Sadly this brings us to our last day and our last MNSSHP. And probably our last trip for a while. But hey 4 trips in the last 12 months is pretty amazing! Blessed and spoiled!
On the last day I usually pack and cry and pack and cry! Then I get a grip and go to DTD and have Earl and shop. Hubs rested at the lodge to get ready for the long drive back, so I went all by myself! And it was fun,., right up to the moment the sky's opened up and poured! And it pretty much rained the rest of the day.
We ate a quick burger at Roaring Forks and waited out the rain for a while. We made it to the party and the rain actually stopped for the parade. No horseman again! We were at the back of the park during the fireworks which was kinda cool. We didn't have the cannon with us that night, so pretty much it was point and shoot, phone and memory maker. We liked the convenience of the memory maker, and loved the videos. But word to the wise if it's a shot you really want have them take a backup shot with your camera/phone! We were missing quite a few from this trip and our July trip as well. Hope you enjoy the last night of our sweetheart trip!