Official "Cars" Review Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, the credits. VERY funny. Make sure to stick around all the way to the very end of the credits. There is a little something at the end as well. :)


Well-Known Member
The aspect of the film that struck me the most was the quality of the animation. Pixar just keeps getting better with each release. The backgrounds, the movements, the eyes of the characters ... all just amazing. It's so close to looking like it was filmed rather than created. Unbelievable.

I loved the guest voices, particularly the agent and the race announcer.

Did anyone else see a Hidden Mickey in one of the last scenes where something is spinning above the 8 in the Flo's sign? The top of the 8 looked like the outline of the head and the two spinning balls looked like the ears.

Ratatouille looks interesting. One Man Band was cute, but my favorite Pixar short is still Knick Knack (the snow globe one).

My sons' favorite part - the late night scene with Lightning and Mater in the field. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
GenerationX said:
Ratatouille looks interesting. One Man Band was cute, but my favorite Pixar short is still Knick Knack (the snow globe one).

My sons' favorite part - the late night scene with Lightning and Mater in the field. :lookaroun

I want out of this snow globe so I'm using dynamite! *plunge* POOF :lol: I laughed so hard at that. I had to rewind it and watch it from that point on because I missed the rest of it from laughing so hard. I smile just thinking about it. :lol:

And yes, the field...hilarious. :)


New Member
Just saw Cars this morning. By the end I thought that it was a good movie but not one of pixar's best. I think that it took a little bit of time for the story to develop and it was pretty predictible. There were some good laughs in it and i loved the animated short "One Man Band". Knick Knack was my favorite short also. There were a few things in the movie that im wondering about though. Did anyone notice how after Lighenting got his new shiney coat and new tires and stuff; how when he went back to the track he had his original body and paint and then when he went back to the town again at the end he was back to his shiney self? I dunno. I thought it was weird. One thing that i loved bout the movie was how acurate they were with making the cars seem like they were people, it was really imaginative. hmmm... imagination whats that?? :D. But you definatley have to stay through the credits. If I had to put the Pixar Movies in an orders of favorites it would be:

#1Finding Nemo, #2Toy Story, #3Monsters Inc, #4Cars, #5Toy Story 2, #6 A Bugs Life.

(i didnt see The Incredibles so i cant really rate it)

if i had to give Cars stars outta 5 i"d give it 3/5.

overall. I ♥ Matar and Guido!:D :D :sohappy:


New Member
back to the original Lightning

I think he went back to his original body to show that he was back in his original environment and they wanted you to think he was the old Lighnting who only thought of himself. At the end of the race when he stopped to help The King you knew that Radiator Springs had a lasting impact on his personaity. In fact, when he went back to Radiator Springs at the end he was kind of a hybrid in terms of paint and tires. He still had his racing number, but the paint scheme was different than during the races or when he was at RS the first time. Indicative of the lasting effect the town and the other cars had on him!!!

I'd give it a 4!


New Member
Saw "Cars" yesterday. It was great. I'd see it again because the visuals are so mind-blowing.

The funniest parts were the parodies at the end. Of course, my kids loved the tractor bit.

As visually stunning as "Nemo," but not as funny. Ellen trumps Larry the Cable Guy in my book. Though -- and I'm no Nascar fan -- racing cars are more fun to watch than fish, so I'd say they're about equal.

In the end, "Cars" is not as good as "Toy Story" or "Monsters," but better than "The Incredibles" or "A Bug's Life."


New Member
imagineer boy said:
It comes out today, and I think it looks terriffic! With Larry the Cable Guy voicing a tow truck, you can't go wrong.:lol:

Has anyone seen it yet? If so, what did you think?

I think I'll be seeing in tonite or tomorrow some time.

Took the kids to see it today, loved it! The animation is amazing, as usual, and the storyline was great. The kids loved it too! :sohappy:


New Member
beyondinfinity said:
I think he went back to his original body to show that he was back in his original environment and they wanted you to think he was the old Lighnting who only thought of himself. At the end of the race when he stopped to help The King you knew that Radiator Springs had a lasting impact on his personaity. In fact, when he went back to Radiator Springs at the end he was kind of a hybrid in terms of paint and tires. He still had his racing number, but the paint scheme was different than during the races or when he was at RS the first time. Indicative of the lasting effect the town and the other cars had on him!!!

I'd give it a 4!

i think it would have been cooler though if he had stayed in his "rs" form during the race. i think it would've shown more of a lasting impression if he looked like that during the race. or maybe changed while he was pushing the king. idk. i was just making sure that i wasnt the only one that noticed that. lol.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Saw "Cars" today and it was EXCELLENT!! It was much better than I thought it was going to be. I will echo the previous comments about the quality of the animation. Wow! The shine of the sun on the cars and the nature scenes were fantastic!! I have to admit about two minutes into it I forgot they were cars and just accepted them as characters. Pixar doesn't disappoint again!!:sohappy:


New Member
Pongo said:
I saw Cars tonight. Alone, might I add. But it was worth it.

Agreed! I was I think the ONLY alone adult in the theater, but it was so worth it! The kids seemed to lose interest though, and after about 20 minutes were unruly in the theater, as it IS a TAD long for an animated movie, but it's great! It has a lot of all ages (and the kids eventually were wrapped up by the end again), and so much to see it'll take more then 1 viewing to get all the jokes (visual and otherwise). The VW bugs and a few other gags had me laughing out loud! I'm glad I treated myself to it!

Disney and Pixar do it again. :sohappy: :D


New Member
I was really thrilled with the entire film-- as usual, Pixar's attention to detail was on point. Bugs that are little cars? That moment when they are standing in the tent and one car yells out "Free Bird!"? All of it was phenomenal and held my attention for every minute of the film-- I believe it again has successfully conquered the very challenging task of making a movie that can appeal to kids and adults alike-- Congrats Pixar, on another job incredibly well done!


New Member
I saw it just this afternoon and it was really cute and funny. I love the little bit at the drive through during the credits. And the VW Beetles and bugs.
Overall, it was a really good movie. (It's no Beauty and the Beast or Little Mermaid, but it was still a good movie) Two thumbs up!! :sohappy:
Saw Cars today. I live in a medium-sized town in TN and attended a matinee. The theater was PACKED, as in the only available seats were singles. Mostly the viewers were kids and their families, but I saw some adults too. In my humble opinion, the money this film grosses will rise substantially this week as many parents are more likely to see movies during the week in the summertime than on opening weekend.

I loved the movie. It's filled with inside jokes and pop culture references that I'm sure most of the kids won't get but the adults found hilarious. The backgrounds are so beautiful, and the cars really do seem "alive." I've had the soundtrack for a week (I love Rascal Flatts), and I think the music was well-incorporated into the movie. Great message, great ending.

Three quarters of the theater missed the credits, which I laughed the whole way through. Don't skip them, no matter how badly you need to use the restroom after 2+ hours of previews and movie!

The two Toy Story films are my favorite Pixar movies, and I don't think that Cars will replace either of them in my book, but it was the best movie I've seen yet this summer, and it will definitely be one I go back to the theater to see again and pick up on the first day it's out on DVD. One viewing is not enough to pick up on all the details.

My review: another hit for Pixar. :wave:

The Adventurer

New Member
I live in a middle-sized town in TN too. I saw it last weekend and I found it to be very enjoyable. It was a solid good movie, but not excellent by any means. To call it Pixar's weakest film would be an insult because it is stronger than most other studio film's this year. Out of four stars, I would give it a three.

Favorite Pixar Films In Order

Toy Story - Four Stars
Finding Nemo - Four Stars
The Incredibles- Three and a Half Stars
A Bug's Life - Three and a Half Stars
Toy Story 2 - Three and a Half Stars
Monsters, Inc. - Three Stars
Cars - Three Stars

I reccomend everyone to go see Cars, even though it is my least favorite of the Pixar films. It can proudly stand beside them all. :king: :king:


I saw Cars today with some friends. We all thought the movie was very good. I liked how they had parts of different Pixar movies at the Drive-In. The music added a lot to the movie.

Larry the Cable Guy was great for the role of Mater. "Git r dun" was a nice line for his character.

The theater was packed for us too. We got among the last remaining seats, and this was still 20 minutes before the movie started.


Well-Known Member
Just got back a few hours ago and I was blown away. This could very well be the best animated film I've ever seen. Right there with the Toy Story films and the Lion King, IMO. I adored these characters and the way the story went. A very emotional film as well. Got choked up about 3 times :lol:. I didn't have a Monsters Inc. type of cry your eyes out moment, but that's a good thing ;). I don't know if this will still be my favorite Pixar film after repeat viewings, but I expect that it will. This movie is consistantly funny like none of the other Pixar films. And to my surprise, not all of the laughs came from Mater.

To me, this movie is just like King Kong in that people have complained about the length, but I had so much freaking fun it never occured to me how long the movie was. And just like Kong, I wish it had actually been LONGER.

And yeah I heard the animation for this was great, but that would be a huge understantment

Pixar has done it again and I hope the already great box office numbers get even higher. The film certainly deserves it. Best film of the year.
dxwwf3 said:
To me, this movie is just like King Kong in that people have complained about the length, but I had so much freaking fun it never occured to me how long the movie was.

I couldn't agree more about the length. I may have been watching my watch during the trailers, but once the movie started, my eyes never left the screen. I saw the movie again today in a theater about half filled with parents and kids, and the only child who got restless was the one sitting behind me. In fact, the most adorable little boy across the aisle from me (who happened to be wearing a Cars t-shirt and matching sandals) actually sang "Life Is a Highway" and quoted some of the lines. Aside from some bathroom breaks, everyone in the theater, children and adults, seemed to be attentive throughout the entire movie, all 2+ hours of it.

I enjoyed the film as much the second time as I did the first, and even more than the first time, I was absolutely blown away by the detail in the backgrounds. Each character has a distinct personality and is memorable in his or her own right. I love the scenes in which Sally and McQueen imagine how Radiator Springs looked in its heyday (set to "Our Town"), and I love the way the ending is handled. Plus, I love Mater. Everybody in life should have such a loyal best friend.

Beautiful, wonderful movie. One of Pixar's best.

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