What a charming, fun, funny, heartfelt film that flawlessly captures the tone, spirit, and charms of the 1977 original!
I was there at midnight Thur/Fri on opening night, and I was saddened that there were only 6 other people in the Pooh screening. Yet the theatre was PACKED with Potter people, which had sold out multiple screens in the same multiplex.
So based on my experience, and now the numbers, I'd say it was a HUGE mistake opening up my favorite movie of 2011 against Potter.
I honestly just think its a sign of our modern culture. I bet a large percentage of kids over the age of 6 would prefer to see the Potter film for the action, the visuals and the coolness factor. Chances are they will not understand half of what's going on (after all it is recommended for an audience over the age of 13). This isn't 20 years ago when the the Smurfs and Rainbow Bright were considered cool. The jaded pre-teen set now craves Transformers and Marvel, full of simulated violence and visual graphics.
Sadly a cute, sensative animated film may only have a market in the straight to DVD arena. I asked my 8 year old daughter if she wanted to go and she gave me such a grimace, like are you serious, that for babies. And thats coming from a parent who encourages reading and only occasionally and begrudgingly allows her to see a PG-13 film.
Nice post. Sadly, this seems to be very true. I know I'm in the minority, but I don't, and have never, cared about being cool, jaded, or watching violent movies. I want something cute, charming, and heartwarming, (like Pooh!) that speaks to my inner child! It's a shame that so many kids seem to be in such a hurry to "grow up" these days. I certainly never was!
Babies shouldn't even be in a movie theater. If you're old enough to be in a theater, you can enjoy the Potter films. Snow White has scary parts too.
No one innocent or good gets killed in Snow White.
Potter has gotten WAAAY too DARK for my taste and I am over 30! I would have considered the first 3 Potter films (which I LOVED) "family films", where we get to enjoy the sense of wonder and charm of Harry's introduction into the world of magic, and things are solved neatly and with no tragic deaths. (other than Harry's parents, but like fairy tales, these occur BEFORE the start of the story). And how awesome was that "time turner" ending in #3, where Buckbeak is saved and Sirius is set free! What a PERFECT, uplifting ending when Harry flies off on Buckbeak. That moment was the peak of my Potter interest. They seemed magical and safe, and I looked forward to the 4th with great anticipation (I've never read the books, so I didn't know what was coming).
But ever since that idiot Voldemort (I said his name!) appears in the 4th film, they have definitely not been what I would remotely consider "family films". Starting with the tragic death of Cedric which ENDS the fourth film and sends audiences out of theatres on a sad note. No uplifting Happy Ending in 4, 5, or 6, and Rowling seems intent on killing off as many beloved, innocent, good characters as possible. I read enough spoilers about 7-1 to know I would NOT have liked it, as even MORE beloved good characters die in the last book than in 4, 5, and 6 combined (where's the time turner now?)
So, as I slowly saw EVERYTHING I loved about the first 3 films disappear in the next 3, I've called it a day and prefer to remember Potter for the first three films, which, again, I LOVED. In hindsight, I should have stoped watching after my disappointment with the unhappy ending in 4, but I gave 5 and 6 a shot as well, with the same diminishing returns. The bottom line is, the series started with a charming and innocent sense of wonder at this magical world, sprinkled with fun little scenes of life at Hogwarts, and it turned into something MUCH MUCH darker and less "family-friendly", arguably significantly darker than the original Star Wars trilogy and even Lord of the Rings.
Others' mileage may very. I am not used to watching PG-13 movies (and definitely not Rs), so the level of violence, darkness, sadness, and tragedy in 4, 5, and 6 was quite shocking and unenjoyable for me!