Notorious Brazilian tour groups


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Okay so I've read a couple of comments about the "notorious Brazilian tour groups" on some posts and I've stumbled across some nightmare stories from CMs and other guests posted on the web and I was wondering what that was all about. Is this something new?? I had never encountered this before on my last trip and was wondering if anybody could fill me in on when and where all this started, or if this is some Disney version of an urban myth.


Well-Known Member
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Yeah, I didn't think so. I ran into a couple of Brazilians on my last trip and I had no problems whatsoever. Just kind of wondering if this was some sort of blanket generalizing by one group or another.


New Member
I wouldn't call it an urban myth. I don't know if it's still a problem, but when I was on my CP, it did tend to be an issue - sometimes. It's not that all Brazilian tour groups were obnoxious or anything, there were many that behaved just as other guests did. But there were a few who would show up at the park, and their attitudes towards Cast Members and other guests alike tended to be very pushy. It's kind of hard to explain, but they had a very in-your-face attitude. Not in a mean way, but they would all get so excited and it led to them being loud and pushy enough to come across as disrespectful to Cast Members and other guests.

As I said, this certainly isn't true of all Brazilian tour groups, but it did happen. When I was a Glow CM and we heard a potentially pushy Brazilian tour group coming (and believe me, you could hear them coming a mile away) we would scatter... :lookaroun



Well-Known Member
I've actually found that the cheerleaders are a bigger problem than Brazilians.

One day in FoLK theater a group of cheerleaders formed a 3-4 layer pyramid. the stage manager was not impressed, as we would have been responsible for any injuries or other issues.

More merchandise is stolen by cheerleaders than by any other group of tourists. (source: a person very high up in merchandise planning)

The Mom

Premium Member
One of our (or maybe our ONLY?) Brazilian forum members explained it to us the last time this question was raised.

Back in the 80s and 90s, it was common for Brazilian parents to send their teenaged children to WDW with these groups. NO parental supervision to speak of, just the tour guides!!!! I'm surprised they behaved at all!!! (And yes, I ran into more than a few; like everyone else, I learned to change direction when I saw the little flags on the tall sticks. :lol: )

The same can be said for cheerleaders, bands, sports teams, etc. Although they might have a few parental chaperones, there are never enough, if my experience is typical. :lol: One on one is probably the only absolutely "safe" parent:child ratio . :lol:

BTW, this type of behavior is NOT restricted to children/teenagers/college students!!! Anyone remember Tailhook? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Having been the victim of "the flag people" (no nationality/affiliation noted) I have to say I'm happy it doesn't seem to be a big problem anymore. I think my family group of 9 (4 adults & 5 kids- 3 to 13) caused more havoc. :o


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Yes, I don't think this is something only found in Brazilian groups. Obnoxious behavior. I think it's just the rule of the mob so to speak. When you get a group of excited people together, they're bound to be really obnoxious.


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Like the time I was in a group of seven adults, some of whom got wasted at Pleasure Island and terrorized poor Vicky Lawrence who was there for a book signing. "IT'S MAMA!! TAKE MY PICTURE WITH MAMA!! I LOVE YOU MAMA!!:lol: Good times. Good times.


New Member
Hey Guys, I just posted this same message at anothe thread of the forum, but I thought I'd post it here too, so everyone that's discussing this can read it.

I agree with all of you that say the tour groups are outta control, but c'mon... They are all teens, mostly 15 years old, and it's the first time away from they're parents AND in another country! It's not like the kids from my country are worst than any others. They are just being teenagers.
That have been said, I continue to tell you that even us, brazilian ICP cast members were ed off when the groups came along and most of us would just talk to them in english. If they discovered that we were brazilians, they would ask us free stuff and fastpasses and everything they could think of. They were anoying - YES. Specially on rides like ToT and others, when they didn't followed instructions and stuff. I blame that on the tour guides, though, because some of them don't understand english.
About the "cutting lines" matter: here in Brazil, this is major problem. Even adults do that, and it's a BAD CULTURAL HABIT. It passes on and on, but not everyone does it. I know I don't.
If you wanna avoid Brazilian teens, avoid July the most. There are also groups on the mid to end of January and beggining of Feb.

Thought I give my opinion. Love the forum!


Well-Known Member
Brazilian Tour Groups and Cheerleader Groups are still very much causing ruckus from time to time during this season, I can attest for this year with a few choice stories I heard.


What Can I Say and HubPage

I try to avoid July anywhere in any Central Florida theme park (not just Disney), but I made that mistake when I, Muetti, and my Seattle relatives went to Busch Gardens that month for two consecutive days! It's not just the Brazilian tour groups anymore - there are Argentinean ones as well! To see how I survived that fateful weekend, as well as what I think of them (I affectionately dub them turismos, because that's what they mention in their name and/or description of their groups anyway), read my latest hub on them!

Turismos: Tour Groups of Central Florida

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