Well-Known Member
I have an idea regarding both strollers and scooters. Was wondering what your thoughts might be? And yes, "Disney would never do this"...probably. But let's discuss the merits of the idea if possible. Let Disney figure out what Disney will/won't do:
1.) Strollers will continue to be allowed (meeting size limits) at Disney Parks. Scooters will continue to be allowed at Disney Parks.
2.) It is your sole responsibility, as the guest or guest's family, to provide these.
3.) The Walt Disney Company will not longer rent strollers or scooters
4.) The Walt Disney Company will not longer allow third-party rental companies to deliver strollers or scooters to Disney Resorts.
This way, they are still allowed...just the guest's sole responsibility to bring their own. And that means packing them, paying for them as a flight baggage, or shipping them to a location. Perhaps they would not be so plentiful.
Only one problem with wouldn't be a deterrent because gate-checking strollers is free.