Nobody said to avoid Mardi Gras.....

I did a TON of research planning my WDW trip and I was surprised after my visit. What was supposed to the 10th least busy week of the year turned out to be SHOULDER TO SHOULDER in EVERY park. Wow - it was a nightmare. And it was the week of Mardi Gras. If Disney is this busy during February I would HATE to see it in the summertime.

For the love of all that is good - AVOID Disney during the week of Mardi Gras unless you love crowds.


Well-Known Member
Just curious - where did you get the 10th least busy week statistic?

It's also the week of President's day, and many schools have break.


New Member
Original Poster
Yeah, I read and read and read and researched and researched and researched before choosing the week I wanted to go to Disney, PRECISELY to avoid crowds. I NEVER saw anything about Mardi Gras being a bad time......and I'm not Catholic I'm a SC redneck. We don't know what Mardi Gras is except that it's several episodes of "Cops."

I'll see if I can find that site again that promoted the week of 2/10/12........


Well-Known Member
Mardi Gras used to be good time go. That's when we went as a family a long time ago. But that's just not the case anymore. It was lot more crowded than we expected. I guess even though President's day week was the week after it still brought it more people.

Yes, we saw a lot of our fellow Louisianians there but I think we saw just as many or if not more international tourist. 1 day I saw no less than 6 different Brazilian tour groups sitting in the POP Century lobby and plenty more throughout the weel at the parks. I think we saw them more this trip than the last 2-3 trips we took. We also saw a lot of marching band groups who were in town for their Magic Music Days performance (including my Alma Mater, Rummel). There were also a few cheerleading groups coming and going from weekend competition.

Maybe the next few years will be better when there's there some weeks gap between Mardi Gras and President's Day, but I think we'll stick to traveling in the fall.

And Just FYI:

President's day week is not always the same week as Mardi Gras, such as this year. President's day was the week after Mardi Gras this year.

Next year President's Day is Feb 17 while Mardi Gras isn't until March 4.

They won't fall on the same week again until 2015 and then it won't be until after 2020 they meet again.


New Member
Original Poster
I think you're right DisneyJoe! My first trip was a DISASTER. But you know, before I went I read the 2012 book by the people that do touring and they don't mention Mardi Gras I sent them an email. :)


Well-Known Member
I suggest that for your next visit you use or one of the other sites that publish crowd calendar predictions, or use a travel agent that does.

My TouringPlans subscription has expired but if I recall Mardi Gras week (when not on President's Day Week) has low to medium numbers for week. Once President's day week hits though it's all 10's the whole week. So not sure how that speaks to their accuracy.

Or maybe I'm just expecting a crowd level of 4-6 to be a lot smaller than what these sites think a 4-6 is. <shrug>


Well-Known Member
My TouringPlans subscription has expired but if I recall Mardi Gras week (when not on President's Day Week) has low to medium numbers for week. Once President's day week hits though it's all 10's the whole week. So not sure how that speaks to their accuracy.

Or maybe I'm just expecting a crowd level of 4-6 to be a lot smaller than what these sites think a 4-6 is. <shrug>
I just looked, and they were medium to medium-high (5-7) from the 8th to the 14th, and increasing to a 9 on the 17th.

Their numbers don't equate to number of people, they are predictions of wait times. I have used them many times and find them to be fairly accurate if you keep that in mind.


Active Member
No particular week is safe anymore, you're better off to just pick one, go with it and hope for the best! I've been in January, February, March, August, September, October, November and December and each time I've gone it has gotten increasingly busier. In November 2012 I went the first into the second week when it was supposed to be basically dead and the first and second MVMCPs sold out and everything was packed. And I was told that has NEVER happened that early in the past. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. It's just the nature of the beast these days! :)


Well-Known Member
We have gone the last week in August for the last few years and it was dead. Last summer we pulled our 8 yr old out of school for the week hoping it would be slow. It was twice as busy as usual. Having said that. Disney is busy and has figured out how to always be busy. My advice is go and don't worry about the lines and people. If you get there at rope drop and get the hard to get on thing first, your golden:) The bright side is the next time you go it will probably seem slow to you:D


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I was there 9 days before President's Day, starting on 2/8/12 and every park was JAM PACKED.
Was there as well that time. Arrived Feb 8 and left the 17th. We have gone several times at Thanksgiving and Christmas (was there for both this year) and have done the 4th of July as well as Presidnest week and I have to say this is the worst I have seen the crowds. We waited over 25 minutes with FPs late afternoon in AK for the safari. the FP line was out of the queue and they had ropes set up for the overflow. Crazy. I expected to see 3 plus hour waits at Christmas, but not now. We used the same plan we did then. Get in early and do what you can then leave. Didnt think we were going to have to do that this time.


New Member
Original Poster
Honestly, if I've got to fight crowds whenever I go, I just assume not go. They're other great theme parks to visit. I'll pay more if I have to. I just can't stand being shoulder to shoulder. Guess we'll try Six Flags or Dollywood.....Disney's not the only gig out there.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if I've got to fight crowds whenever I go, I just assume not go. They're other great theme parks to visit. I'll pay more if I have to. I just can't stand being shoulder to shoulder. Guess we'll try Six Flags or Dollywood.....Disney's not the only gig out there.

There's also other Disney experiences to be had and not be packed in like sardines and herded like cattle. This is just one of the things that has turned us off to WDW travel in recent years. It's aggravating for sure and I can understand where you're coming from. Gotta be sure to do some studying and homework. Personally, we're enjoying the heck out of the cruises on Disney Cruise Line. Even if they sell out the ships you aren't stuck dodging the crowds or being herded like cattle. With so much going on all the time it disperses the passengers pretty well. The only hectic time is around dinner seatings and the evening shows but it's nothing like what it takes to see Wishes! or Illuminations. There's tons and tons to do all day every day, great entertainment, it's all-inclusive (unless you add things on which is optional), you get to see new places, and it's all with the magic, the whimsy, and the quality that we love about Disney. In fact, the service level and quality pretty much spanks anything going down at WDW these days, IMO. It's like WDW the way it used to be. You may want to look into it. During the "off" times when kids are typically in school it is possible to find specials and sail on ships that are not full. Be warned, if you look at summers, holidays, and those types of times you will be SHOCKED at the prices. And those ships sell out quite frequently. With a little leg work it can be done for less money and with less people. Promise! Feel free to send me a PM anytime if you have any questions.


Well-Known Member
Um, yeah. It's no secret. And really, most people readily say that there really isn't a true "slow"season anymore. Even during the slowest periods Disney has learned what discounts to offer in the right markets to fill the place.
Exactly this ^^^^ Most of our trips have been mid to end of Oct - early Nov. It honestly changes year to year. ALOT of people head to Disney for mardis gras. So sorry you were disappointed


We need time for things to happen.
I'm not a fan of crowds at all. That always brings an eyebrow rise when I say that to people that know I love WDW.
As many have said - there is no more off season. There are less busy times for certain but the days of knowing you could hit that perfect week and have the parks to yourself are gooooooooone.

I'm surprised that you did the research and still chose that time of the year. You should have come visited us and asked a couple o' questions before planning. We are boisterous bunch and love to give our opinions...sometimes unsolicited.

You're right there are definitely other gigs in town and WDW is definitely expensive and often crowded.
However for those of us who love this god forsaken crowded- expensive place we find a way to make the best of it.
Plan as best as you possibly can to get a decent week - weather crowds etc. and ALWAYS I mean ALWAYS be there at Rope drop.

8 times out of ten that will mean you can knock a great majority of any park out before most of the WDW population has scraped the sleep out of their eyes.

You can go to six flags if you want but six flags suxx. It aint Disney World on it's best day.

Universal still ain't WDW but it ain't six flags either..but guess what you have to plan going there too.

You can't be hatin' too much because you came here to I say --- Don't give up just yet.
Before your next trip Come here poke around ask a few questions and you'll be part of our crowd and NOT THE CROWD.

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