Do you think it would be possible to still score a dinner reservation for a party of 6 at Ohana during our stay 9/13 - 9/19? I should've reserved it at the 180 day mark, but no one seemed interested now there is interest. So far I haven't had any luck. Any tips?
It is going to be very tough, I will be honest, and you will to adjust as soon as one pops, if it does, It is very hard to get even at the 180 day mark
Last year we scored a reservation for 9:00 PM on Saturday. We found it available on the Thursday morning, 3 days before the night we ate there. This was a last minute trip after all the damage to Key West from the hurricane. We booked a split resort stay between the WL and Poly for a week arriving on 10/14. We didn't get that many dining reservations we wanted right away upon booking the resort, but being flexible with times and checking many times each day we ended up getting many (not all) the places we love and always reserve at the 180 day mark on all our normal WDW trips. Many were made the day or night before but I was very pleasantly surprised at the success we had.
I would agree if you at FLEXIBLE and want to eat at 9pm, then you will be able to find some, but I am not one who eats that late usually, I was talking more about the standard eating times 5-730 or so