Nibblesandbits Amazing, Wonderful Trip Report! (You're gonna wanna read this!)

First of all, I just wanted to tell all of you that I had an absolutely AMAZING time down at WDW during the week of May 16-20. The lines were virtually non-existant and the weather was almost totally perfect. (A tad on the hot side and only one Florida downpour...not to shabby) It was a trip that I am proud to say I planned all by myself (first real trip as a "grown up") and I can honestly tell you, I will NEVER forget for the rest of my life! (More on why later.)

First of all, the cast: I will be playing myself and my boyfriend will be playing the role of (who can guess???) my boyfriend! :lol:

Day One:
Ok, enough of that nonsense. So, the first night of our trip, we stayed at the Renaissance Hotel by the airport because we knew we'd have to get up early the next morning (5:00 a.m.! and I SO don't do mornings!) to be on a plane by 7:20 a.m. So, we got to that hotel at around 9:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Our hotel was absolutely gorgeous and extremely luxurious. A perfect way to start off our vacation. Basically, that night we just crashed because I knew we had to go to bed early, because the next day we were going straight from getting off the plane to the parks. Next up, day two!


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Ok, now who's ready for:

Day Two

We got on the plane without too much hassle. The airport lines were a bit horrendous but we got through them with plenty of time. So once we got down to Orlando International Airport (which I absolutely LOVE that airport! It always makes me feel like I'm at home) we waited for our Mears shuttle to take us to our hotel. I decided to take Mears instead of the ME because of a few reasons. 1. I had heard all the horror stories that had taken place previously with ME and 2. I had already paid for Mears. So therefore, Mears it was. (And truthfully, it was not so bad)

Once we got to the hotel, I knew that I'd made a great choice. While Pop Century is a Value Hotel, it was absolutely perfect for me and my b/f. I loved the feel of it and was totally in awe of how grand things were.

We checked into the hotel, but our room wasn't ready yet. So I changed clothes than off it was to MGM. This was my b/f's first time at MGM and he absolutely loved it! (He even mentioned how clean the streets were! :p ) We first went to check on the wait times for TOT which was really short (13 ironic?) but then opted for something to eat since it was about 1:00 and we hadn't eaten much all day. So we headed over to Pizza Planet (one of my favorites for some reason) and had lunch there. While dining there, I saw a CM on the roof of what I believe was the Muppets show carrying buckets. I don't know why and I just thought it was neat that I actually noticed something like this.


We rode all the big rides at MGM including, but not limited to, Muppets, Great Movie Ride, Voyage of Little Mermaid, Star Tours, etc. Some notes about certain rides: It was my first time on R&RC and I absolutely LOVED it! It is now one of my new favorite rides. I wish you all could have seen my face at take off, but it was priceless! Next, I chickened out on TOT, but my b/f went on it, and he didn't think it was as great as he had hyped it up to be in his mind. We also saw LMA which I thought was decent, but like a lot of people on the boards, I thought that the space in between the action scenes was a little too lengthy.

Another interesting tidbit, me and my b/f were killing time before we Fantasmic, so we decided to go see Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (also for the first time). First of all, the guy who is the host is amazing! He was seriously the best host I've ever seen on anything. So, my boyfriend and I are sitting there and they do the first fastest fingers question and after they display the answers my boyfriend says, "I won" and I'm like "WHAT?!" and then they display the scores and he was in first place! I was like "How the heck did you do that?" So he went down to the stage and I got to be on camera for a second (my 15 minutes of fame) and he managed to get up to the 8,000 point question, but then missed it, so he only ended up winning the 1,000 point items, but it was still really cool and I was so proud of him. (Although I never plan to see him up in the hot seat again...lightening doesn't strike twice, especially when guessing!)

Here is a picture of all of his lovely prizes:

Then we went to see Fantasmic which we both just loved! I thought it was incredible and it answered a lot of questions I'd had from just hearing about the show.

So we went back to our hotel and found our room which was 8203 in the 90s section. Our view overlooked the computer pool, which made my b/f happy, although I can't understand it b/c it's just a giant square. It's not even fun shaped! (Well, technically, our room overlooked the laundry room, but I could still kind of see the pool) I absolutely loved our room! We had a king bed and it was totally enough room for the both of us. I had nothing to complain about size wise. I do have one complaint about Pop Century though...and that was that you really can hear through the walls. (Especially in the early morning when rude children are running past your door, screaming at the top of their lungs!)

So we went to bed that night looking forward to a day at Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom.


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Day Three

Day three started out relatively well. We got up and got in line for AK, but after seeing the line and standing (ok, I actually ended up sitting on the ground) waiting for the bus, AND realizing that that night was AK's EMHs, I made the executive decision that we were going to go to Epcot instead of AK b/c I knew that the lines would be hugemongous. Turns out going to Epcot was the right decision b/c the crowds were almost non-existant.

It was my b/f's first time visiting that park too, so I had our first stop as Test Track b/c I knew that lines would be horrible so I wanted to get Fastpasses. After Test Track, I decided that I wanted to see how lines were at Soarin. They were maybe 10 minutes, so we rode that and Oh-My-God was it amazing! I have never experienced anything like that ever.

So, after experience Soarin, it ended up being our Fastpass time for Test Track, so we rode that. We also rode Spaceship Earth, Figment (whom I got to meet! :sohappy: ) HISTA, and finally Mission:Space which I had also never been on and was kind of leery about. I was so worried that I would throw up, but I knew that I wanted to experience it just once. Turns out, I didn't really have to worry about it and only felt a little sick during take-off. But I knew if I kept my eyes on the screen, I'd be alright. After that, we decided to leave and go to the Magic Kingdom and leave the rest of the rides for Thursday, our original day we had planned for Epcot.

We took the monorail over to MK (which as you will soon be able to tell is my favorite park and ended up being my b/f's favorite park too.) Let me tell you, I absolutely LOVE the way the castle looks and pictures do not do it justice.

My boyfriend and I decided that we would hit Tomorrowland first, b/c I assumed a lot of the people would have already done Tomorrowland. This turned out well as we managed to ride TTA (which I never realized was SO relaxing), Buzz, and Stitch with little wait. Not to start a Stitch debate, but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I had no problems with the pre-show and only thought that the ending was still a little abrupt. Space said it had a longer wait than I would have liked (about 30 minutes-I know what you're thinking, but we were now used to about 10 minute waits) so we put that off for later. We then visited Toontown, which I thought would be neat if I were about 5, but thought was kind of boring as an adult. (To each his own right?) I did get to meet Mickey there though, which I thought was cool. (And even that line didn't take but maybe 10 minutes!)

However, while visiting Mickey's House I did notice that it could probably use a rehab. (Not trying to be a nitpicky person, I just noticed it) As you can see in my picture...things do not look the way they should. The note looks bad, the paint is peeling off the bluprints and where there is paint, it is awful dingy looking:


We also went to Fantasyland and saw Philharmagic (my boyfriend and my favorite 3-D show) and we rode Snow White and IASW b/c both of those were closed during my last visit. IASW looks amazing, but it's still anoying. (I don't know why I thought that would change! :lol: ) I also got a Fastpass for Peter Pan b/c I had actually never been on that ride! Once I did ride it, I thought it was extremely cool, I just knew I would have kicked myself if I would have stood in line waiting for that dumb ride for 45 minutes!

Then we went to HM which at the time I thought was closed b/c there was absolutely NOBODY in line. You wanna talk about something that is creepy, it's being the first and at the time, only people in line for HM! After that we went to ride Spash and BTMR and then back to Space Mtn. Then we waited for Wishes. I really, really enjoyed Wishes. I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

After that, we waited around for the crowds to die down, since I did NOT want to wait forever for a bus, so we decided to grab a muffin. (It was tasty.) Then we went back to our hotel and crashed once again into bed.

Stay tuned because next up we have: Blizzard Beach, Chef Mickey's, and Magic Kingdom


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Day Four

Today we woke up a little later and made a visit to Blizzard Beach. This was my first time visiting any of the Disney waterparks and, man, were we impressed! I knew that Disney was famous for detail, but this place absolutely floored me! (I mean I even heard Christmas music in the background!)

The first slide we went on was Slush Gusher. Let me tell ya, I didn't know what I was getting myself into! I had no idea that it was just a mini version of Summit Plummit and even though it scared the crap outta me and will probably never, ever do it again, I am glad that I have done it once.

We managed to ride every single atttraction there (well, I didn't ride Summit Plummet..I'm not crazy...but apparently my b/f is). I really liked the chair lift, although hate that it is the only easy way to get up that mountain! We also liked Runoff Rapids, however, MAN is that a CLIMB! I thought I was going to die!!! I also enjoyed the speed slides, even though I really suck at them. I could never get a good push off and I didn't once make it to the finish line.

After accomplishing all the slides, we decided to take a little rest at our beach chairs. I thought I knew everything about BB until I got there b/c I had absolutely no idea that they actually have sand! I was in heaven b/c I absolutely love being able to put my feet in the sand.

We left BB around 3:00 and decided to go back to the hotel to take a shower and change for that night. We originally planned to go to DTD that afternoon, but after we got back to the hotel, my b/f and I just crashed on the bed, so instead, we decided to take a little nap. So after getting some much needed rest, we headed to the Contemporary for our dinner at Chef Mickeys.

This was also my first time going to a character dinner. (sort of. There had been character dinners on the Disney cruise I took when I was a kid, but I hadn't actually gone to a "Character Dinner" before) I was SO excited about this b/c I had heard wonderful things about Chef Mickeys. (As recommended by the wonderful people here at WDWMagic.) We got there about 20 minutes early so I decided to look around the shops at the Contemporary and pretty much be in awe of the inside of the Contemporary. It is an absolutely beautiful hotel. (Although many of you already knew this.) After shopping, we went to go check in about 10 minutes early, however, we still ended up waiting about 20 minutes after our scheduled PS time just to get a table.

So finally, we got seated, and I loaded up on food. I liked pretty much everything except the green beans. Those just didn't have the right flavor to me. And OMG the mashed potatoes really are to die for! For desert I also ended up having some sort of chocolate mousse pie dealy do. I also got to meet Minnie and Goofy during the course of our meal.

Now, as we all know, Chef Mickey's is a place for children, so the staff does a lot of activities that involve not only children, but also the adults. So while I was eating my desert, one of the staff members came out and said, "Ok, now we're going to play a game. Everybody look under your chairs and see if there is anything underneath them." So everybody looked under their chair and when I looked under mine, there was a piece of paper stuck to the bottom of it. I opened the note and it said something about how I had to be blindfolded and was going to get a suprise. I thought..."Oh crap...what am I going to have to do now???" So I handed my boyfriend the camera and the staff member came over and blindfolded me. A few seconds later, the blindfold came off and Minnie was standing there. So I thought, "Oh, well I guess my prize is that all of the characters are going to come over, and I'm going to get my picture with them." Or something like that. But the lady saw that the blindfold came off, so she said, "Oops, not ready yet." So she then blindfolded me back up. After what felt like 30 seconds of being blindfolded they counted to 3 and then took the blindfold off me. When my vision reajusted...there was my b/f on one knee with a ring in his hand. I couldn't believe it! He was actually asking me to marry him (in a way that was pulled off so eloquently too!) I was in complete and utter shock...but of course I said yes. :D I was also suprised that I had been hanging around these boards for this long and had not once heard about someone being proposed to that way...which because of that managed to make the whole event turn out well since I didn't suspect him to do it there at ALL! (I did kind of suspect a proposal that night, but ironically I forgot all about it during dinner! :lol: ) Then Mickey came over and Minnie asked where was her ring, so Mickey got down on one knee and then kissed the back of her hand, then he kissed the back of mine.

This picture is probably the only picture you'll ever see of me on WDWMagic, but I wanted all of you to just see how totally and utterly suprised I ended up being.


So I am now, officially, an engaged woman! (Although, unfortunately, the ring ended up being a tad too big, but I put that thing on anyways.) I could not be happier and neither could he.

But, back to the story...After all the hub-bub, Dale came over with a signed picture of all the characters from Chef Mickeys. Also our waitress brought over 2 glasses of champaign and a cupcake for us to share. (Which I was too excited to eat! That's a first b/c I've never turned down sweets!)

After dinner, me and my fiance (hee hee!) went back to the Magic Kingdom for EMHs. Ironically, I think it ended up being more crowded during EMHs at MK than it did during the actual afternoon! We did manage to hit 4 rides during the two hours we had. We rode Space Mtn., Winnie the Pooh, Haunted Mansion, and Splash Mountain. However, Splash ended up being a huge disappointment that night. When we started to travel through the actual story, I noticed that none of the anamatronics were working! I probably annoyed the crap outta the people who rode with us b/c I kept exclaiming..."What the hell? The ride's BROKEN!" Once we got off, I told the CM that the ride was broken, but he said they'd already just been told. He then asked me how much of the ride was down and I told him all of it. He then just said Grrreeeaaattt (Great for those of you who can't read sarcasm) and then we left the ride. Once we got off that, it was time to leave the parks. So, we decided to go back to our hotel.

Up next: Day Five


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Day Five

Well, Day Five ended up being much less eventful as Day Four turned out to be. Once we got up, we decided to finally hit Animal Kingdom first and then head over to Epcot for the rest of the day.

We arrived at AK at around 11:00 and man was it hot! This was my first time visiting this park and man, they aren't kidding when they tell you this place has NO SHADE! I thought that the park was beautiful though. I loved all the greenery and I could really feel the theming of this place. The first place we went was to see FOLK b/c I had heard a lot about it from the people on the boards. As you guys had said, this show was spectacular...however, there was one downside:

My fiance (boy that never gets old) was starting to feel sick. (Which by the way, feeling sick and being in the sun is always a winning combination!) Unfortunately he never actually told me how sick he was b/c if he'd have done that I would have taken him straight back to the hotel. He ended up having a fever and chills throughout the day which I'm going to assume was signs of strep throat. (I'm assuming that b/c that is what I ended up getting earlier this week)

Anyway, since he didn't tell me just how sick he was, we continued on and saw A Bug's Life and also Kilamanjaro Safaris. After that, we were tired of AK and decided to leave.

Therefore, we decided to make the trek over to...MK, again. (Yes, we originally planned to do Epcot again, however, after doing the majority of what we wanted to do there on Tuesday and knowing that today the crowds would probably be horrible since it was EMH night, we opted to go back to our favorite park.

We once again rode all the biggies. We also managed to catch HOP this time, which my b/f liked and I saw COP for the first time ever in my life. I have to tell you, that I ended up loving this show. (Maybe not as much as some of the people on the boards...IE...General Grizz :D ...but I did love the premise of the attraction, nonetheless. Although there was one tiny glitch. We ended up seeing one of the scenes twice b/c the rooms didn't end up revolving. The best part was that my b/f got Big Bright Beautiful Tommorrow stuck in his head and he's been singing it a lot since we've gotten home! :lol:

So, we left the park a little bit before Wishes that night b/c we were headed down to DTD that night. Once we finally got to DTD (after riding on both a boat and a bus to get there, don't ask) my b/f started to feel really bad. However, I still had souvineers to buy. So I went shopping for a little bit. Then we hit Planet Hollywood for dinner. Delicious by the way. I had some chicken mushroom alfredo thingy (without mushrooms of course) and my b/f had a hamburger (his usual everywhere!!!) After that, we hopped a bus back to Pop.

When we got back to Pop, we noticed two towel bunnies sitting in the windowsill. A boy bunny and a girl bunny! It was the cutest thing! Which brings me to our maid service. We had the same maid everyday throughout our stay. Her name was Ada and she was SO nice! She did a wonderful job with our room and along with giving us towel bunnies, she also gave us a towel toothbrush holder and put a smiley face on a washcloth. Then on Friday when we were packing up to leave, she knocked on our door to clean our room, but we had requested a late checkout that she didn't know about...she handed me two more towel in the shape of Mickey and one in the shape of Minnie. And I can tell you that none of the towel animals that were created for me are in my house at this moment... :lookaroun

Stay tuned for our last and final day :(


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Day Six

Well, it's always sad to say goodbye, but unfortunately, it was now time to do so. My boyfriend and I originally wanted to go to MGM again to ride R&RC over and over before we had to leave for the airport, but unfortunately, my b/f was still feeling as you read earlier, we requested a late checkout.

After checking out from the room, we went to grab a bite to eat from the Pop food court (we'd been there for 5 days and this was the first day we'd actually eaten there!) Neither one of us were all that hungry, but we knew we should eat something before getting to the airport. We also took a visit to the gift shop to get our lanyards and pins that came with the UPH pass.

So after all of that, we went out to the front of the hotel to wait for Mears to pick us up. They were only about 15 minutes late and when they showed up, instead of a van, we rode a Disney Cruise Line bus. So basically, I wasted money on Mears, but oh well, whatcha gonna do?

As we were driving away, I looked back and said good bye to Pop Century and Disney World, knowing that I couldn't wait until I could get the chance to return.

I hope you all enjoyed my report and it wasn't too boring for ya! I tried my best, considering it was my first trip report ever. So that concludes this trip report.

Why are you still reading???

Stop it!!!

It's Over!!! :D


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Boo's Mom said:
Aww Congrats :wave: I want to get engaged in Disney! First I need to find a boyfriend :lol: glad you had fun!

Same here, except I need to find a girlfriend. I just got back today, and seeing all the people with bride and groom ears got me thinking. After eating dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table, I know where I want to do it when the time comes! I'm still young, but I need to start dating!!!!

Congratulations Nibblesandbits!!


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Thanks Gucci, Boo, and Str8Fan! You know, I had always dreamed my b/f proposing in front of the castle, never anything else. But now, I can tell you, I am SO glad that he came up with Chef Mickey's b/c it was absolutely the most perfect thing he could do.


New Member
Congrats!!!!:sohappy: That's the cutest picture I've seen in a long time... you must of been so suprised!

I want my boyfriend to propose to me at Disney. Even though we've only been going out about a DAY offically lol, on and off for three years.

Congratulations again and thanks for your trip report! It was really well done... the lines sounded even shorter than when we went in Feb. I really thought the parks would be busier for the big 50th...


Well-Known Member

Wow!! Your proposal story TOTALLY brought a tear to my eye. That was sooooo sweet and sooooo romantic. I wish you and your future husband the best of luck and a lifetime of wedded bliss.


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Thanks for all your well wishes Christina, Cherrynegra, and Barnum! Now, I have to start planning a wedding! Which I am planning on being in Jamaica! Eek! :lookaroun :D


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STR8FAN2005 said:
Same here, except I need to find a girlfriend. I just got back today, and seeing all the people with bride and groom ears got me thinking. After eating dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table, I know where I want to do it when the time comes! I'm still young, but I need to start dating!!!!

Congratulations Nibblesandbits!!

I'm on almost the exact same page, just about 3 years younger. My goal is to have a gf for Senior Prom, but I'm hopelessly unromantic, so I'll start now...

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS Nibblesandbits! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

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