Ohio to Disney World...

For those of you that have drove from Ohio, how long did it take you?

My hubby and I are 32 now and we haven't done the drive since we were like 18. Even though Yahoo maps calculates it to take about 15 1/2 hours my hubby thinks we did it in around 12 (yes, we speed a bit but not that much...). I'm thinking it'll be more like 14. We'll be doing the I-77 to I-95 route from the Columbus area.

So, where in Ohio did you drive from and how long did it take you? & do you typically do the speed limit or 10-15 over like us?


New Member
Wow 12 hours!! I would have thought Ohio would have been a longer trip than Jersey!! We are driving from NJ for the first time. We have done Hilton Head SC before and met a family from Ohio, not sure where but there trip was the same amount of time as it was for us. 13. We are 2 hours north of that now and it will take us 18 hours.

I hope you do get there in 12!!!

Good luck but I have to say Google maps is usually pretty accurate!
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For those of you that have drove from Ohio, how long did it take you?

My hubby and I are 32 now and we haven't done the drive since we were like 18. Even though Yahoo maps calculates it to take about 15 1/2 hours my hubby thinks we did it in around 12 (yes, we speed a bit but not that much...). I'm thinking it'll be more like 14. We'll be doing the I-77 to I-95 route from the Columbus area.

So, where in Ohio did you drive from and how long did it take you? & do you typically do the speed limit or 10-15 over like us?

My Fiance and I have done the drive down from Cleveland twice now. We took the same route and it took us about 18 hours or so and that was going anywhere from 7 to 12 mph over the speed limit.

That was leaving around 6 am and arriving in Orlando between midnight and 1 am. We probably could of made it in about 16 hours or so, but we made like 4 stops for gas and food.
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Well-Known Member
I'm surprised by 12 as the quesstimate too. Near Philly here and we plan on 20 hours (12 hrs first day, sleep overnight, 8 hrs second day). We have been known to SLIGHTLY exceed the posted speed limit.
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New Member
We are almost 50 miles north of Columbus and the last time we drove straight to Disney, it took about 16 hours. We took the same route you are going and yes, we do go over the speed limit by at least 10-15. I would think it would be about 15 hours for you, unless you drive super, super fast!
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Columbus Here...

It took around 17-18 hours total. We stopped half way. But it's pretty accurate.

Try to reverse time your arrival (work backwards) so that you skip Orlando and other major cities rush hours and that will help. IE: If you predict your hitting Orlando at 6PM either move your start time up or back. Or do what we did, stop and enjoy a sitdown meal to avoid traffic. Will take the same amount of time, but you'll have less traffic frustration.

Safe Travels :wave:
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When we lived in Indy, we made it in 18 hours with stops of course. Don't speed to get there, (especially in Georgia, police everywhere) just get there safely....:)
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Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
We use I-75 to go south it takes us 9-12 hrs to get from southeastern Jackson, Ohio to Macon GA depending on stops and traffic. Find that on the map and see the fun time we have getting to a Interstate highway. From Macon the FL boarder is another 2-2.5 hrs then maybe another 4 to the Orlando area if I remember right. Never driven a long distance on I-95 but heard the East Coasters are crazy drivers.

These guys are thick in my part of the state. good luck!
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Well-Known Member
We must be lucky because we've made the drive 3 times now and I usually keep it on cruise control about 5-8 miles per hour over. I've hardly seen any cops along the way. We usually took 78 east over to 520, then 280 east over to 75 south.

I think this year we're going to try a new route going through Montgomery, so as to take more of an interstate drive to maximize speed and time.
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We live in Athens (about an hour and a half southeast of Columbus) and it usually is at least 15. I can't give you an exact figure, because we stop a lot, and take two days to do it. But you'd be flying to do it in twelve.
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Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Just did the drive from eastern PA. 95 straight down with 7 brief stops for gas and coffee and we made it in 17 hours 20 minutes. We started from 1 hr north of Philly. Left at 4:50 pm, drove all night and arrived in downtown Disney at our hotel at 10:10 am. Beat all the rush hour traffic, we did hit Jacksonville at morning rush, by driving at night. Be safe
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I live in Cincy and drive about 75 to 80 MPH and it takes about 14 hours of good driving. My idea of driving is fill up gas tank, go to the bathroom small drink and we will stop when we need gas(350 to 400 miles about) and repeat. SO I would say 12 hours and your car should get some wings like RED BULL.
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Well-Known Member
From Cincinnati, it has taken me around 12-13 hours. I try to stay within 5-7 mph of the speed limit. Atlanta is the one area that can wreak havoc on the time of the drive.
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Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
We left from Philly, and we made it in 14 hours, we left at around noon during a snow storm and made it to Pop at 4 am, where we slept in the car for a few hours before check in time. We only stopped twice for gas, however we stopped a few other times to let to dog go to the bathroom. We were going about 7-10 mph over the speed limit the entire time, and we didn't hit any traffic. Like another poster said, watch out in Georgia the cops there are nasty.
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New Member
I live in Ashland, Ky which is about 2 hours on state route 23 south of Columbus and in june we left at 6:00 am and checked into our resort around 7:30. We use the I-77, I-26, I-95 to I-4 and drove mostly with the traffic, which means 7-15 mph over the speed limit. We stopped for gas and snacks only, about 4 stops during the day.
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Original Poster
Thanks for the replies everybody. I thought my hubby was crazy when he said that he thought we done it in about 12 hours. I'm think it was more like 14. We're not going til Sept 2012 and I'm still 50/50 on driving or flying although he and the kids really want to drive. I'd love to have a car but I'm soooo dreading the drive. We'll just have to wait and see what the air specials are next year.
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New Member
You can run up to 10 mph over the speed limit in georgia. Between 7 am and 10 am depending on weather is rush our. 2:30 to 3 pm when it starts again and ends around 6 pm depending on the weather again. If you are planning on leaving on friday it will be rough getting through Atlanta. You have to be careful from Macon to the Florida line the GSP are really bad. When you get to Perry, Ga just drive the speed limit they are hiding in that city. If you need to know more about georgia just message me and i will let you know. Be careful and have FUN!!!!!!
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We make the drive from Defiance (3 hours north of Columbus) and it takes us about 12-13 hours straight down I-75. DH is a bit of a speeder and we always drive through the night (less construction). We make several quick stops for fast food and gas but my DH doesn't tolerate stopping for long. This year we will be traveling with our 2 year old and my parents for the first time so it may slow us down a little.
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