Hey Guys, I just posted this same message at anothe thread of the forum, but I thought I'd post it here too, so everyone that's discussing this can read it.
I agree with all of you that say the tour groups are outta control, but c'mon... They are all teens, mostly 15 years old, and it's the first time away from they're parents AND in another country! It's not like the kids from my country are worst than any others. They are just being teenagers.
That have been said, I continue to tell you that even us, brazilian ICP cast members were ed off when the groups came along and most of us would just talk to them in english. If they discovered that we were brazilians, they would ask us free stuff and fastpasses and everything they could think of. They were anoying - YES. Specially on rides like ToT and others, when they didn't followed instructions and stuff. I blame that on the tour guides, though, because some of them don't understand english.
About the "cutting lines" matter: here in Brazil, this is major problem. Even adults do that, and it's a BAD CULTURAL HABIT. It passes on and on, but not everyone does it. I know I don't.
If you wanna avoid Brazilian teens, avoid July the most. There are also groups on the mid to end of January and beggining of Feb.
Thought I give my opinion. Love the forum!