Over a year ago, Nick set his mind to achieve a goal that most people would believe is beyond human ability - to run a 500 mile race up and down a mountain within 10 days. He gave it his blood, sweat and tears, and in the end fell just shy of 500 miles, completing a monstrous 460 miles. No one in their right mind could call that a failure. But for Nick it was not enough. He needed to conquer the mountain completely. So he trained for another year. And ten days ago his journey began again. We all watched in awe, trying to get close somehow to his greatness. And this time he achieved his goal! 500 miles in 10 days. It is something that 99.9999% of the world would not even dream possible. It is nearly unfathomable. It seems like a Disney fairytale - make believe - and yet it's true. Nick, I personally am humbled to be in your (cyber) presence and to call you my (cyber) friend. You inspire me. I wish you congratulations from the bottom of my heart. Now go have a cold one!