October Break for Mid-Western States?


Well-Known Member
Hi, our family is excitedly planning our October trip to WDW and I would like to know if anyone knows when the fall break is for many of the mid-west states this year 2016? Usually it falls somewhere in the middle of October for a week and I'd love to know the exact dates. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I can only speak for our Illinois area. We do not get a week in October. Just Columbus Day and sometimes they throw in the Friday before as a teachers institute or something. Not sure about neighboring states.
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Well-Known Member
Hi, our family is excitedly planning our October trip to WDW and I would like to know if anyone knows when the fall break is for many of the mid-west states this year 2016? Usually it falls somewhere in the middle of October for a week and I'd love to know the exact dates. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

this isn't really an answer to your question but early October is one of the slower times of year at the parks. and you still get to see Halloween decorations if thats your thing. Side note free dining often lines up in early October too.
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Disneyfreak Jen

Well-Known Member
I'm interested in this as well. I know from my past trips that the week of the 18th to 25th had a lot of midwest kids on break. I'm going this year from October 1-8 and some crowd calendars have this week being moderately busy, while others say its slow.
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Well-Known Member
Living in Georgia our local Gwinnett schools have almost always had a 3 day weekend around Columbus Day, and sometimes a 4 day weekend. We did a trip once during that time and it was more crowded than we had hoped. Being a long weekend with the Epcot Food and Wine ongoing, Epcot was crowded, and MK closing early one night for MNSSHP. If you can I would stay away from the Columbus Day weekend, but expect most weekends to have bigger crowds than mid week.
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Well-Known Member
Our kids (in Southern Indiana) get two full weeks in the Fall but it is never really set in stone as to what dates it can be. It is usually the 2nd and 3rd week of the month, but I have seen the 3rd and 4th weeks as well.
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Well-Known Member
I live in NE, and I know all of the surrounding states still do the "farm schedule" meaning we do not have year round school just the old system where we have the summer off and a couple of weeks at Christmas and a week in spring. So we have no time off during October. Our kids do have 1 day off for parent teacher conference but I don't think people really go on vacation at that time. Ok, so I did a quick search and it said a little over 3000 schools in the US go year round(so they would have a fall break) but there are over 98,000 schools total in the US. So even if all of those schools go out the same week, it would really not make that big of a difference since only a fraction of those people would go to WDW. I go every Oct and the crowds are not bad at all and there seems to be more just adults that are there for the F&WF then a bunch of school aged kids. Most of the families that are there are with smaller kids from what I have observed.
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New Member
Here is Western Michigan our kids do not get fall breaks, we do not go back to school until after labor day. Our first significant break is Thanksgiving. We may have a day off in between for Parent/Teacher Conferences, but not a "break".
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