Official Photography Contest 9.9.05 - 9.15.05: Macro Photography


New Member
This is a shot taken with the macro setting on my camera - you know those tiny lizards you see scurrying around the parks? This little chap was more interested in sunbathing outside Tarzan Rocks than scurrying. So I was able to almost touch him with the lens :D



Well-Known Member
There's a little story behind this one.....

One afternoon I was waiting in front of the Animal Kingdom kennel for my sister to get out of work (she works in Dinoland). I noticed this ladybug crawling all over the bench, so I started taking pictures of the little guy (or girl?). Just thin one of my friends walks by and says, "Are you taking pictures of the bench?" :lol:

Ta da!



Well-Known Member

Wish I saw this contest sooner!!! I gotta remember to look hard for a pic I took about a year ago in epcot..if i can find it..i'll enter (for a change).


New Member
Happy to see non-park contests coming up every now and then...

But, oy... I love taking macro pics of Disney toys and such -- got plenty of them.

So, I chose this one -- taken with Kodak Tri-X ISO400 B&W film of the alien from The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. Scanned directly from the negative.

I actually made a print of this and it's now on my cubicle wall, along with several other macro Disney pics.

I've posted several others in my gallery at deviantART.


  • The_Encounter_by_FrumiousBoojum copy.jpg
    The_Encounter_by_FrumiousBoojum copy.jpg
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