Just finished getting dangerous dole whip to poison everyone but out of no where wdisney9000 pops up, and klonks tcool on the face with a gravestone they found at the Haunted Mansion... Meanwhile........
@ndiniz heads over to Animal Kingdom, where he shoves @MinnieM123 out of the safari vehicle on Kilimanjaro Safaris, into the hippopotamus pool when . . .
Dumbo rebels against flying in a circle; he breaks free to fly over to the outdoor bar at the Grand Floridian pool, where he crash lands into the lounge chairs, knocking a Mai Tai right out of @tcool 's hand. Meanwhile . . .
wdisney9000 gets a dangerous dole whip near the Incredibles Meet & Greet. Meanwhile..... ndiniz goes into Muppetvision 3-D and makes the animatronic penguins do the conga!
and takes it on a speeding joy ride down Main Street at midnight, where he then crashes into Cinderella's Castle and wakes up @Sage of Time , (who had broken into the Cinderella Castle Suite for the night), and . . .