NHS's Class of 2005 Grad Nite Trip


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I was so excited to recieve our first bit of Grad Nite information in English class, and I thought I'd share some of it with ya'll.

The trip this year is limited to 212 students. It is based on a first-pay, first-to-go basis. Once this number is reached, seniors will be placed on a waiting list.

The cost for Grad Nite this year will be $456.00 per person. This includes bus transportation, gratuities, hotel for two nights (4 to room), Blizzard Beach ticket, Disney Studios' Ticket, Magic Kingdom Blast Off Ticket, Grad Nite Ticket, Epcot Ticket, Hoop Dee Doo Revue Admission, Security Guards, and all meals.

Northshore will leave for Grad Nite on Wednesday night, April 27, 2005, and will return on Sunday, May 1, 2005. The following is a proposed itinerary for the trip (it is subject to change). At the student/parent meeting in the spring, you will be given more, complete details.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005-Be at school by 7:30 p.m. for luggage check and drug dog inspection. Load busses and leave.

Thursday, April 28, 2005-Arrive in Orlando. Spend entire day at Blizzard Beach. Check into motel and get ready for an evening at Hoop Dee Doo Revue.

Friday, April 29, 2005-Visit Disney Studios for the day, return to motel and get ready for our big night. Attend Magic Kingdom Blast Off Party, and Grad Nite. There is a dress code that must be followed for this evening.

Saturday, April 30, 2005-Check out of hotel, spend entire day at Epcot. Load busses when Epcot closes and travel home.

Sunday, May 1, 2005-Arrive in Slidell between 7:00-9:00 a.m.

Needless to say, I'm very excited and will be turning in the full $456.00 tomorrow. I've never been to Blizzard Beach or the Hoop Dee Doo Revue and look forward to experiencing them. My best friends, Justin and John are also going(I'm the only Disney freak!) I'm sure I'll get more news as Grad Nite grows nearer! :sohappy:


New Member
Hey i went to Grad Night in 2003 and i had the best time. Who is performing? We saw Mario, Daniel Beddingfeild, and some popular rock group (not too much into rock). Your feet will hurt tho if you guys hafta wear dress shoes. Most of the girls bought the mickey slippers (big yellow shoes) and wore those around all night. I had so much fun and i hope you do too!


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TURKEY said:
You staying on site or off?

Offsite :mad: Unfortunately, a couple of years when we were allowed to stay on property some idiots decided that playing frisbee inside the hallways of the resort was a good idea......WRONG!!!!! The frisbee hit a sprinkler and set it off. Then the rest of the sprinklers went off on that floor and ruined everything. So, ever since that incident Disney has banned Northshore High School from staying on property :fork:

I turned in my $456.00!!! I'm going!!!! :sohappy:


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STR8FAN2005 said:
Wednesday, April 27, 2005-Be at school by 7:30 p.m. for luggage check and drug dog inspection. Load busses and leave.

A drug dog inspection - wow, I've never heard of this type of thing happening before.

I'm sure you'll have a great time!


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djmatthews said:
A drug dog inspection - wow, I've never heard of this type of thing happening before.

Unfortunately, in this day and age it is necessary to check our young people for drugs and alcohol. I have nothing to hide, so I don't care. They can inspect me all they want and never find anything. I enjoyed it last year when a drug dog inspected our classroom. Many kids were scared; I just smiled the entire time.


New Member
My high school doesn't go to Grad. Nite is there anyway that we could get information on it and go next year? Thanks any info. on it will be helpful!! :)


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Have fun. The last thing I would have wanted to do was visit Disney with all the schmucks in my graduating class. :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
I have nothing to hide, so I don't care. They can inspect me all they want.
Let me hear you say "I don't care" once the rubber gloves are on!


Seriously - sounds like you have fun time planned. Enjoy it and stay away from the sprinklers.


New Member
Hey I'm from Slidell too, nice to meet someone else from Slidell here on these boards! (I am brand new here). My 16 yr old daughter is a junior at PJPII, and I think I remember her saying that her school goes to grad night as well. Actually she has gone with her graduating class from her 8th grade class for 4 nights and they had a blast, I'm sure she will love going again with her senior class as well. I also think her dance team will be going to competition there in February as well. Hope so! You will have a great time and so glad I met someone else from my hometown here too.


New Member
That sounds like a lot of fun! You'll have a great time! Has the limit on students been met yet? Just wondering! Glad to hear you are getting to go!



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Disneydreaming said:
Hey I'm from Slidell too, nice to meet someone else from Slidell here on these boards! (I am brand new here). My 16 yr old daughter is a junior at PJPII, and I think I remember her saying that her school goes to grad night as well. Actually she has gone with her graduating class from her 8th grade class for 4 nights and they had a blast, I'm sure she will love going again with her senior class as well. I also think her dance team will be going to competition there in February as well. Hope so! You will have a great time and so glad I met someone else from my hometown here too.

I'm actually not the only other Slidell person on these boards, MicBat lives there as well. PJPII is just a stones throw away from Northshore. Hmmm......tell your daughter if she isn't doing anything tonight to give me a call :animwink: 645-9331 :king:


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TheDisneyGirl02 said:
That sounds like a lot of fun! You'll have a great time! Has the limit on students been met yet? Just wondering! Glad to hear you are getting to go!


The limit hasn't been met yet, but I was the second one to turn my money in.


Well-Known Member
The luggage inspection and drug thing really sucks. I understand why they do it, but I hate it. When my class went to Boston in 8th grade, we had to bring our luggage in the night before to be "inspected". I was really ticked off. I felt like I was already being suspected of bringing drugs.

Have fun on grad nite. My high school's senior trip was to the Nevele, which is like a spa resort. That's just what high school kids want, right? Since I dropped out before then, I took my "senior trip" to Disney World! But yeah, have lots of fun and stuff!!


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Arghhhhhhhhhh April 27, 2005 is TOO far away! This past week of school lasted forever. I'm surprised that not many kids have turned in their money....lazy, procrastinating high school seniors!


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barnum42 said:
Perhaps not everyone is fortunate enough to have four hundred and fifty odd Dollars to hand?

Well, you don't have to pay $456.00 upfront. I chose to do that, so I wouldn't have to worry about payments. If you want to, you can pay in 4 installments of $114.00.

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