Not only the rides need renovating...


Active Member
You know I am there with you... I have only been to the World a total of 29 times (weeks) but every time I go, I am just so happy to be there. Something minor like paint is not preventing me from having a good time...

I bet half of the people that do all of this complaining in these forums have some paint chipped off their walls at home... and they pay a good price to live in that home and I bet they don't complain about that. :ROFLOL: I would rather see some paint scratched off rather than a ride being shut down for a long time. Only question I have is, when they do facade restoration, what takes so long to repaint. I think 5 of us could get together and repaint in the matter of days... not months! :lookaroun

Its not like we're saying f*** this place, I'm never coming back because a light bulb is out or there is a piece of chipped paint in a queue. The issues are way bigger than that. What we're discussing here is the lack of maintenance all together. When you put a big black tarp on a rock facade in btm, or when the majority of effects on sm are malfunctioning, or when rides are constantly being stopped while you are on them and nothing is done to fix it then that hurts the quality of the experience.

WDW used to be known for their maintenance. Ever see the Roseanne episode where they go to disney? Where Jackie is throwing garbage on the floor and a custodian is following right behind her picking it up? That is an example of how on top of things disney USED to be granted it was a bit exaggerated, but not that much. Rides were always kept in tip top shape, special effects were always on, everything was always kept in perfect order.

What we are talking about here is not the fact that there ARE maintenance issues, but the fact that nothing is being done to FIX those maintenance issues. I think its explained best in kevin yee's articles "declining by degrees" little by little these maintenance issues add up, and overtime they loose the standard they were once held to.

The majority of us on these boards have fallen in love with this place, its the closest thing to a picture perfect environment in this world but when we see these issues, and when we see nothing being done about them (how long has btm had the black tarp on it now?) Then its just a glaring reminder that this place isnt perfect and that its all just a facade.


Well-Known Member
WDW has invested plenty money as of late. Main Street has been completely refreshed and even got a pretty nice semi-attraction M&G. Pooh and HM got plussed whether you like it or not and Splash got a refurb too. Heck even Space Mountain got some attention, again, whether you like the result or not. Merchandise has gotten a lot better also. Epcot has gotten some great new food additions. Star Tours II has been well recieved. DHS is getting Lightning Mcqueen added to LMASS (I like it) and Phineas and Ferb...

Come to thing of it, they really haven't done a thing :/ Anyways...and maintanence issues? Um...everypark on the face of God green planet has them but none of those parks get as much traffic as WDW :D

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