Mardi Gras used to be good time go. That's when we went as a family a long time ago. But that's just not the case anymore. It was lot more crowded than we expected. I guess even though President's day week was the week after it still brought it more people.
Yes, we saw a lot of our fellow Louisianians there but I think we saw just as many or if not more international tourist. 1 day I saw no less than 6 different Brazilian tour groups sitting in the POP Century lobby and plenty more throughout the weel at the parks. I think we saw them more this trip than the last 2-3 trips we took. We also saw a lot of marching band groups who were in town for their Magic Music Days performance (including my Alma Mater, Rummel). There were also a few cheerleading groups coming and going from weekend competition.
Maybe the next few years will be better when there's there some weeks gap between Mardi Gras and President's Day, but I think we'll stick to traveling in the fall.
And Just FYI:
President's day week is not always the same week as Mardi Gras, such as this year. President's day was the week after Mardi Gras this year.
Next year President's Day is Feb 17 while Mardi Gras isn't until March 4.
They won't fall on the same week again until 2015 and then it won't be until after 2020 they meet again.