Oh boy, more questions!


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Original Poster
This may all be for want because I haven't been accepted or even applied yet, but it's never too early to prepare oneself. Here's the questions that are going through my mind right now. Most of them are related to the Disney Look since I keep an Un-Disney Look at home. :p

Is there any information on shoes? I have heard conflicting reports about whether or not you WILL need to buy black shoes if your current shoes aren't (I wear medium-dark brown, myself.) My biggest concern is that people often say "just go buy shoes at Wal-Mart when you get down there" when this topic comes up. I have very wide and flat feet that will not fit properly in shoes at Wal-Mart. I buy special expensive brands that properly support the size of my feet instead of your average Nike.

I realize the stylists at the hotel salons are expensive, but if I went in and asked for a cast-appropriate hair style, would they know what to do? Are they familiar with the Disney Look? I've pretty much worn the same hair style through my life that would very quickly become unacceptable (Mom liked long hair on me, go figure) and I have no idea what to suggest to the local stylist here so perhaps an on-property salon might have some better ideas that would look presentable on me.

I know that Cast Members often get their hair cut at the Main Street barber shop but I'd rather not buy park admission (see The Plan below.)

(answered my own previous question in this space)

The Plan:
My plan if I were accepted would be to fly down the day before and have a room booked at Pop Century that night. With the airporter/bag handling services of DME, the price difference between Pop and off-property is irrelevant. I would not buy park admission.

That day, I could get my head straight and time zones adjusted internally, also go to one of the hotel salons and get my hair cut in an acceptable style. If I'm up for it, maybe that night I'll see what I can see of IllumiNations from the Epcot hotels then go back to Pop and go to bed. I'd have to arrange a yellow cab to take me and my bags from Pop to Vista the next morning.

Does this sound good/bad to everyone else?


New Member
Shoes depend on your location. I had to wear black. One of my roommates had to wear white. It all just depends.

As for your hair, just don't have crazy hair. Disney look is logical. If you are accepted, they will send you a copy of the "Disney Look" book. This shows and explains what is acceptable and what is not. Also they will give you an email for a Disney Look expert, if you will. Then, if you're still concerned, you could take a picture of yourself and email it to them. They will tell you what to change. Also on your arrival days there will be a Disney Look expert there, and they are watching to make sure everyone looks Disney. If not they will tell you to change it then. Your best bet is to just not have extreme highlighting or a really weird hair cut. Other than that, you're good to go.

So don't freak out; it's not a huge deal.


Well-Known Member
As for shoes, there is also a shoe mobile (if you will). I believe it goes to Vista during the first couple of days of the CP. And I know there is one that goes to the MK. They may have a better selection then Walmart. The reason they tell you to wait is that you will have no idea what style/color shoe you need until you get there and get your location.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
I went to the Premium Outlet to the Sketchers store and got a pair there. My black ones (for my old work location) lasted about four years. My brown ones have lasted me two years. I had a few friends that tried to save money by buying their shoes at Wal-mart. After a few weeks their shoes started to fall apart. Look for better quality rather than price. Comfort is key because you might be walking 5+ miles a day depending on your work location.


New Member
Hair: Have it close-cropped. You can go onto the WDWCP site and they'll have pictures of Disney-appropriate hairstyles for men. Print that page off, go to a local salon, and look in a style book at men's styles that may be acceptable. Alternatively, when you show the acceptable looks to the stylist, ask him/her what they think would look good on you that's acceptable for Disney.

Shoes: You won't know your work location until you start training. Some locations require black shoes, some require white shoes. In Disney's Animal Kingdom, some roles require hiking boots. Don't buy shoes yet- wait until you know what your costume requires. Then you can go to Orlando Premium Outlets to find shoes. They have a TON of shoe stores, and you may find a pair of shoes that'll fit you.

Plan: hotel salons? You may be hard-pressed to find one, except for the places with a spa. And that'll be pricey. The Epcot hotels are okay...but as I recall, you can't see Illuminations decently from any of them. The best spot would be on the Boardwalk.

But honestly- don't put the cart before the horse, hun. Apply, THEN worry! *laughs* And remember, you only have until May 15 to interview.


New Member
packwingfn said:
I figured this would be a good hair topic.

Do they accept buzz cuts for men?
yes, shaved heads as well as military-style haircuts.:lol: in addition do not shave off your eyebrows...thats what it says on the official site!

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