Well-Known Member
Well, the queue is really, really well done. Why couldn't the Yoshi queue be like that as well? The physical ride show scenes, for what they are, are pretty nice as well. But when I think of Mario Kart, I definitely don't think about racing around tiny rooms, going 5 mph, while the other racers sporadically fade in and out of existence around me. Perhaps its not fair to judge the AR through the videos, but I'm guessing that it looks "okay" at best, but probably leans toward cheesy and janky.
Space the scenes out so that everything is too far apart, and place all the graphics on tiny screens around the ride track, and viola - it's a MotionGate ride
I’m willing to believe the AR works well in person, but completely agreed here on everything. Particularly the “room” thing - only a few Mario Kart levels are indoors. Even accounting for the AR, the glimpses of bright open tracks that are teased in the first moments of the ride never happen.
Like a lot it seems, I was definitely expecting more RSR/Test Track, at least in portions. They captured so much about the atmosphere but missed the free-flying, wide-open feeling that makes Mario Kart, well, Mario Kart.
Overall, though - I’m mostly just stunned that they were planning a pretty much brick for brick replica here. I just don’t see how that land works in a US park. Even pre-covid. It’s just too small, and while the little games are amusing and all, they seem more on the scale of something that would work crowd wise at a local museum exhibit, not a new theme park land.
And don’t get me started on those bracelets needed to even do those things. That worked with wands and Potter because at least, you know, a wand is a wand. Cool on its own, bonus that it does some things in the park. The bracelets on the other hand (anyone know the cost?) - I just don’t see how those fly the same here. They only work in one place (unlike MagicBands) and they are just little branded things. Maybe I’m wrong, I know Nintendo is all about collectibles and such...but unless they are super-cheap, they just seem like too much. (We’ll see, I guess I got myself started on that one LOL.)