Our Disneymoon Trip Report 16th October to 24th October!!!!

Hey folks, we just got back from our Disneymoon at Walt Disney World, and had the most fantastic time bar a few exceptions.

Heres Jennifer and myself before we left at the bottom,

We got married on Friday 14th October at Glenskirlie Castle,


It was a magical day but sadly flew past far too fast, glad we got lots of pictures and videos so we can remember it lol

Now on with the trip report..... :wave:


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After the tea cups we headed into Fantasyland and went on the Carousel (i have never been on a carousel which jen was amazed by... and it was super fun!), we then went on Snow White. I wanted to do this as i am pretty sure the next time we come it will not be there sadly, jen enjoyed it, she said it was like being a kid again hehe.

Next we went to the Philamagic or however you spell it lol. and this is where we adopted the phrase "automagical" which we are still saying.. going to find away to slip it into my speil at work lol. The show was amazing as always and we were singing along to all the tunes. Think i found that i love Donauld Duck, i liked him before but after this i loved him!.

After the show we headed to the Haunted Mansion, which had an awesome lady outside dressed up and sitting on a bench talking to everyone she was very funny.

Jen was a bit scared to go on HM but i convinced her it was not that scary and just some ghosts singing songs lol, in the end she loved it lol.

Once we got out we headed to ge tour Halloween pins, Jen said she would never buy a pin but i had convinced her by now so we got some of the 2011 Halloween pins and the lovely lady at the counter said there was a message waiting for us and gave us a phone which was mickey congratulating us on our wedding it was totally awesome.

After that it was time for the fireworks so we headed back to the castle.

I got an awesome video of the show, both of us were amazed at how good it was, i was a bit sad that jen never got to see tinkerbell but she will get to see it next trip!

After the fireworks we headed over to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The wait time was 10 mins and again it was more like the walk time lol By this time we had baought one of the Mickey souvenier pop corn buckets and i was trying to keep hold of it with my feet while we road, needless to say we had a popcorn spill lol

We then headed to Splash and ended up in the queue for treats which we went through twice lol by this time our bags were getting pretty full! Half of it i knew i could not eat because i have a nut allergy but jen donated all the non nut stuff to me... we still have loads of candy left lol.

We eventually got in the right queue for splash and headed on in. I hate Splash for some reason, i can go on any rollercoaster and it doesnt bother me but for some reason splash scares me to death but i did it lol The photo as you will see tells it all... forced grin on my face just because i knew where the photo was taken lol, the girl behind us had an awesome outfit on aswell, she did not pull her hood up to the very last moment.. it ended up being an awesome pic that jen laughed for hours about lol.

When we got off, jen wanted to ride again and they offered us to go straight back on, but i was like, once is enough per visit for me hehe so we headed out to go see the parade.

We headed to see the photo first, which was awesome, i have a totally forced smile, but at the counter we met an awesome CM who chated to us for ages. She had applied to come to Edinburgh University and she well deserves the place, she was amazing. She said she came to wdwmagic so if your out there thank you so much you were amazing and if you ever need a place to stay if you come here give us a shout!

We got a video of the parade but missed the headless horseman at the start, but the parade was awesome.

After that we headed to Pirates and thank god it had opened after being closed earlier in the day. i think i would have cried if it was not!

Moving on lol from pirates we went on the magic carpets which jen was desperate to do and got some more candy, then headed to space mountain to get a better photo lol which we did and then it was off for the bus back to the Boardwalk.

I was soo tired when we got back, (it was like 1am) that my " pack" fell off lol, jen could not contain her laughter at this and took a pic lol.

And were moving on... to day 6


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Well-Known Member
Loving all the pics!! :)

I have extended family over in Great Yarmouth, UK. I know that's a great distance south from you. I have never been over to visit them but I would love to sometime. I hear it's beautiful over there!!


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Loving all the pics!! :)

I have extended family over in Great Yarmouth, UK. I know that's a great distance south from you. I have never been over to visit them but I would love to sometime. I hear it's beautiful over there!!

Great Yarmouth is beautiful, so is most of the uk to fair, we live in edinburgh and we love having the castle in the city centre... as for the weather i f you are coming to visit id visit in the summer lol, its pretty cold even at the moment lol! :wave:


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And now on to Day 6.... we had already decided to go to Animal Kingdom but for some reason at breakfast i got it into my head we were going to the studios, jen got very confused as did i, in the end we had no idea where we were going, Jen however had the bright idea of seeing where our ADR's were for the day, and it was Animal Kingdom.. so off we went to get the bus.

Takes quite a bit of time to get there from the Boardwalk, espically with the other stops. The bus stopped at Blizzared Beach, i have only been there once and cause of all the whiteness around it made me feel quite cold even in summer. Next stop was the Animal Kingdom, and as we got through the security gates jen started bouncing up and down in her seat!

As we walked in i noticed you can not really see the waterfall over the Rainforest Cafe anymore, think i had not noticed this on recent visits for some reason but i really miss seeing it!

Our First Stop was the Disney Phtographer in from of the tree of life on the bridge always love getting this pic! We then headed to Kilimanjaro Safaris and got a Fast pass, a sit was a 90 min wait, which neither of really wanted to do at any point of our disneymoon. Then we headed towards Dinosaur one of my favourite attractions in the world. On the way we met another disney photographer and we got some magical photos.

Dinosaur was awesome as always, but jen did admit she got a wee bit frieghtened. After the ride we wondered through the shops and headed back to the safaris with our passes. We got a really good video of the ride and there were loads of animals out even a wee baby elephant. Jen loved the safari and really wanted to go on it again but alas the qeue was still huge.

So it was off to Lunch at The Rainforrest Cafe, for some reason i love that it has its own wee private entrance for getting in and out of the park dunno why. We headed to the pink elephant and were seated in about 15 mins, it was busy as it always seems to be. We got the Sharing Platter to start with then i had the burger and Jen had the steak, we discovered that this was far too much food and we ate soo much we started to feel sick lol. The food was awesome though. Jen did contemplate getting the Volcano but when she saw how big it was she wa slike no chance lol. We also got some cool cocktails in the special glasses you can take home, then even flashed lol.

Next off we wanted some thing easy so we could digest our food, so we headed to the Festival of The Lion King, i had actually never seen the show, and no wonder they say to arrive early at 30 minutes before there was already a hefty amount of folk waiting to get in and by the time the show started the theatre was full! The was amazing, they get all the audience joining in and the performers were excellent! We both clapped and sang all the way through hehe I always remember we used to the Discovery riverboats after eating, still feel sad when i see the wee harbours dotted around the park, wish they would bring them bk hehe. Also on a sidenote, whats up with the water?? It was just completely green it looked kind of cool, but i never remember it being that green lol

We still needed to digest we felt (i wa sputting off going on everest lol), so we headed to its tough to be a bug even though we both hate bugs lol, I just didnt tell Jen what was about to happen. Again we walked on, i do find the show funny but some of the effects they use are a little to close to the real thing lol, everytime by the end of the show im on the edge of my seat haha, jennifer could not stop laughing at me squirming at all the effects. Jen really enjoyed the show though.

After that we headed to Everest, i felt a bit bad as we had fast passes for between 1 and 2, but becaus eof lunch we were never going to make them, so i thought i would try my luck at showing them, it worked but i felt really bad doing it lol i usually make sure i come back at the right time, but the ride its self only had a ten min wait. The first couple of times i rode everest i hated it and was terrified but this time i really enjoyed it! Even if there was only a brief appearance of the yeti in b mode lol I remember the year Everest opened and i was lucky to see the full yeti, but i have started to forget what it is meant to look like now lol.

It was off to Kali River Rapids next, we purposely left this to the end incase we got soaked.. which i did but jen didnt... i seemed to remember you used to get a photo taken when you were all loaded, have i just made this up in my head???? Anyways Jen loved the ride we even waived at the lifeguard at the top lol, i had never noticed him before.

It was coming to the end of the day and we started to walk towards Dinoland, to get out the park, then i remembered jen really wanted to go primevil whirl so we did that as our last ride of the day. Despite what people say i actually really enjoy this ride even if its not very disney like.

Picture time again... then moving on to day 7


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Now on to our last day at the theme parks, boo hiss lol

As you may have guessed it off to the Hollywood Studios....

As usual we got breakfast and headed to the boat to go to the studios, the CMs on the boat were amazing they chatted to us for ages about our trip and suggestions as what to do first when we get there, they were really awesome. There was a young CM driving the boat who was earning his ears, he was doing really well, jen did get a bit nervous when i explained what earning your ears ment lol but he was an awesome captain lol.

Once we got to the studios we did what i think everyone does, or at least should do... go get fast passes to Toy Story Mania, when we got there about 9.45 the fast passes return time was already between 6 and 7 lol, i had never done the ride before, as they were either no fast passes left or it was a 90 minute wait, so i was quite excited we managed to get the passes at all lol. And after everyone saying that this ride was amazing i was hoping it would not disapoint lol.

After the fast passes we headed to the Great Movie ride, which i really enjoy, our driver/host was not that enthusastic though, but we both enjoyed the ride, jen jumped at the part where the alien jumps out lol i found it very funny hehe.

Next off it was the Indiana Jones show... this is probs my favourite show because i love Indiana Jones. The show was packed we nearly did not get a seat, but there was some lovely people from the dream flight foundation that said they would not need all the space so we could sit down. We would see the dream flight teams all round the park during the day. They are trully amazing people, they made sure all the kids had plenty of love and attention, all kids were awesome, and looked like they were having an awesome time. All the people from dream flight, i take my hat off to you you are trully amazing people.

The show was just as good as always, jen did ask about the extra being beaten up... "He is an actor... isnt he????" She sounded a bit nervous lol I did tell her that he was a hidden extra hehe I didnt remember the special effects guy from previous shows but he was super funny he had us both in stitches lol

And we are.... moving on lol to Star Tours. :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Apart from being a big Disney Geek, am i also a sci fi geek to.... (not sure how i managed to get jen to marry me lol)... so i was uber excited about riding the new ride. We waited about 20 mins in the standby queue, not much has changed in the queue more just updated and made it more like a star port. We picked up our glasses and headed into the ride. We got hoth and naboo, it was awesome, and really enjoyed the ride. When we got off we had to run through the shop as we had ADR's at Sci Fi dine in theatre. Was not sure how much jen would enjoy this as she isnt a sci fi geek like me lol.

We got there and were seated within 5 minutes, as our guide took us done the corrider and explained it was a special time corrider, jen burst out laughing, soo much so even our guide was laughing her head off and we actually had to wait until we all calmed down before we entered the seating area. I can not even remember why she burst out laughing lol.

As soon as we sat down jen got sucked in by the movies lol, she was having an awesome time... she really wanted to see the tom and jerry cartoons which much to her excitement we saw hehe. Jen had a burger and i had a sandwich... which proved to be a very proud moment for me, i actually managed for once to finishs all my food (it never happens even at home lol), but even better jen who always finishes her food, didn't lol i was very happy hehe (i know i am sad lol).

After our awesome meal we headed back to the star wars shop to look around, and we got a picture taken and i got my spud a fette, i really wanted the storm trooper one but they did not have any :(. Our dog, kizzy loves my wee bleeping R2D2 she just goes nuts when we press the button, so we wanted to get her one of her own. But alas they only had packs that were just disney ones to.... if anyone knows where i can get a bleeping R2D2 please let me know hehe, i dont want my toy broken lol. (did i tell you our dog has a perfect mickey head on her body???)

It was off to the muppets next which was super funny as always, and all the effects seemed to be working to. Jen loved the show, we were going to go to the shop but decided that we would just buy stuff we dont need lol so we ran towards the Backlot Tour. On the way we stopped to take a picture by the umbrella and a lovely lady said did we want a picture of the two of us which we did of course lol.

I miss the old backlot tour, this ride is now just taking up space and i thought i used to love catastrophy canon (cant spell if you have not guessed all ready). But the love has gone, it was ok, and jen quite licked most of it, but it really makes no sense anymore lol, i miss the houses and the working film studio and all that, it is sad it has come to this! :(

Next we were going to try go on Aerosmith, but when we got there it was a 90minute wait and no fastpasses so we thought we would just come back later. We did get some nice pics from the disney photographer in front of the Tower of Terror though on the way back through. I had been on the tower of terror before but it terrifies me and jen under no uncertain circumstances was going on it lol and i do not balme her hehe.

Our fast passes were about to come into action for Toy Story Mania so we headed in that direction, we were a bit early so we jumped into One mans dream for about ten mins then headed over to Toy Story.

We only waited about ten mins untill we got on, we both loved the themeing around the ride and were getting super excited about it. We Got on and had a blast hehe, jen even beat me on the scores, dont know what i was doing wrong hehe. The ride lived up to our expectations, it was totally awesome lol.

We headed back to aerosmith but it was just a slong a queue so we headed to the little mermaid which i had always missed on prvious trips, not for any reason just didnt do it, but this i would discover was silly of me. The show is amazing, the effects they use really make you feel like your under the sea and the actors were amazing.

By this point we were quite tired so we decided to head back out the park to get the boat and just give up on areosmith lol We did have ADR's for the Brown Derby but we cancelled them because we were so full lol.

When we were queueing for the boat guess who rocked up behind us... Another couple in their Bride and groom mickey hats, they were an awesome couple who were not getting married for seven weeks but had came to get the hats. Lots of people had told me that it was hard to get the groom hat, and to be fair there were a lot of couples with the bride hat and not the groom hat, and even a few CM's said that it was near impposible to get the groom ears and i was very lucky... I just ordered them from the disney florist lol If the lovely couple from our boat ride are out there, you guys are awesome and i hope the wedding goes fantastic to hehe

When we got back to the boardwalk we decided to get pizza for dinner and just chill and watch tv, we got an awesome pizza and some champagne and headed back to the room. Jen was quite tired so headed to bed and i watched the rest of Hocus Pocus which i had not seen in years and i really enjoyed seeing it again.

And now its time for some more pics, and sadly our last full day before we left the world :cry:


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and again some more pics... forgot to mention we saw Lights Motors Action aswell it was okay, i had not seen it before, it wasnt as good as i expected it to be.... and theres a couple of pics for you adventurers club fans to... sadly never got to go but it looks amazing from what i have seen and heard, wish i had gotten a chance to experiance it...


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and some more pics....


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and a couple more pics....


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Active Member
Hey there! Awesome trip report! Congratulations on your marriage and so glad you had a great trip! Lovin' all the pics too!


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And now for our last full day... this would be and up and down day lol

Today we decided to go for a sit down breakfast at Kozzinas on the Boardwalk, we were met by lovely CM's and only waited about 5 mins for our table. The food was lovely i got pancakes and jen got the full breakfast, our server was awesome she advised us on all the food and kept topping out our oj throughout.

We had decided to go to downtown disney and get our hats embroided with the date of our marriage... This was the start of the worst experiance i have ever had at Walt Disney World and it is Days of Christmas

We first went to the embroidier counter, where the man completely ignored us for 5 minutes not even explaining what we had to do, i figured out we probs had to pay for it before we could get it done and headed to the cahsier oposite it. Only to be told to go back to the other counter.... by this time the CM who did the stitching had disapperead and no one could find him so were sent back to the other queue, we had now been waiting 30 mins for this eventually we sorted it out, the CM's were very rude and both of us were still being polite even if we were annoyed. We figured it would be quicker to be nice than complain. After we were told it would take an hour to do we thought what the heck we will go look round the store.

So we spend like 15 mins looking around and get some wedding ornaments and a mickey globe we wanted the year on.. so we headed over to the personalization counter and waited 40 mins in the queue and thats probably an under estimation aswell, jen was starting to go nuts... so was i to be fair.... the reason for our wait is it took six and yes six CM's to do a refund, so they all stopped serving as they did this... one guy was trying to serve and god bless him he tried with no help from the rest of them.

Eventually we got to the front of the queue but we had been in it for close to an hour and just as we got to the front a CM out with the till area finally helped us, by this point near 6 people had just put there stuff down and left the queue. When we said we just wanted the year on our ornament she went away and came back with one with the year on and told us to just go over to another counter.

Guess what another queue... another 20 min wait.

By this point we were raging we finally got to pay and i had lost interest in being nice, i was civil but was not going past that. I asked to speak to a manager and i waited about ten mins but no one cam and i gave up lol

After this huge wait, it was time to get the hats and the man was not nice at all and was very difficult but we got the hats and left.

By this point we needed a drink so went and got some magaritas from one of the stand, then headed for the pin store, luckily the CM's were lovely here and really turned our day around. We got some pins and headed to World of Disney for some gifts.

I will never go back to days of christmas it was a nightmare and i think disney could have done a lot better on their customer skills and queue management.

Anyway moving on.... as they say... just one pic of bad queue management... and then on to the rest of the day that was awesome.. :wave:


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