One Sentence Competition: The Prism of SYWTBAI - The End is Near (9/11 :P)


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Whazzup my fellow OSC peeps!


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I love how I just started this competition back up, I’m patting myself on the back for that one. Also AGP you need better internet, DESPERATELY.
AGP said this on Sunday, so maybe I should pat myself on the back.
lol so the OSC technically isn't over yet and I just had it on a second-long pause because I just went on a 2.5-week vacation to Asia (the first pause for Citrus Dreamin'). I'll be resuming today/tomorrow so you can participate in the last few rounds if you want :) see you there

Edit: I'll make a post for late-submission reviews too, along with reviews for the 6th prompt I believe.

Anyway, I need your suggestions and critiques on Squirrel the Imagineer.
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Architectural Guinea Pig

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In the Parks

Is anyone here really surprised I pulled through?


At the beginning of the second half, I’m going to start trying a new review system that could potentially make things easier to understand and read. The prompt itself is a special one, as it’s pretty simple: Design a Great Literature Ride. In fact, making your pitch original is a very hard thing to do- as most pitches follow the same format. Thinking outside the box is an important part of what makes the winners of each spectrum the winners, and hopefully, this review system is going to pretty much show what I mean. Please understand that none of the numbers mean anything, so if I score someone ⅕ please don’t feel bad or anything, it’s simply an opinion and not a fact.

Originality (#/5) - This criterion I’m looking to see how unique or original a pitch is. Does it think outside the box?
Realism (#/5) - Even though pitches can be really cool, there must also be grounds for realism. Is your pitch generally realistic to happen?
X-factor (#/5) - This criterion is simply a personal opinion. Does AGP like it, or is wowed by it?

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

The Great Shakespeare Ride - @Disney Warrior
O (3.5/5) - Starting the prompt strong! I like a Shakespeare take on the ride, as it’s unique and exemplifies true romance.
R (4.5/5) - Putting a Shakespeare ride in the UK Pavillion sounds fun, and the emphasis on making it detailed but family-friendly is cool.
X-factor (4/5) - I love Shakespeare’s works, and I was really surprised about the path you took for this prompt. Great work!

+1 Bonus - To Be or Not To Be Greg Heffley

The Strange World of Charles Dickens - @Brer Panther
O (3.5/5) - Pretty out-of-the-box considering the prompt. I really like the switcheroos between the three great detectives. Hercule Poirot is my king
R (3.5/5) - I like the detail you put into the layout and how it would work, but I really just can’t imagine it realistically working out as its supposed to (how is it randomized?)
X (4/5) - I LOVE AGATHA CHRISTIE! Have you read And Then There Were None?

+1 Bonus - Haven’t read that one yet. Will check it out

Four Great Novels at Gilroy Gardens - @Miru

O (5/5) - Wow. That certainly was unexpected. I only know about Journey to the West and this extremely detailed write-up on it along with the others is very original- I literally did not expect it, good job!
R (3/5) - Ok. I love what you’re going for, but realistically this is very far-fetched. Gilroy gardens is a family park literally themed to GARLIC! But after I read your explanation it kind of works out with the Chinese community… perhaps it would work better in CA Great America within the Bay Area, which definitely has a large Asian presence
X (5/5) - I have to say I’m really surprised by this one. Nails what it intends to be, and will definitely resonate to many people.

+1 Bonus - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Nippon Monagatori - @Solaris Knight
O (4/5) - Lol I had a laugh at this thinking this was about the most recent fandom-made avatar Gengi. Pretty original, though it’s very spread out in terms of its theming
R(4/5) - Doing a CoP style attraction is very fitting and needed for Epcot, and sizable for space. The facade’s potential to be a giant circular temple is excellent.
X (4/5) - A ride about Japanese literature, literally ALL JAPANESE LITERATURE LMAO is really interesting!

+1 Bonus - I smell cultural dilution, yummy yummy in my tummy

The Pagemaster: Look to the Books - @Evilgidgit
O (4/5) - What in the FLIPPITY FLIP is the Pagemaster? It has an adaption starring the Home Alone psychopath? I’m so confused because apparently there isn’t actually a book? Aside from that, a step into the selection of literary worlds is good.
R (3/5) - Only because it’s in Hollywood studios lol
X (4/5) - Even though I’m a bit confused about what the Pagemaster is, you painted a nice image into my mind, and being able to explore all these literary worlds is fun!

+1 Bonus - Fullmetal indeed
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Architectural Guinea Pig

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Mickey and the Beanstalk - @Lord Fozzinator
O (3.5/5) - I can’t give much credit since it isn’t really a piece of literature but Mickey and the beanstalk is still a pretty original concept!
R (3.5/5) - The Princess Fairytale Hall section is actually much smaller than you think, not enough for a 6 minute ride. I still like the detail you put, especially with capacity
X (⅘) - Solid concept! The detail you have towards the story is very strong here.

+1 Bonus - Ah cmon I have entomophobia (jk)

The Great American Novel Ride - @OSUPhantom
O (⅘) - I love me a good American novel. What I really like about your pitch is its bookstore location on Main Street, which is really subtle but makes a nice peaceful ride to start/end your day.
R (5/5) - This feels so real and so olden days Disney! Everything from the Omnimover system to its background is perfect and fitting for Main Street.
X (5/5) - Just like you said, this is truly a love letter to America. The only thing that makes me sad is that you didn’t mention Gone With the Wind :)

+1 Bonus - New book on my to be read list yippee

Toontown Library - @Pi on my Cake
O (5/5) - No bias, I LOVE THIS PITCH! It’s unique, taking that common Muppets movie idea and shifting it into an entirely new personality. This is perfect for Toontown and will get a lot of kids more interested in reading.
R (4/5) - One point docked off because I still want Runaway Railway ToT. Aside from that, it definitely feels a little weird doing an Omnimover system for a seemingly more energetic ride.
X (5/5) - While the system for this is a bit ill-fitting for what should be a crazy and wacky ride, I still love the concept very much!

Great Railway Tales - @WaltWiz1901
O (4/5) - Wow- another idea I did not expect to land onto this page. This is very interesting of a concept you’re going for, and even more so when mixing history and legend together.
R (4/5) - Referencing Passage to the Stars right off the bat seriously nails me with that nostalgia for something that only happened a few months ago
X (4/5) - Clean tracks all around, this is a very interesting idea and I would love to learn more about it

+1 Bonus - Apologies for my lack of knowledge on E2s

La Grande Alade Litteraire - @Disney Dad 3000
O (4/5) - I didn’t expect much going into this round, but seeing all these interesting and original ideas spread about has made me so proud of the Imagineering community. I love your setting and take for what seems to be a very charming park.
R (5/5) - You nailed all the details, and it really seems like the park could open something like this
X (4/5) - A great collection of scenes, a great setting, and simple enough for a simple park to create!

+1 Bonus - Mr. Toad is wiiildd

Architectural Guinea Pig

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In the Parks
The fact I took three hours writing reviews explains the procrastination hiatus
Trese: Fight the Dark - @montydysquith-navarro
O (5/5) - Ok, what? Is this? I have to say this is very… interesting… for a literature ride… in the Philippines… I don’t know much about Trese but from quick research it looks really cool- I might check it on Netflix.
R (3.5/5) - I don’t know much about Enchanted Kingdom, but this concept and ride could be feasible depending on the budget. I really like the detail you put on the ride system, contractor, etc.
X (4/5) - from what I can tell, this looks to be really cool, especially since it’s also pretty culturally relevant and will be a hit for guests at Enchanted Kingdom!

+1 Bonus - Interesting… you have a very unique taste in good literature

O (4/5) - ROALD DAHHLLLLLL! His books are simply fabulous and I loved reading them as a kid. Flying on giant peaches is really goofy but really original of idea. You continue to nail it with these pitches.
R (4/5) - I must admit though, I’m not entirely sure how a giant suspended peach vehicle would work out well. And having it in Port of entry… it would be much more fitting in Imagination Harbor ;)

+1 Bonus - I remember reading about that… one day is seriously crazy

The Great Before They Were Movies Ride - @Tony the Tigger
O (4.5/5) - I really like your organizational flow using chapters- each being only one sentence long! But the best part seriously is your idea of splitting this attraction into multiple parts and ride vehicles. Literally so cool and feels so special!
R (3.5/5) - realistically making a ride of this scale would be really crazy, and if one problem happened on one chapter of the attraction, then everything would go down…
X (4/5) - A three-punch attraction truly makes this splendid

+1 Bonus - huh? Psychic Rabbits?

Don’t Panic: An Improbable Guide to the Galaxy - @Rock Wren
O (5/5) - WOW! Is this essentially a retheme of Star Tours? If it is, I am seriously all for it. Traveling through literary worlds using this sci-fi storyline is really interesting, and it would be so cool topping it off with a discovery of what the answer to life, the universe, and everything is.
R (3/5) - While there isn’t really an emphasis on what the ride system will be, I still understand the general gist of how the ride will work.
X (5/5) - 42.

+1 Bonus - That sounds like a good book.

Architectural Guinea Pig

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4 Great Novels by @Miru and YOU AND THE GIANT PEACH by @Outbound

Honorable Mention goes to someone(s) whose project excelled in one field but did not quite make the cut for a medal for whatever reason. Two really original and great ideas, but a few... interesting things on realism took them out of the top spots


The Great American Novel RIde by @OSUPhantom

What I loved the most about this was the setting in Main Street USA, a perfect place to add a chill new Omnimover ride perfect to end the day.


Don't Panic: An Improbable Guide to the Galaxy by @Rock Wren

A good idea is a good idea! Creating a reason for the travel between approximately 42 different worlds is super strong, especially when Marvin is involved.


Toontown Library by @Pi on my Cake

Although I'm still not a fan of using an Omnimover ride system for such a rambunctious and wild ride, I just love this idea, as it's original, fitting to Toontown, and creates a way for kids to learn about great novels and literature of our time.

with Solaris Knight's decision to reprogram the game into OSC: The Prisms of SYWTBAI, there will be no further prism decisions by 1st place winners (Sorry Pi!) However, new prompts will continue to be randomized within the SYWTBAI Universe.

and I'm really sorry for having a huge hiatus once again into this game (definitely the most notorious in history now), but since I'm into summer break TRUST ME WE CAN WRAP THIS OFF TOGETHER. PEACE!!! NateD1126 will be cooking up something special for you armchair imagineers soon...

Architectural Guinea Pig

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In the Parks

Season 14, Project 12: Universal Blue Skies

Welcome back to the seventh spectrum of the One Sentence Competition: Prism of SYWTBAI! Solaris Knight's decision to use a new SYWTBAI prism means that all future prompts will be old prompts. With this weird new prism in place, OSC is now grounds for a revisiting of the forum's past, diving into the What Ifs from the most cherished prompts to grace the forum.

-The Set Up-
@TheOriginalTiki: "Based on season 11's Universal Blue Sky Project, This was an idea dreamed up by @JokersWild while he was helping me host season 11 and is a great mental muscle exercise and possibly the simplest project of the season. Team Goelz must design SOMETHING for a Universal Park...that something is ENTIRELY up to them.


It could be an E-Ticket, a dining experience, a brand new land, a whole new theme park, or something as simple as a food cart. The only requirement I have is to NOT touch the dangling Nintendo fruit Universal has in their arsenal just yet."

-The Submissions-
Team Goelz's An Entrance Fit for a Universe

Armchair Imagineering ANYTHING for a current or future Universal Park. [badump]

  • Anything and everything! It could even be a restroom. Remember, it's not about how grand or detailed the pitch is, it's simply about how good the idea is.
  • You may use between 1 to 3 sentences and up to 1 image.
  • No AI generated artwork, writing, or assistance in the brainstorming process is allowed​

This project is due on Sunday, July 7 at 11:59 PM WDW Time
(8:59 PM Disneyland Time), abt four days from now
Reviews WILL BE POSTED either the day the deadline is due or the day after. If not, feel free to spam-ping my account until I post them.

K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple, silly. Try not to complicate or overthink things too much. It’s a simple, casual competition – there are no eliminations. Propose as you please, let your imagination soar!

-Judging Criteria-
Originality (#/5) - This criterion I’m looking to see how unique or original a pitch is. Does it think outside the box?
Realism (#/5) - Even though pitches can be really cool, there must also be grounds for realism. Is your pitch generally realistic to happen?
X-factor (#/5) - This criterion is simply a personal opinion. Does AGP like it, or is wowed by it?

BONUS: Hold Your Horses
Simply type "I held my horse" to get a free bonus point. If you would like, include an image of the horse you held. Is it a My Little Pony? a Black Beauty? You can use up to one extra sentence and image.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Armchair Imagineering ANYTHING for a current or future Universal Park.
Bikini Bottom
This new addition to [INSERT WHICHEVER UNIVERSAL THEME PARK HERE] finally allows parkgoers to do what many around the world have wanted to do since 1999 - visit the underwater town that SpongeBob SquarePants calls home. You can explore SpongeBob and Squidward's houses, eat a Krabby Patty at the Krusty Krab, get behind the wheel of a boatmobile at Mrs. Puff's Boating School (a similar attraction to Autopia), fly through the air tangled in the tentacles of a jellyfish on Jellyfish Fields Flyers (a unique take on the "chairswing" flat ride), and even head over to Glove World to take a ride on the Firey Fist O' Pain.

BONUS: I held my horse, but it was really heavy so I think I sprained something.

Disney Warrior

Well-Known Member
The Fast and the Furious: Supercharged (but better)

Coming soon to Universal Studios Florida (in a few years), the current terrible ride system is swapped out for a ride that is actually fast (and furious). Guests board a racecar (inspired by those seen in the films) and are taken on a wild ride through the streets of San Francisco, including jumps, heart-pumping music, lights, sounds, scents, a water effect, and the car “flipping over”. This ride is an EMV ride with some projected screens, simulator elements, and most importantly, family.

I held my horse, but it’s been a long day without it, my friend, and I’ll tell you all about it when I see it again.​
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NBC Presents


Universal knows they needed a quick replacement to Jimmy Fallon’s dud at Universal Studios Florida; they decided to shake it up and go big with their next attraction dedicated to their television enterprise. NBC Presents is an immersive and massive dark ride that pays tribute to most beloved shows in the NBC catalog; Seinfeld, Friends, Golden Girls, Law and Order, Saturday Night Live and more. In a way a cross-company spiritual successor to the Great Movie Ride; NBC Presents will use elaborate show scenes and audio animatronics to bring to life some of the most beloved television series.

Bonus: I held my horse, and then stared off into the abyss wondering who was there to hold me.​

Earlie the Pearlie

Well-Known Member
Lombard’s Waterfront Club

Lombard’s Seafood at Universal Studios Florida has been reimagined into a new eating experience! In the tradition of Disney’s Adventurers Club, Lombard’s will now feature walk around characters: members of an exclusive club for the powerful and elite, all with ties to the sea, from slippery gangsters (sleeping with the fish and all that) to wealthy fishermen who still retain their fishy charm! Sure to become fan favorites, these characters enhance the entire experience and might even challenge you to a shrimp eating contest!!

Bonus: As I held my horse, I sobbed, for I knew we weren’t far from the glue factory.

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Willy Wonka Land

Replacing the Lost Continent at Universals Islands of Adventure is a land inspired by the 3 Willy Wonka films and the books that Roald Dahl created, the land is filled with shops, restaurants, and world class attractions. The once mythic building have become the snow topped buildings of a European town filled with shops and dinning locations, on the balcony’s and in the streets several different characters will walk around and rant about the famous chocolate bars, sometimes even Willy Wonka will make a grand appear on a stage with an animatronic band behind him. Sitting on top of a hill is the famous chocolate factory that hold the attractions of the land, the candy area can be explored with several playgrounds around the area, ride several candy themed flat rides, take a boat ride through the journey of Willy Wonka, and go on the glass elevator drop tower.

Bonus: It was a cool day, so I was feeling blue, so I was holding my horse, then I fell off.
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Puss in Boots: Journey up the beanstalk

Following the success of dreamworks kidzone, universal studios gives the green light for a phase two attraction to be built, a major family friendly darkride themed to the successful puss and boots franchise, acting as a star attraction for this part of the park! In it, you follow puss , kitty, and perrito as they go on their next adventure: a journey up jack’s beanstalk, into the clouds, for a giants treasure, But they need your help! (“Hey, ive seen this one before, its a classic!”) Glide around the physical set and animatronic filled scenes of the castle walls with the gang, facing danger at every turn in a mad dash to escape the giants and nab the treasure!

Bonus: holding your horses on whuppin little Buford, you should shoot him instead!

Edit: fixed the length


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Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Puss and Boots: Journey up the beanstalk

Following the success of dreamworks kidzone, universal studios gives the green light for a phase two attraction to be built, a major family friendly darkride themed to the successful puss and boots franchise, acting as a star attraction for this part of the park! In it, you follow puss , kitty, and perrito as they go on their next adventure: a journey up jack’s beanstalk, into the clouds, for a giants treasure, But they need your help! (“Hey, ive seen this one before, its a classic!”) Glide around the physical set and animatronic filled scenes of the castle walls with the gang, facing danger at every turn in a mad dash to escape the giants and nab the treasure!

Bonus: holding your horses on whuppin little Buford, you should shoot him instead!

Edit: fixed the length
(It’s Puss IN Boots.)

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