OMG...How Much Did You Say.?..

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
For heavens sake.:oops:..Had lunch with an old buddy today,whom I haven't seen for about ten years or so..I just happened to mention that we've just come back from a 10 day vacation in Spain..How much was it.?..I told him around $1400..:eek:...He then asked me if that was all inclusive..No I said..Room only..:eek::eek:..He says his last holiday abroad was to Spain seven years ago,and cost him and his wife $1000 for a week all inclusive..:rolleyes:...When I told him the price of our 2012 vacation to WDW, he went into a comatose..:jawdrop:..Now I ain't going to work out how much our five trips have cost us since 2004, but I could see in his eyes he was trying to justify the cost of 14 days at Disney against other things in life..A new kitchen..A new car..5 holidays in Europe,etc...So I smiled and thought to myself..Is he right.?..Am I the crazy one spending all this $$$$$$$$ on a vacation.?..My next trip ( 2015 ) will probably be around $7500 and that's just excluding spending money ) ...So how do you justify your disney vacation costs to friends who try and convince you that you should be locked up in a sanatorium..:banghead:...I kept saying to him..It's only money..And it's the best vacation I've ever had...But he just kept on laughing and saying, " You need your head examined." :(....What's your advice.?..How do you justify the cost of your Disney vacation to others who spend only a quarter of what you spend on their holidays..:inlove:


Well-Known Member
I LOVE Discover's rewards program and the 5% bonuses. I've taken to only using my Disney Visa (basic, I won't pay the annual fee either) for paying for Disney travel charges from them directly for the interest free period they offer. I have no idea how many Disney dollars we have. I never even look because it's never that much. But Discover? Yeah. I rack up CASH quickly. Also, hubby had to get a separate card for business travel expenses. He opted for the United Visa. We rack up points for flights with them which is wonderful. The annual fee associated is reimbursed as a business expense so win/win! :D
Right now the promotion is "online" charges, so he'll be going online to charge is classes for next semester at UCONN
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Well-Known Member
My answers to, "How much was it?" are always either, "I don't know; it was a gift" or "I don't remember."

I learned early on that people only ask that question so that they can give a response, sometimes an unkind one. Refusing to answer is much easier than responding to the unkind responses. :)

Close friends who actually wanted to know what it would cost because they wanted to go and saw a commercial claiming "$1200 Total" and waned to know if it's true...they'd get a conversation.

It's nobody's business how others spend their money. I don't care if someone spent $60,000 on their car or $30,000 on their new bathroom with heated floors, even though I wouldn't spend money on those kinds of things.

We all make our own choices, based on our own budgets. It's much less fun to discuss finances and much more fun to ask people how they like those new, heated bathroom floors. If they're happy, I'm happy. :)
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Well-Known Member
I was told by a co-worker that I should put back my money for retirement. Spending 1000's of dollars at WDW is crazy.
Well my reply was "tomorrow is not promised, I may not live to see retirement, I'm enjoying it while I can".
I agree with that - why not enjoy vacations as and when you can. Travelling from UK means that we don't get to the world as often as I would like - but we start to save for the next trip as soon as we return. Some people spend money on other items (cars/boats/clothes/shoes etc) and it may actually cost them more than my vacation over the 2/3 years in between them. But each to their own!!!
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Well-Known Member
I think all my friends and family have given up making comments. They do occasionally say we could have easily bought somewhere in Florida for the amount we have spent (which we did try to work out once but have quickly forgotten the figure as it was so much) and pretty irrelevant in the long run as Disney is home for us.We leave from the UK next Tuesday on our 17th trip and will spend our 250th day in Disney while we are there. For us it's what keeps us going all year. We save for our holidays and go without other things if needed just so we can go. As others have said it is down to personal choice I don't tell others what to spend their money on so why should they care what I spend mine on!
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
NO its not crazy to spend tons of money on a vacation that you will remember for years to come. Who knows what's going to happen tomorrow or next week, much less in a year. If you can, go and enjoy. We do cut corners in order to buy Ap's and use them twice (sometimes 3x) so we really get our monies worth out of them. Our biggest savings is staying offsite and eating some meals offsite. We've never done a tour and usually only do a couple (if any) ADRs. But we're fine with that and we're thankful that we can go each year for two weeks.
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Well-Known Member
I don't justify it. My coworkers think I am crazy that I never eat out for lunch, and they laugh that I carry my Merona purse -circa 2010, but those are a couple of ways that I save for trips to my happy place. We go twice a year for a total of 3 weeks, and while I never disclose what we spend, some people have figured out the ballpark figure and they do tell me I am insane. These people are not really my friends though, because my true friends know how happy Disney makes me, so they are genuinely happy for me, even if they don't "get the magic of Disney". For me, these trips are totally worth the price. My family has made wonderful memories here and we think of them when times are tough. Disney is a line item on my monthly budget, just like my mortgage. I feel it's just as necessary as other bills I have to pay each month. At the end of the day, I just say, "Free to be you and me!" They are not paying my bills, so it shouldn't matter.
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Well-Known Member
Welllllll - we're DVC members. That helps. But the truth is, we love the place. Were in or 60's, and really enjoy BEING there. It's not about the rides - it's about the place itself :).
We are not DVC members but we love the place too.

We don't discuss our financial status with anyone. We do not borrow money to go, we pay cash. We live quite well, pay our bills and make no excuses for where, when or if we travel. I would love to go to Europe again, and I will one day. It will be a great reason to visit DL Paris!
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Jonathan Woolf

Active Member
Ok I struggle to keep a mortgage going like most of the known world but you cannot put a price on family happiness - we work and work and work and do the right things for our children and we pay our taxes and just occasionally why not splurge? I have just spent the cost of an expensive car on this holiday at the GF next July for 3 weeks and we as a family are going to forget about troubles and work and pressure and stress. Yes I could get 5 or 6 holidays in Europe for this money but we don't have that time in any year to take them. Disney is childhood, it is the aromas, it is smiles, it is hysteria at getting soaked in those afternoon thunderstorms or KRR, it is non guilt at maple syrup drizzled over bacon and so much more - so yes it is a fortune but it is keeping me going each day as i leave home at 4am to commute to London and deal with an unhappy workforce and why not - we only live once? Disney can be a dream location and for 3 weeks next year we are going to live that dream at the GF in an OUTTP room (whatever that is) and smile and laugh and beam xxx
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok I struggle to keep a mortgage going like most of the known world but you cannot put a price on family happiness - we work and work and work and do the right things for our children and we pay our taxes and just occasionally why not splurge? I have just spent the cost of an expensive car on this holiday at the GF next July for 3 weeks and we as a family are going to forget about troubles and work and pressure and stress. Yes I could get 5 or 6 holidays in Europe for this money but we don't have that time in any year to take them. Disney is childhood, it is the aromas, it is smiles, it is hysteria at getting soaked in those afternoon thunderstorms or KRR, it is non guilt at maple syrup drizzled over bacon and so much more - so yes it is a fortune but it is keeping me going each day as i leave home at 4am to commute to London and deal with an unhappy workforce and why not - we only live once? Disney can be a dream location and for 3 weeks next year we are going to live that dream at the GF in an OUTTP room (whatever that is) and smile and laugh and beam xxx
Wow...Well put young man..;)
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Well-Known Member
I was told by a co-worker that I should put back my money for retirement. Spending 1000's of dollars at WDW is crazy.
Well my reply was "tomorrow is not promised, I may not live to see retirement, I'm enjoying it while I can".

So true; my dad retired at 60 years old and died of cancer at 61.
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Well-Known Member
Life is so short and some people take it for granted. I am sorry to hear about your dad, mine passed away at the young age of 52 due to cancer.

I liked this when I read the first sentence, and then unliked it upon reading the second. I'm never quite sure how this "like" button works... At any rate, my Mema also died very young of Alzheimer's, among other things. It really made me realize how important it is to live in the now.
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