from ice cream joint at the end of Main Street. They are sitting at one of the outside tables. It's a normal conversation...

Woman one: "I've got to start wearing panties to these theme parks! I forgot to pack my underwear and haven't had a chance to buy some!"

Everyone in the area heard her and looked at her. She was a bit embarassed, but gave everyone a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
I heard this on Main Street just a few hours ago...

The Scene:
Three women, looked to be friends, waiting on kids to get ice cream from ice cream joint at the end of Main Street. They are sitting at one of the outside tables. It's a normal conversation...

Woman one: "I've got to start wearing panties to these theme parks! I forgot to pack my underwear and haven't had a chance to buy some!"

Everyone in the area heard her and looked at her. She was a bit embarassed, but gave everyone a good laugh.

Wonder what Britney, Paris, and Lindsay were doing at the parks together. :rolleyes:

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