Ok, now I need help finding a lens


Original Poster
I mainly photograph, for travel, and my kids. Which lens would be best for me to invest in? 55mm? What do you suggest? I mainly work with a tamron lens 17-85mm I believe at work (portrait photography) Thanks....:)


Well-Known Member
I mainly photograph, for travel, and my kids. Which lens would be best for me to invest in? 55mm? What do you suggest? I mainly work with a tamron lens 17-85mm I believe at work (portrait photography) Thanks....:)

Do you want a prime lens?

If so either the 35mm or 50mm (which I believe just came out) are both really amazing fast (and cheap) lenses. I almost always use the 35mm for anything I shoot. (Seriously..its on my camera about 95% of the time). Its a personal preference and I like that it makes me physically move around to get a good shot, plus since it has a decent aperture range I don't have to really worry if it will be able to capture what I see. (9 times out of 10 I stay in f2.8 and have no issues).

If you want a zoom lens, well then it gets a bit more complicated. The price range on zooms is a LOT more varied and I am not sure what range you are looking for.


Well-Known Member
Nikon 50mm f/1.8 = 135 bucks or so, amazing lens for the money. This is an FX lens so it's DX equivallent is 75mm, super sharp and crisp.


Original Poster
Okay so, the 35mm or 50mm, they shoot pretty much anything beautifully. Are they great in dark rides as well? I don't mind not having the telephoto, I just want beauty. I will look into both lenses, I was also told the 30mm lens by sigma was a fantastic lens as well. How does that fair with the other 2 listed?

Thanks so much. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Okay so, the 35mm or 50mm, they shoot pretty much anything beautifully. Are they great in dark rides as well? I don't mind not having the telephoto, I just want beauty. I will look into both lenses, I was also told the 30mm lens by sigma was a fantastic lens as well. How does that fair with the other 2 listed?

Thanks so much. :animwink:

Both those lenses are "fast" so they are decent in low light. However a chunk of performance will depend on the camera body/sensor as well. Also..it helps to manually focus in the dark as sometimes autofocus will just take too long to get a shot.


Original Poster
Thank you kindly....so I can't go wrong with either one. Yes? Tell me though, why would I need a "wider lens" 30mm when it crops anyway, or was that the 50mm that crops? lol

I know you said it depends on the camera body/sensor. I was debating between the nikon d5100 and d7000 don't they both have the same sensor?


Well-Known Member
Any lense that isnt specifically designed for DX cameras will be cropped, Nikon is a 1.5X magnification (1.6 for canon)

Wider helps you get tighter... so in stances where you dont have the freedom of using manual zoom (ie your feet) 50 mm might be to tight.


Well-Known Member
Thank you kindly....so I can't go wrong with either one. Yes? Tell me though, why would I need a "wider lens" 30mm when it crops anyway, or was that the 50mm that crops? lol

I know you said it depends on the camera body/sensor. I was debating between the nikon d5100 and d7000 don't they both have the same sensor?

Not exactly the same sensor (i don't think), but the same APS-C crop format, so yes, both will crop 1.5x.

A lot of people say that the 50mm on a crop body is too much zoom on the dark rides. I use a 35mm and I love it. Slightly more expensive than the 50mm, but still reasonable.

Also, yes, the Sigma 30mm is supposed to be quite an awesome lens. The sigma is an f/1.4 where the (cheaper) 50mm and 35mm are both f1/8. However, the Sigma costs more than the 50mm and 35mm combined!


Original Poster
So I think I have decided since I have to be under 1K. I'm thinking the nikon
d5100 with the sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens....:)


Original Poster
you mean like UV filters? Absolutely....a bag yes definitley....wish I was getting the d7000 but I'm sure the d5100 is nice too.:)


Well-Known Member
Also..from personal experience, you may want to invest in a spare lens cap or 2 (I've dropped many and were not able to retrieve them), and a new strap (the ones that come with the cameras aren't that great).


Premium Member
Are you buying one lens only?

If so, I would strongly recommend getting a zoom for travel and kids shots. It's going to be really annoying being fixed at 30mm. It isn't particularly wide on a crop, nor is great for portraits. They can be a great lens, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't want to be stuck at that range and have no other option.


Original Poster
Are you buying one lens only?

If so, I would strongly recommend getting a zoom for travel and kids shots. It's going to be really annoying being fixed at 30mm. It isn't particularly wide on a crop, nor is great for portraits. They can be a great lens, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't want to be stuck at that range and have no other option.

What about the lens that comes with the D5100? No?


Premium Member
What about the lens that comes with the D5100? No?

I don't know what your level of photography is, but the 18-55mm kit lens for me would be a much better multi-purpose travel lens than a 30mm. It would get you through most situations. The max aperture of f3.5 means it wont be incredible for handheld low light photography, but then it's a very low cost lens.


Well-Known Member
The 18-55mm will be fine until you use the Sigma 30mm and see the HUGE difference in quality. You will probably need some sort of zoom lens in the park and just going with a prime can be limiting (very eye opening, but not a good choice to start with!). But if photography is something you are really interested in that lens won't last long before you upgrade. The 18-105 is pretty nice, but more expensive. The 55-200 is in between; better than the 18-55 but not as nice as the 18-105. You just might have to step or two back from whatever you're shooting if you use the 55-200!

And depending on where you are buying your kit from, all three of those lenses should be choices.


Original Poster
Most of my experience is portrait photography.....I have used the standard lens that came with my canon 40d 28-135....it's not bad...just not quite what I'm looking for. I saw some photography on here using the 30mm lens and was blown away. I guess I could look into a telephoto lens....


Premium Member
Most of my experience is portrait photography.....I have used the standard lens that came with my canon 40d 28-135....it's not bad...just not quite what I'm looking for. I saw some photography on here using the 30mm lens and was blown away. I guess I could look into a telephoto lens....

If you already use a zoom you know all about its flexibility. Try fixing the zoom at 30mm and see how you like that. If you are good with that, go with the 30mm, if you like having the flexibility, find a zoom to fit your budget.

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