You would be wrong. I have used one, I will need to use one again and I will swear on a stack of bibles that it is more work to use one of those then to walk.
There is a law, It is called Adults With Disability's Act (ADA). It states that you cannot ask or require any proof of need to use one. I suggest that people just mind their own business and do your thing and spend a whole lot more time trying to enjoy the parks and a whole lot less in attempting to making amateur medical diagnosis.
A lot of busy bodies in the world. Instead of being happy that they don't need that kind of help they just feel like making a big show about how they know that those people don't need one.
I kind of makes me sad to hear you say it that way. You, of all people know that the number of people that might tell you directly that they don't need one are few and far between. When you factor in the number of scooter users and take away those that really need them, that would be a small group. What percentage would you say, of the total of guests that go to WDW, using a scooter or not, there are when calculated against the number of people that have told you that they didn't really need one. Not offended I just want to know how significant the number is that have said that compared to the people that use them. I guarantee that I could have you load a scooter that I am using and when we get it in the bus and I get up and you see no reason why I am using it, and decide that I didn't need it, you would be very wrong.
Sorry, but, some of that stuff required a reaction: