On-Ride Photos


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Hi all! We're leaving on our trip in 17 days (woo hoo!) and I just had a random question. When your picture is taken on a ride, if the people sitting around you buy a copy of the pic, do they somehow take you out of the picture? I always look TERRIBLE in those pics and I shudder to think of some random person having a picture of me in their photo album of me looking terrible. Someone please ease my mind! Thanks!


New Member
Original Poster
:eek: Yikes! Ah well. Is there any way to get myself taken off or anything? My hubby doesn't like many of the rides, so I do a lot of single-rider lines. Sorry to anyone who's photos I ruined! :wave:


Well-Known Member
:eek: Yikes! Ah well. Is there any way to get myself taken off or anything? My hubby doesn't like many of the rides, so I do a lot of single-rider lines. Sorry to anyone who's photos I ruined! :wave:

:lol: I always think this too. I rode Everest in the single rider line and ended up next to a girl who talked about the photo with her friends behind us the whole ride. I felt bad that I ended up making a ridiculous face in the photo (not on purpose!)
I've never bought an on-ride photo, but in Six Flags we previewed one where they zoomed in on my friend and I and cut everyone else out of the photo. It was cool, but it wasn't a themed environment like the rides in WDW so it didn't matter if they cut the background out.


New Member
You can usually take a photo of your photo, while it's up on the monitor (completely discouraged @ Universal, but never a problem @ WDW for me), then do your own edit, if the photo isn't what you like as taken.


Well-Known Member
I like to get my wife and daughter to pose like dorks with me on the ride photos. We pose as though we are terrified to hit the wall on Test Track, and sometimes we cover ourselves with ponchos completely from the top of our heads on Splash Mountain. We rarely purchase the photos, but I've often wondered if people come home from their vacation and have family members ask them who the losers are on their ride photos.


Well-Known Member
As someone else- Don't worry, If I buy the picture it's because I like the goofy looking people and don't mind.

As a customer- You can edit other people out of YOUR photo to just feature you if you want, ask the editing person and they'll zoom n' crop it etc.



If you ever want one, just buy it, take home and scan it into photoshop (or similar) and edit the others out yourself.

Personally, I haven't felt the need to edit other people out of ours... it kinda reminds you of the feel of the vacation... how people all over, from every nation, are there just enjoying themselves like you are.

I wouldn't sweat "ruining" some else's photo. No big.

Now, want to get a little wierded out? Think of all the random photos you see snapped in front of you, placing you in the background of people's vacation pics that they'll be looking at in a photo album, or in a digital frame or computer monitor as a screen saver slide show... while in their pajamas or under garments... for years to come.

Sleep well!:wave:


Well-Known Member
As PP's have said, you pretty much get exactly what is on the screen. Since TT can be done through photopass, depending on where their group is sitting, they could potentially crop non group members out. I have done crops of just myself on TT. (Which is kinda pointless, but I digress) Some rides, like Dinosaur, the picture is the whole vehicle. Others, like EE, the photos are more car by car, so if someone in another car does something stupid, the other pictures should still be fine.
They typically don't do anything to edit the group pictures, but may just pull them if they get deemed offensive. I.E. Flash Mountain..... Those tend to be the pics that get the "Oooppss.. We missed your picture, sorry." messages on the screen.


Active Member
I have a ride photo from almost every ride. Im not sure why i like them so much but they are my favorite souvenirs to buy lol. On my last trip I rode EE like 8 times in a row (there was no wait for it) and the CM there gave us tips on how to take the best photo cause we wanted to wear our wedding mickey ears and didnt want them to fly off it was great.
anyway, some of the rides you can zoom in on just you but it may not look right with the border that the photo comes with. But when i look at the pictures i dont see the other people, i see myself or the other people that might be in my party not the people around us. ENJOY and remember to SMILE


Well-Known Member
Hi all! We're leaving on our trip in 17 days (woo hoo!) and I just had a random question. When your picture is taken on a ride, if the people sitting around you buy a copy of the pic, do they somehow take you out of the picture? I always look TERRIBLE in those pics and I shudder to think of some random person having a picture of me in their photo album of me looking terrible. Someone please ease my mind! Thanks!

Lol, nope!


You can usually take a photo of your photo, while it's up on the monitor (completely discouraged @ Universal, but never a problem @ WDW for me), then do your own edit, if the photo isn't what you like as taken.

See ive always had an issue with this in WDW... especially on ToT... even though i bought the picture.... she gave me a real ticking off :ROFLOL:

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