I'm not saying that New Fantasyland is a failure. VOTLM and 7DMC all look like great rides and a lot of fun for all ages. The theming also seems to be spot on and well crafted. What I'm commenting on is the lack of things that could get people excited in a manner like the WWOHP. Disney World NEEDS that kind of upgrade and I'm not sure if this expansion will immediately provide this.
I understand that Fantasyland is designed to be the most appealing section of the park for kids, as it should be. However, like the rest of the park, it shouldn't deter away older guests just because it's cartoony and innocent. Barring a couple of exceptions, many of the new attractions seem specifically targeted to extremely young children, leaving many older folks on the sideline. Not that such attractions are BAD, per se, but there seems to be TOO MUCH of a focus on the little ones. I personally feel that for Walt Disney World to be that special and magical place we all cherish, balance is the key.